Fall Camp News

What year did he say he thought we could have a better team than the year before but not have the record show it?
PJ knows what the team needs and when he needs it. If the team's confidence is down (and it was going into 2014) then he pumps them up a little to the media. When the team is coming off success and needs to forget about it and focus on this year, then he downplays how good they are. It's pretty simple, really.

"Who would you say is a good blocker?"

"Something about someone rising to challenge for leadership"
"That would be a negative"

he said more upbeat, it's relative.
PJ knows what the team needs and when he needs it. If the team's confidence is down (and it was going into 2014) then he pumps them up a little to the media. When the team is coming off success and needs to forget about it and focus on this year, then he downplays how good they are. It's pretty simple, really.

management 101

close practices and ONLY feed the players motivational info. PJ has had success b/f and knows how to follow it up the NEXT year.

If the D improves we will be fine.
I just watched the VT game again. I am taking my rose colored glasses off. If practice looks like first 40 minutes of that game no wonder he is not very happy right now. Justin's experience should offset inexperience at other positions but we weren't very good those first games. With the returning players on OL and QB we should be ahead of last year at this time but I have a feeling we will be at same level maybe a little less. Really need D to step up and get turn overs like last year. 3 picks at VT game. One for TD.
Sept 19 will give us idea where are.
I just watched the VT game again. I am taking my rose colored glasses off. If practice looks like first 40 minutes of that game no wonder he is not very happy right now.

Well VT had a great defense and was the only team to beat the eventual national champs. The bad thing is it looks like they lost almost no one on defense:

As you said we will need our defense to step up again, especially if we want to beat VT.
I think he has a cold or some illness. That is the worst practice interview I have ever heard. Hope he feels better soon.

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PJ knows what the team needs and when he needs it. If the team's confidence is down (and it was going into 2014) then he pumps them up a little to the media. When the team is coming off success and needs to forget about it and focus on this year, then he downplays how good they are. It's pretty simple, really.

Parcells was a genius at this sort of motivational judo.
Even JT is saying that they're looking for someone to make the big plays and that it's not looking good right now. How freaking bad must this camp be??

Sounds like we are missing experienced, perimeter AB blocking.

öööö... who could've predicted that?

I'm glad I got in cheap on the BH market.