Catchall Stadium Bitching Thread

The band’s third down music was badass.

Traditions suck ass. I bet you hate the Rambing Wreck Song too. You’d rather play Miley Cyrus.
Oh pipe down newb. I've been cheering at Bobby Dodd since we had rats to run on the field.
The Rambling Wreck song is being ruined by band nerds singing “to raise the ratio”. GTFO with that öööö already.
Pretty good look, especially considering GT is nothing like it was in the 1970's and 80's. Is there much of a ratio to raise nowadays? I'd guess it is about a 40% female enrollment now
Pretty good look, especially considering GT is nothing like it was in the 1970's and 80's. Is there much of a ratio to raise nowadays? I'd guess it is about a 40% female enrollment now
I know that alternate lyric has been around for a long time, but why is the band making it a thing now? Is this some back door way of getting rid of “cheer the brave and bold” since the petitions a couple of years back didn’t seem to go anywhere?

I know that alternate lyric has been around for a long time, but why is the band making it a thing now? Is this some back door way of getting rid of “cheer the brave and bold” since the petitions a couple of years back didn’t seem to go anywhere?


The cuck factor maybe? Or low T?
The cuck factor maybe? Or low T?
Was at the game and just rewatched. This is the student body mindset we’re dealing with ….

That the new PA guy couldn't or wouldn't pronounce the opposing quarterback's name is indicative of a lack of preparation and professionalism.
There are pronunciation guides in the media guides and game notes provided to every single person in the press box. There is also a Georgia State SID not more than 15 feet away at any time to ask how to pronounce a name. You can show up a couple of hours early, which is what you're supposed to do anyway, and not just eat the free Chick-fil-A up there, go through a dry run to get the names down right and go. That's what a professional would do. Why is Wes Durham so good at what he does, for instance? Because no one is more prepared than Wes. Wes didn't have any problem saying the kid's name.
And yet, all we got was "number 11."
It was middle school-esque. And this is from an alleged top-notch professional.
Plus, the constant bombardment of "it's third down! it's third down! it's third down!" was annoying. It was close, but not nearly as cringeworthy as money down.
That the new PA guy couldn't or wouldn't pronounce the opposing quarterback's name is indicative of a lack of preparation and professionalism.
There are pronunciation guides in the media guides and game notes provided to every single person in the press box. There is also a Georgia State SID not more than 15 feet away at any time to ask how to pronounce a name. You can show up a couple of hours early, which is what you're supposed to do anyway, and not just eat the free Chick-fil-A up there, go through a dry run to get the names down right and go. That's what a professional would do. Why is Wes Durham so good at what he does, for instance? Because no one is more prepared than Wes. Wes didn't have any problem saying the kid's name.
And yet, all we got was "number 11."
It was middle school-esque. And this is from an alleged top-notch professional.
Plus, the constant bombardment of "it's third down! it's third down! it's third down!" was annoying. It was close, but not nearly as cringeworthy as money down.
Nothing wrong with just using numbers for the opponent for the stadium pa guy, he's not doing a radio broadcast
Was at the game and just rewatched. This is the student body mindset we’re dealing with ….


That particular student was about 5 feet away from me when the band did their post-halftime tour of the upper level portals.
Nothing wrong with just using numbers for the opponent for the stadium pa guy, he's not doing a radio broadcast

This. Why should we promote the opposing team’s players. I’m sure it was by design.
You guys know that the AA sends a game day experience survey via email to season ticket holders after each game right?

That would be the place to bitch about everything except the flag boys.

I actually thought it was the best game day experience in years. Not perfect, and I miss the band coming down the hill, but J Batt is seriously trying.
You guys know that the AA sends a game day experience survey via email to season ticket holders after each game right?

That would be the place to bitch about everything except the flag boys.

I actually thought it was the best game day experience in years. Not perfect, and I miss the band coming down the hill, but J Batt is seriously trying.
You obviously don't remember us coming out with ööööing flames and fire and smoke and all that hoopla before we made improvements against Clemson 7-73
I know that alternate lyric has been around for a long time, but why is the band making it a thing now? Is this some back door way of getting rid of “cheer the brave and bold” since the petitions a couple of years back didn’t seem to go anywhere?


Yes. It's absolutely, in part, a woke thing because someone somewhere said that the original lyric is sexist.
You obviously don't remember us coming out with ööööing flames and fire and smoke and all that hoopla before we made improvements against Clemson 7-73
The clown’s flames and smoke were generic bullshit. If you really like that stuff, we should lean more into the wreck and give it some giant tailpipes that shoot flames and play engine reviving noises on the PA before it enters.
I liked the third down prompt. I think it got people up. I thought Cameron needs work.

Hype guy is bad. Every time the yellow jackets chant got going, he would stop it prematurely with "sting em." It has been awkward for 3 or 4 years now doing the same thing.

PA music frequency and volume needs an overhaul.
Yes. It's absolutely, in part, a woke thing because someone somewhere said that the original lyric is sexist.

Changing the words to allege that Tech doesn't let in enough women is a not a better solution.