Expansion Rumors…

At least I could watch every game for a reasonable price if the ACC did that
Are we already seeing the ceiling on TV right appear? College football is discussing ways to shorten games. We all know that is due to the "man in red's" increased field presence as the number of ads has grown. The law of diminishing returns is ruthless. At some point, games cannot tolerate more ads and companies will not pay higher advertising rates. There is a ceiling, and it is at that point that I think the elite athletic programs drunk on TV money will begin to demand unequal distributions relative to their lesser conference peers. Are we beginning to see this law begin to assert itself already?
At least I could watch every game for a reasonable price if the ACC did that

I’m mostly impressed that Apple is trying to become more like a real TV channel and not just a streaming service. I guess Amazon is also broadcasting some live sports now, too.

Clemson and FSU >>>>> than PSU and MSU. In fact, Michigan State shouldn't even be discussed as a team to fear.
Me, too. 29 years as a practicing attorney, just like you are I guess. I say an injunction would be very possible. You say, no. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree, unless you can cite a precedent on point, or they actually try it (gee, wonder why they haven't?).
Well that explains a lot about your posts.
I’m mostly impressed that Apple is trying to become more like a real TV channel and not just a streaming service. I guess Amazon is also broadcasting some live sports now, too.

HBO also picked up live sports. They have US Soccer matches.
I’m mostly impressed that Apple is trying to become more like a real TV channel and not just a streaming service. I guess Amazon is also broadcasting some live sports now, too.


It is a good play by Apple. The nfl blackout rules are dumb. When you have a bad product, you should lower the cost to see it. Get eyes on the product so that when you show some improvement there is interest.

Apple TV gets zero $ from me right now. If they had all of the GT home games (or all acc games) I would pay for their yearly service (about the same cost as 4 months of youtube tv). They could save money by cutting the broadcast guys. Give me the same view I used to have from just above the coaches box. One camera and sync the GT (or home) broadcast crew. No in booth personalities to pay.
Did I miss something in the news? Are there more expansion rumors going around or are we just still talking about whether we can market our city and fertile recruiting ground to a good conference?
Did I miss something in the news? Are there more expansion rumors going around or are we just still talking about whether we can market our city and fertile recruiting ground to a good conference?
The SECheat already has our city and fertile recruiting grounds, so you must simply mean to market those items to the B1G. I would wager the B1G already knows this - no marketing required. They explored the addition of GA Tech 10-12 years ago when they invited UN, UMD and RU to join up. GA Tech signaled "no" as the ACC recommitted to build their football brand and upped their GOR. The ACC added Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, and a part-time ND. The B1G will be at 16 teams as of 2024, adding USC and UCLA. How high will they go? The SECheat is at 16 teams as soon as OU and UTA enter. How high will they go?

TV dollars are not unlimited. There is a limit to what advertisers will pay. Max time in games to sell advertising has already been reached. College football is already exploring ways to shorten games. There is a law of diminishing returns. Where is that inflection point?
The SECheat already has our city and fertile recruiting grounds, so you must simply mean to market those items to the B1G. I would wager the B1G already knows this - no marketing required. They explored the addition of GA Tech 10-12 years ago when they invited UN, UMD and RU to join up. GA Tech signaled "no" as the ACC recommitted to build their football brand and upped their GOR. The ACC added Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, and a part-time ND. The B1G will be at 16 teams as of 2024, adding USC and UCLA. How high will they go? The SECheat is at 16 teams as soon as OU and UTA enter. How high will they go?

TV dollars are not unlimited. There is a limit to what advertisers will pay. Max time in games to sell advertising has already been reached. College football is already exploring ways to shorten games. There is a law of diminishing returns. Where is that inflection point?
We get it. You yearn for the metro conference while the rest of us seek something greater. You feel like GT couldn't possibly ever compete in the SEC or BIG10, so you wan to win against Wake and Duke
All this talk about TV money is gonna get really interesting when Johnson vs NCAA gets decided and the players get unionized and a large cut of the money.
You guys can wish for all that if you want. As for me, I'm hoping that the ACC gets a clue.

Bless your heart.

The clueless leadership of the conference that couldn't see the changing landscape and always kowtow to the NC bball schools is a major reason why the conference is slowly dying.

What exactly would a clue look like? No one is joining this conference that you would want to join.
PAC 12 is hanging by a thread. They’re Apple TV+ tv deal isn’t looking good. Seems highly probable that Oregon and Washington also go to the Big10, giving them a west coast pod. If that happens, the Big 12 would take the rest of the PAC 12. The ACC becomes the littlest brother of the power 4 in this world, and likely doesn’t last long unless we could somehow get the Big 12 east coast teams (UCF, WV…)
Bless your heart.

The clueless leadership of the conference that couldn't see the changing landscape and always kowtow to the NC bball schools is a major reason why the conference is slowly dying.

What exactly would a clue look like? No one is joining this conference that you would want to join.
Thank you for the blessing. Please don't mistake my thoughts as support for the way the ACC has been handled in the past 20 years.

My question back is how many P5's are joining the two "desirable" conferences? 4 out of 36 is what it looks like to me. SEC (14 teams) and B1G (14) teams total 28 teams. So, about 64 P5 teams less the 28 already in the Promised Land leaves about 36 teams. Of those 36, 4 of those have jumped (UTA, OU, USC, UCLA). Let's see how each of those four like life in the fast lane in about 10 years.

