Housing Policy......................................

I wasn’t making that comparison - that’s obvious. It objectively it’s a bad school and a very poor investment. Even if uga is free, it’s not worth the time commitment.

I know people don’t want to hear it - they didn’t get into a decent school so they desperately want to believe that uga is “a good alternative.” It’s not. It’s predatory how they feed off the desperate kids / parents who want to be believe they’re above average. The kid and parents go $50,000 in debt when they could have made more money as an HVAC apprentice.

I have one guy who works for me with a uga business degree. He graduated, couldn’t find a job, then went to Georgia State for a second BS. From there he found a job.

So you go on an on about how bad the UGA program is, then claim that you HIRED a guy from there?
Not too long ago I took a deposition of a person who testified that they currently work for Target while looking for work in their field of study. When I got to going through their education, it came out that they had an engineering degree from uga. I chuckled and said, “I guess I know how that worked out for you.” It pissed off the witness and the other attorney.

What did they say?

Anecdotal, to be sure, but a friend of mine’s kid did not get accepted to UGAg and instead currently is a CE frosh at GT. I couldn’t get my head around that.
There is a difference in being declined because of academics and being declined because of sheer volume of applicants. UGAg is the school where the cool kids want to go. Live the college life. Fairly easy path to a degree.
The witness just glared at me. The attorney said something about it being uncivil or unnecessary. It was already a hostile witness so what I said wasn’t all that bad.
I'm assuming the deposition was captured on video. At some point it would be good if that video made its way to YouTube, because it was actually a valuable Public Service Announcement.
So you go on an on about how bad the UGA program is, then claim that you HIRED a guy from there?
I make cracks about Walmart but I frequently buy cheap shit where the quality doesn't matter from there when the quality doesn't matter.
After the GT game with UVA was over, I switched over to the Missouri vs the Dwags game pulling
really hard for Missouri to beat those inbreds! During a lull in the game a picture of one of
their Student Athletes was shown with a comparison to another player from Missouri . The
Missouri player's Major is Business Administration whereas the Georgia scholar's Major
is Housing Policy.

What in the hell is a Housing Policy Major?!!!???

Helps fill out Section 8 paperwork correctly?
My daughter was at Bama 5-6 years ago. Their star running back at the time was the same way. Only showed up on final exam day. Filled out his name on the exam and put his head down and went to sleep. Woke up and turned it in. SEC baby! It just means more!
That branding " it just means more " has to be the dumbest, they should add " and we will do anything illegal/unethical/ et al" to maintain it
I wasn’t making that comparison - that’s obvious. It objectively it’s a bad school and a very poor investment. Even if uga is free, it’s not worth the time commitment.

I know people don’t want to hear it - they didn’t get into a decent school so they desperately want to believe that uga is “a good alternative.” It’s not. It’s predatory how they feed off the desperate kids / parents who want to be believe they’re above average. The kid and parents go $50,000 in debt when they could have made more money as an HVAC apprentice.

I have one guy who works for me with a uga business degree. He graduated, couldn’t find a job, then went to Georgia State for a second BS. From there he found a job.
HVAC apprentices don’t necessarily have to climb into attics anymore if you want to work at a data center.
You need to facilitate the communication between the NCAA and your son.
No, it’s not. It’s poorly ranked and poorly recruited. