Charles Kelly to FSU as Linebackers Coach

Again, enjoy that mid management job. I understand it has great benefits and if you're lucky, maybe one of the partners will award you a country club membership for tenure.

Yes, clearly good assistants always make good coordinators. Clearly FCS success always translates to BCS success.

75% of your posts are BS.
Given our disappointing seasons last 3 years, it's only expected things are not rosy among those responsible for those seasons.

This. None of the coaches should feel all rosy after the last three seasons.
Know it for a fact. Coach Kelly was told we were going outside the program for the DC job. He had this offer from FSU and told CPJ he was leaving.

Lots of rumblings of disharmony on this coaching staff as well. When I read Coach Groh's comments this past week, I wrote them off as just an unhappy camper. But I was told today by someone who absolutely would know these exact words "CPJ has lost this coaching staff".

Going to be interesting to see how things work out this next year with CPJ.

Kind of odd I have heard from an inside source that CPJ is very tough to work for but the staff supports him fully and he is very loyal to them.

Your information don't seem to jive with our Sun Bowl performance either. i saw alot of happy assistant coaches that day.
Given our disappointing seasons last 3 years, it's only expected things are not rosy among those responsible for those seasons.

What do you mean? Haven't you seen the last 6 quarters? It's all fine now.
We were looking at Lance Thompson and the exact comment is guys like Lance Thompson, which would mean ones with DC experience, an understanding of Tech, and a recruiting background. But just pick and choose the words you wish to read.

Ok... Educate me. Who are guys "like Lance Thompson"? Money.... Mouth.
I wish Coach Kelly the best. I'm sure he will be missed by the players he coached.
McCollum, Giff Smith

Let me get this straight... Giff Smith and McCollum are guys who are more qualified and we should interview over Charles Kelly? You are so vehement in your disdain for Kelly's accomplishments that you use these guys as your crowning example of where we should be looking?

Let me get this straight... Giff Smith and McCollum are guys who are more qualified and we should interview over Charles Kelly? You are so vehement in your disdain for Kelly's accomplishments that you use these guys as your crowning example of where we should be looking?


No, I use them as examples of other coaches who are familiar with Tech, have BCS level defensive coaching experience, and have recruiting experience, as I said in the post you quoted. What are Kelly's non-special team accomplishments since he came to Tech? Stellar recruiting? Great defensive backfields?
No, I use them as examples of other coaches who are familiar with Tech, have BCS level defensive coaching experience, and have recruiting experience, as I said in the post you quoted. What are Kelly's non-special team accomplishments since he came to Tech? Stellar recruiting? Great defensive backfields?

Did you really not understand the question I was asking you? Are you really this dense? Seriously?
Did you really not understand the question I was asking you? Are you really this dense? Seriously?

Kelly was interviewed. So were others and Kelly's performance plus interviewing didn't get him the job. Maybe CPJ knows something you don't.
You are a retard.

First of all anyone who has nearly 28000 posts on here needs to get a life.

Be specific about why these two coaches would not be good for Tech. They each:

1. Know Tech
2. Stellar recruiters regardless of what some retards think about our recruiting. The Hill is in control.
3. Have had succes in coaching outside of Tech.

If we make a complete D scheme change what do you think happens next year...we spend the year learning the scheme and giving up lots of points as our guys make mistakes.

IMHO. Continuity is a good thing here. Groh was the problem and he has been outed for not really coaching more trying to teach. We have talent and our coaching staff is good. We can make a dramatic improvement next year by staying the course that was charted the last few weeks of the season.
Kelly was interviewed. So were others and Kelly's performance plus interviewing didn't get him the job. Maybe CPJ knows something you don't.

Yep. And while we were gushing over the last two defensive performances, maybe CPJ saw- 1) that we stunk it up in the 1st half against FSU, and maybe, like a typical Nole team who blew one againt NCSU this year, they lost focus on offense in the 2nd half AND 2) maybe the media was somewhat right and we played a USC team that didn't care, weather totally detrimental to SC's downfield passing strength, and a RS-Fr QB who wasn't ready for prime time.