Some act like this is a mass movement when it's actually about 10% of teams. When will the next expansion be? Anyone have a guess? There are 36 teams frothing at the mouth for the invite.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, college football is looking to shorten games. We all know what that means - the commercial breaks are getting too darn long. At the same time, ESPN is pounding for more "quality" game inventory. Read that as advertisers are increasingly resistant to ponying up the big bucks for even SEC bottom-feeder teams. Seems to me that the cost-benefit is flattening out for them. Vandy vs. USCe and NW vs. IU aren't making as much money for them as UGAg-UF, Bama-Auburn, and tOSU-UoM. It's only a matter of time before Bama, UGAg, UF, tOSU, UoM, et al broach the subject of differential payouts with the marquee teams getting the lions share. UTA effectively already did this pioneering its own Longhorn Network. Thats' why TAMU, Mizzou, and COL left the B12. There's a point where the Promised Land ceases to be the land of milk and honey.

Which will happen first, the Promised Land engulfs more than 50% of P5 teams or the Law of Diminishing Returns turns the Promised Land into a desert?
PAC 12 is hanging by a thread. They’re Apple TV+ tv deal isn’t looking good. Seems highly probable that Oregon and Washington also go to the Big10, giving them a west coast pod. If that happens, the Big 12 would take the rest of the PAC 12. The ACC becomes the littlest brother of the power 4 in this world, and likely doesn’t last long unless we could somehow get the Big 12 east coast teams (UCF, WV…)
The problem is that the BIG doesn’t seem to actually want Oregon and Washington right now
Thank you for the blessing. Please don't mistake my thoughts as support for the way the ACC has been handled in the past 20 years.

My question back is how many P5's are joining the two "desirable" conferences? 4 out of 36 is what it looks like to me. SEC (14 teams) and B1G (14) teams total 28 teams. So, about 64 P5 teams less the 28 already in the Promised Land leaves about 36 teams. Of those 36, 4 of those have jumped (UTA, OU, USC, UCLA). Let's see how each of those four like life in the fast lane in about 10 years.

Some act like this is a mass movement when it's actually about 10% of teams. When will the next expansion be? Anyone have a guess? There are 36 teams frothing at the mouth for the invite.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, college football is looking to shorten games. We all know what that means - the commercial breaks are getting too darn long. At the same time, ESPN is pounding for more "quality" game inventory. Read that as advertisers are increasingly resistant to ponying up the big bucks for even SEC bottom-feeder teams. Seems to me that the cost-benefit is flattening out for them. Vandy vs. USCe and NW vs. IU aren't making as much money for them as UGAg-UF, Bama-Auburn, and tOSU-UoM. It's only a matter of time before Bama, UGAg, UF, tOSU, UoM, et al broach the subject of differential payouts with the marquee teams getting the lions share. UTA effectively already did this pioneering its own Longhorn Network. Thats' why TAMU, Mizzou, and COL left the B12. There's a point where the Promised Land ceases to be the land of milk and honey.

Which will happen first, the Promised Land engulfs more than 50% of P5 teams or the Law of Diminishing Returns turns the Promised Land into a desert?
How long until SEC and/or BIG start pushing out the Vandy’s of the world for better teams? Better matchups will drive better ratings and eventually be more important than tv markets imo.
How long until SEC and/or BIG start pushing out the Vandy’s of the world for better teams? Better matchups will drive better ratings and eventually be more important than tv markets imo.
I have to agree. It seems to me we are beginning to see evidence of the insustainability of the current model. We don’t know how soon, but we do know that power and affluence are sticky. People who possess them don’t give either up easily.

The most likely solution is they first will absolutely vote the weaker links off the island, and later they will find ways to hoard the resources for themselves.
My question back is how many P5's are joining the two "desirable" conferences? 4 out of 36 is what it looks like to me. SEC (14 teams) and B1G (14) teams total 28 teams. So, about 64 P5 teams less the 28 already in the Promised Land leaves about 36 teams. Of those 36, 4 of those have jumped (UTA, OU, USC, UCLA). Let's see how each of those four like life in the fast lane in about 10 years.

Some act like this is a mass movement when it's actually about 10% of teams. When will the next expansion be? Anyone have a guess? There are 36 teams frothing at the mouth for the invite.

Since we are all speculating, my guess is that 85-90% of the current Div. 1 of college football teams/schools out there will see the growing futility of trying to compete with Bama/Ugag/OSU/a few others on the playing field. Maybe the expansion of the playoffs staves this off for a while, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the remaining schools after the Big 10 & SEC form a super made for TV league breaking off and forming a league closer to amateur athletics.

Not sure what is the tipping point that causes this. I do know that my interest (or lack thereof) in college athletics is at an all time low and outside of GT, I don't watch anymore. And watching GT flounder in football/bball is not much fun.
I have to agree. It seems to me we are beginning to see evidence of the insustainability of the current model. We don’t know how soon, but we do know that power and affluence are sticky. People who possess them don’t give either up easily.

The most likely solution is they first will absolutely vote the weaker links off the island, and later they will find ways to hoard the resources for themselves.
What's the point of all these posts essentially saying the same thing over and over? We'll never be Bama or Ugag, so why not settle for a conference with peers nobody cares about?

Decades from now the biggest programs in the country could split off and keep all the money for themselves, or maybe they don't. Texas already tried something akin to this by rolling with their own network and they basically destroyed their conference and hurt a lot of feelings along the way. So maybe the bigger programs split off from the smaller ones down the road, maybe they don't. It's unpredictable at this point, so I think it's irrelevant to the more pressing issue.

The B1G and the SEC are the premier conferences because of money. GT needs to find a way to get a golden ticket from one of them. I was against the idea of joining the B1G the last time the rumors were going on because I figured why trade away matchups with FSU, Clemson, and Miami - I was wrong. I thought the ACC could right the ship, it hasn't and it seems more likely that we will lose our most compelling regional matchups before the ACC has another chance to get the finances on par with SEC/B1G. It's untenable for GT's future staying in the ACC, as it is for all the football schools. Hopefully our president is building relationships to secure our future and not throwing his hands up at the idea that maybe some premier league is going to eventually emerge.