Clown to UNC-CHeat

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Collins gets all this accolade as a great recruiter - but like so many things, how much of it is him praising himself and it getting adopted?
We could say Giff Smith was more responsible for the great class of 06. Some on here have.
And he wasn't at Florida that long, so any great defense he had was done very likely on inherited players (haven't looked it up yet. Not really in a mood too just yet either). He was co-DC/DC at Missy State for four years, but I haven't checked to see the delta in the defenses from year 1 to year 4.

I smell great failure coming UNC's way and more BSing from the charlatan DC.
He may catch a break in that UNC doesn't seem to be facing that many fearsome offenses next year. ours and James Madison's are probable at the top of what they have to go up against.
They get Charlotte, NC Central, NC State, Pitt and Wake at home (along with us and the Dukes). They get Minnesota, BC, Duke, FSU and UVa on the road. Maybe FSU can light them up, if Norvell can replenish the stockpile. And don't you think he'd love to get some payback for 2020.
I would have loved to have been able to hear the interview. Juice. High level. Effort.
Why couldn't Georgia have hired him? He is a generational program grenade. Wasted opportunity...
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