Chan rumor

Originally posted by GTechsta:
MsTA, I am just disappointed to hear you say you will only support Coach Gailey "when he starts winning consistantly." I would think a Tech fan would support the program win or lose. I would think Coach Gailey would want your support NOW! As for me, I am not a fair weather fan. To throw out statistics, I have missed 2 home games in 23 years. But I support the team, the coach, the players win or lose.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You asked the me about fair weather, I answered - it was not a statistic thing, it was my answer and by that answer - you should know that I was there in the non-winning seasons, so that should tell you of my support for this football team.

We are all different in our views - that's mine on this coach! But you don't want to hear me say this ... the end.
Originally posted by ylojk8:
hey MsTA .. did you support bobby ross? did you support bill curry?

you have been a long time fan but still you might want to read this link. it'll take maybe 15 minutes.

Link: coaching transition and ga tech
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I did not support Bill Curry and have said that here before. This program never got to any level with Bill. As far as Ross - he got my support when he turned the program around and we won, first coach since I had been following GT to take us to that special level! O'Leary the same - probably more so because of what he inherited and having to do it under those circumstances, you know my current feelings.
We know your current feelings, MTA. But the burning question is do you stand by your statement that O'Leary never got outcoached? Funny how that challenge seemed to go unnoticed.
Originally posted by Dr. B:
We know your current feelings, MTA. But the burning question is do you stand by your statement that O'Leary never got outcoached? Funny how that challenge seemed to go unnoticed.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Outcoached no, because I never felt he didn't have the coaches to put us in a position to win till the final gun and the game was over. O'Leary and his staff NEVER MADE ME FEEL AFTER HE GOT THE PROGRAM UP THAT WE COULDN'T WIN WITH HIM! Even when he was trying to rebuild the mess Lewis left I never felt he was outcoached. Even when we lost I didn't ever feel like he was outcoached just that the other guys had better players for that game - he did his job.

I didn't have that feeling with this coach and the staff he put together because I never felt last year that those other teams had better players - maybe one-Ugag and even then how shameful. My attitude and feelings after what I saw last year from start to finish with the end of the season worse then the beginning - could not have been more of a barometer as to being outcoached . We actually went backwards in the end!

Fresno was the killer here - how in the world do you get outcoached by a guy whose team lost 7 starters and you're in your 12th game and you look worse for trying! That's outcoached, never, ever did I see or feel this with O'Leary! Never, ever did I feel O'Leary would field a team who wouldn't fight to the death no matter who was on the other side.

He was never outcoached for having his team prepared and ready to fight the football wars. There was not one game under O'Leary that I can think of that I ever felt he was outcoached for making sure all our bases were covered and we could compete. It's not always wins and losses it's lots of other things that make this coach being outcoached!

I doubt that this answer will satisfy you as a Chan fan - but for what I believe coaching entails and how you approach it, makes lots of sense to me.
Oh, I have no doubt it makes a lot of sense to you.

Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Oh, I have no doubt it makes a lot of sense to you.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just like your posts make sense only to you!

An honest question?? You seem to be saying that you support the program but not the coach. Is that what you're telling us? If so, I have a hard time wrapping my feeble mind around that concept. Do you want the "program" to do well and him to fail? I'm not sure I understand what the word "support" means. Do you think it means that you will always agree with him and never criticize him? Does it mean you hope his program does well?

The way I understand "support" is that I will pull for him to have a long and successful career here. I will defend him when I think he's right and criticize him when I think he's wrong. (In Chan's case, I don't need to criticize him, there is enough of that without me piling on).
I will do the things that I can do to help his program be successful. I really don't think that attacking him on a public forum will help the team be successful or is fair to the team - but hey - that's just me. I will not publicly ask for his job. That's the way I was with GOL and that's the way I am with Chan.

If you have a different understanding of "support" I'm interested to hear it.

And speaking of GOL (I hate to get into this), but...
IMHO O'Leary did a very good job overall. We all have much to thank him for and I personally wish him the very best (I was all set to pull for ND for the first time in my life). He took some teams with inferior talent and won some games he shouldn't have. But he also took some teams with superior talent and lost some games he shouldn't have. If you really believe he was never outcoached, you have a very eclectic memory (or maybe you're his mom).
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Oh, I have no doubt it makes a lot of sense to you.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just like your posts make sense only to you!</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTech, that bit of repartee won't work. Ahso's posts always make sense, even to those of us, like you and me, who don't always agree with his premisses.

