Haynes King starting vs Louisville

No need to apologize but apology accepted, everybody has opinions.

I'm just pointing out the kid needs work. His technique may very well be overcome by other stuff like his mobility, pocket presence, leadership in the huddle, etc and this is likely why he's starting over others. I have no idea, just seen a couple pictures and work with a good QB coach might be able to get this kid elevated to the next level. We sure could use a stud QB under center or whever we put him.

Personally I hope he's the right choice because our team is going to suffer if we don't have a legit starting QB and a good back up to come in if he gets dinged. I think we have a capable back up, the ? is the starter at this point and none of us have seen him play on the Flats yet. We will in 9 days, yes you don't have to take your shoes off anymore to count down!
Opinions are good. The other guy drifted into other territory in his player critique, particularly to that player’s dad.
No need to apologize but apology accepted, everybody has opinions.

I'm just pointing out the kid needs work. His technique may very well be overcome by other stuff like his mobility, pocket presence, leadership in the huddle, etc and this is likely why he's starting over others. I have no idea, just seen a couple pictures and work with a good QB coach might be able to get this kid elevated to the next level. We sure could use a stud QB under center or whever we put him.

Personally I hope he's the right choice because our team is going to suffer if we don't have a legit starting QB and a good back up to come in if he gets dinged. I think we have a capable back up, the ? is the starter at this point and none of us have seen him play on the Flats yet. We will in 9 days, yes you don't have to take your shoes off anymore to count down!

I don’t care if he farts it out of his ass to throw it as long as he wins. Just win baby!!
Seems to me we have three good options at QB this fall. All three have shown they can play in game time. The key will be which one can acceptably execute the largest amount of the offense. If it's a true RPO, and the QB will be called upon to run the ball a significant amount, then I can understand how King got the nod. All three can run pretty well, but King seems to me to be the most mobile from the vids I've seen. Also, Pyron is coming off the broken collarbone, so I'd imagine the coaches will want to be protective of that early on. He's a very nice backup QB to have, too. Likely not much drop off between the two.
people use to criticize tebow's mechanics too. dude won a lot of games and a Heisman. sign me up. not trying to compare the two, just saying if mechanics only thing we have to argue about, we'll be lightyears ahead of where we've been.

Tebow is a good example of letting players play. Mess with their natural throwing motion and things can go bad. But if you can tweak it to make it better, you are golden. Mike Leach was a perfect example of someone who could fix technique. He was just rolling out guys with quick releases. Of course, those guys got a ton of reps in practice and games due to the offense.

Here at Tech, they obviously worked on JT5’s throwing motion between 14 and 15. His throws were definitely worse until a little after mid season when it became more natural.
people use to criticize tebow's mechanics too. dude won a lot of games and a Heisman. sign me up. not trying to compare the two, just saying if mechanics only thing we have to argue about, we'll be lightyears ahead of where we've been.
Demaryius Thomas won that game
The knock on him that I heard was that he has a long windup. That is entirely fixable with a good qb coach.
Where as Pyron showed us he has a short, quick windup.....and makes correct decisions.
I hope King's windup issue is fixed.....and I hope he can see the field and make the correct decisions.
No need to apologize but apology accepted, everybody has opinions.

I'm just pointing out the kid needs work. His technique may very well be overcome by other stuff like his mobility, pocket presence, leadership in the huddle, etc and this is likely why he's starting over others. I have no idea, just seen a couple pictures and work with a good QB coach might be able to get this kid elevated to the next level. We sure could use a stud QB under center or whever we put him.

Personally I hope he's the right choice because our team is going to suffer if we don't have a legit starting QB and a good back up to come in if he gets dinged. I think we have a capable back up, the ? is the starter at this point and none of us have seen him play on the Flats yet. We will in 9 days, yes you don't have to take your shoes off anymore to count down!
King's motion was super awkward and slow looking at videos from last year, and some also in the spring. Supposedly the coaches have worked on it some with him and it is better but still not what you would call "normal." Hopefully the motion has gotten quicker because whatever Key, Weinke, and Faulkner see in him from practice has given them confidence that he is the clear #1 right now.
King's motion was super awkward and slow looking at videos from last year, and some also in the spring. Supposedly the coaches have worked on it some with him and it is better but still not what you would call "normal." Hopefully the motion has gotten quicker because whatever Key, Weinke, and Faulkner see in him from practice has given them confidence that he is the clear #1 right now.
Bullshit. Stop being a douchebag.
Nah. We’ve got two options and a guy who decided to take the L because he was tired of playing.
I was as pissed off as everybody else but I think he redeemed himself in his next start. I'm chalking it up to the residual Clown mentality which has hopefully been wiped clean by Key and staff. I'm giving the dude a second chance.
I was as pissed off as everybody else but I think he redeemed himself in his next start. I'm chalking it up to the residual Clown mentality which has hopefully been wiped clean by Key and staff. I'm giving the dude a second chance.

Yeah, that play was terrible, but he appeared to grow from it. He showed plenty of fight against uga.
very advantageous to have an amphibious quarterback as long as he don't lay eggs

All that matters in college football is getting first downs and putting the ball in the end zone. It’s called production. I don’t care if our QB throws underhanded as long as he produces. And if we are running a lot of RPO then we’ll see all 3 QB’s throughout the season as they’ll all get banged up at some point. Starting game 1 means nothing on a team that has averaged 3 wins over a 4 year stretch.

Production is all that matters from all positions.
people use to criticize tebow's mechanics too. dude won a lot of games and a Heisman. sign me up. not trying to compare the two, just saying if mechanics only thing we have to argue about, we'll be lightyears ahead of where we've been.
This is a very good point. Hard to criticize the coaches when we don’t know what we don’t know, ie is he a gamer, what level are his wheels going to help, does he get scared in pocket like last guy and chuck the ball to the sideline or overthrow/underthrow it, can he command the huddle, can he read a D and check down, etc.

Tebow had all of those attributes at extraordinary levels, throwing he was not elite. He more than made up for it with the other stuff.