You keep referring to your "feelings," which is fine, we all have them. But you've let those feelings boil into an unwarranted hostility toward our current coach, in favor of a guy who is gone. Maybe he was a better coach, on the other hand, maybe CG will make us forget everybody else all the way back to Dodd-at this point none of us knows.

What we do know is that right this minute Chan Gailey is the head football coach at Georgia Tech, beginning his second year. It doesn't seem to me that a college football fan needs to know any more than that to be a supporter of that coach, whoever he is.

I'm not advocating blind devotion to Chan, or any other individual: we can all be criticized. But you're not critiquing our current coach, you're lambasting him for not being the previous guy.

You have more to offer us than this.
Originally posted by bellyseries:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Oh, I have no doubt it makes a lot of sense to you.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Just like your posts make sense only to you!</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">MsTech, that bit of repartee won't work. Ahso's posts always make sense, even to those of us, like you and me, who don't always agree with his premisses.

You keep referring to your "feelings," which is fine, we all have them. But you've let those feelings boil into an unwarranted hostility toward our current coach, in favor of a guy who is gone. Maybe he was a better coach, on the other hand, maybe CG will make us forget everybody else all the way back to Dodd-at this point none of us knows.

What we do know is that right this minute Chan Gailey is the head football coach at Georgia Tech, beginning his second year. It doesn't seem to me that a college football fan needs to know any more than that to be a supporter of that coach, whoever he is.

I'm not advocating blind devotion to Chan, or any other individual: we can all be criticized. But you're not critiquing our current coach, you're lambasting him for not being the previous guy.

You have more to offer us than this.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I'm glad he's not the previous guy !!!! He did some good things at GT and he did alot of bad things at GT.THE GUY GOT OUT COACH PLENTY OF TIMES ,AND HE DID BLAME OTHERS (players that is) even ND fans new they choose GO THAT THEY WHERE NOT GETTING A GOOD COACH PERIOD!!!!!!!

With all due repsect, your response to my question is crap.

I gave you 14 games in the O'Leary regime, where his coaching ability could be called into question. You give me "feelings, whoa whao feelings". You didn't like the question, so you changed the definition.

Interesting that you want to point to the UGA and Fresno games as the "proof" that Chan got outcoached. Fair enough. He stunk it up in those games. However, can you also completely ignore the job he did in the NCSU and UVA games? Those teams were better than us. Yet, we found a way to beat them. Using your logic, when we lose, its the fault of the coach, and when we win its all on the players. That doesn't add up. Furthermore, you say "coaching" is more than W and L. Fair enough. How come the great coach O'Leary never let Tony Hollings play RB, but the chump Chan did?

BTW, why don't you make it a point to go hear and meet Chan?
Originally posted by Dr. B:

With all due repsect, your response to my question is crap.

I gave you 14 games in the O'Leary regime, where his coaching ability could be called into question. You give me "feelings, whoa whao feelings". You didn't like the question, so you changed the definition.

Interesting that you want to point to the UGA and Fresno games as the "proof" that Chan got outcoached. Fair enough. He stunk it up in those games. However, can you also completely ignore the job he did in the NCSU and UVA games? Those teams were better than us. Yet, we found a way to beat them. Using your logic, when we lose, its the fault of the coach, and when we win its all on the players. That doesn't add up. Furthermore, you say "coaching" is more than W and L. Fair enough. How come the great coach O'Leary never let Tony Hollings play RB, but the chump Chan did?

BTW, why don't you make it a point to go hear and meet Chan?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">she has heard him speak. she talks about a meeting where chan praised o'leary and made fun of graduation rates and also mentioned that chan said o'leary got a bum rap.

i agree with part of the bum rap being that transfers should somehow be incorporated into the graduation rates equation.

anyways .. she's heard him speak. so that's not going to change anything Dr. B
MsTA, Gailey has the program exactly where O'Leary left it, and only in one year.

O'Leary left it 7-5 and Gailey has it at 7-6 in only his first year. If Gailey has an 8-4 or 8-5 year, his prgram will be above the mark that O'Leary left the program.

So, again your statements are contradictory.

Originally posted by Dr. B:

And since when is a coach "Judged" on not letting (1) player play another position??????? I think that you would agree it's the overall program and how you did. I don't think we hire coaches to say what you didn't do but what CAN YOU accomplish. I'm sure every coach has that situation - and think Chan has probably done it himself. I choose to look at Tech's program from day one of the O'Leary era and ask the question, "were we better then, they we are now - YES, MATTER-OF-FACT, EMPHATICALLY YES!
Now, you're stretching the issue.

How much better was NC State - after they lose to us the proceeded to lose 3 more in a row! The meat of their schedule started with us! They had played no one until that point. You could even come on this board and others and everyone was saying that. Our best friends are NC State grads and all through the year the opined their schedule and were telling us (our family) they were overrated! Isn't that interesting.

But if you want to look at that game and use it as barometer for being successful, then why weren't all the other games won? If you can beat what "you" believe were better teams, then why can't you beat teams that are equal to you or below you?

UVA was not better then us - pretty equal, difference was they had a winning streak coming into GT and that's where all the hype came from and we didn't. I believe we were favored for that game. We stacked up pretty evenly. I didn't think UVA was a better team.

When Seniors have to have "team meetings" to win games, we've got a problem with the head coach and his ability to put it all together. Don't you remember what was written in the paper after we beat NC State and VA??????? Jeremy Myers and Cory Collins put together these meetings. No motivation, no discipline, no running the darn program.

The kids had to run the program! It was a call for HELP AND THE GUY that leads them didn't even initiate it! Never once when we won those (2) games did I think Chan was in control of his program - NEVER!

Anytime in any program when kids are getting together privately - you've got coaching issues! Someone is needed to lead - where are you?
I didn't gravitate to GT because who the coaches were. I gravitated to this institution because of it's storied academic history and then the sports programs.

I am not a supporter of coaches - not until they do well and what they are hired for. It's not something I only feel at GT, I did it with my own school - so let's not get out of whack here. For me, it's the way I think. I love my school and always will but I will always reserve my feelings on who coaches our sports teams until "I" feel they earn it.

I feel this way about coaching - all coaching, it didn't take GT for me to feel that way. You are a hired employee, you come to do a job, I'll support you when I see you're doing the job right because when you do that - your team EXCELS. I asked the question some time back, will you attend the games if GT is having a bad season, I said yes and others did too, because we love GT and Saturday football afternoon.

My supporting or not supporting this coach until he does what "I" think is right will make no difference in the long run - his bosses will decide that.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by Dr. B:
We know your current feelings, MTA. But the burning question is do you stand by your statement that O'Leary never got outcoached? Funny how that challenge seemed to go unnoticed.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Fresno was the killer here - how in the world do you get outcoached by a guy whose team lost 7 starters and you're in your 12th game and you look worse for trying! That's outcoached, never, ever did I see or feel this with O'Leary! Never, ever did I feel O'Leary would field a team who wouldn't fight to the death no matter who was on the other side.

He was never outcoached for having his team prepared and ready to fight the football wars. There was not one game under O'Leary that I can think of that I ever felt he was outcoached for making sure all our bases were covered and we could compete. It's not always wins and losses it's lots of other things that make this coach being outcoached!
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Talk about your rose colored glasses. I think it has been well documented that G.O.L. was out coached many times you just don’t want to admit It!

So was Chan! What people forget about the High School Bowl is that we started celebrating in the Third Quarter when we went ahead, and didn’t show up in the 4th quarter. IMO that is Chain & his staff’s fault. Every Coach makes mistakes, everybody meets his match eventually even the great Bobby Dodd!

As far as being a fare weather fan, withholding your support until you get the results you like is the definition of a fare-weather fan. Tech is our team in many cases our school. You support your team and school through thick and thin, that is one thing that separates us from the professionals & the UGAG, F$U’s of the world. Many of you people sound as bad as the leg-hummpers.

If that is going to be your attitude maybe you should find a professional team to support.

I see your position somewhat when viewed from a sterile, business-like approach - but - this is college sports - we have to support the coach - to not do so is a violation of the basic rules of athletic team structure - akin to acting uncivilized in a civilized world.

The athletic team structure has been created to deal with success and failure, in the meantime, as team supporters we do our part irregardless of the past.

The coach cannot be successful if there is not popular support - so, support the coach when and wherever possible, otherwise don't credit him for anything - positive or not.
support whatever you are supporting when it deserves it the least, because that's when it needs your support the most.

when and if the time comes that is has "earned" your support, it will be self supporting and would not need your support.
ylojk8 get's an award for using the word 'support' the most in a statement.
For those who really know me - non-support of this program would be the last thing that would come to their minds - quite the opposite. You can twist and turn this thing but it still comes out the same - you the coach who makes all the money (900K) has to earn your paycheck and then my support for a job well done.

Goldtoof: You are right about a business that's why I look at Chan or any coach that way - he makes 900k to take the business of coaching his team to succeed and then be rewarded. He has a job in an academic environment. Your rewards come by doing your job in an exemplary fashion and then you are evaluated and reap the fruits of your labor.

Remember my previous post - Tech (the school) made me a supporter first - that doesn't change no matter who any coach is.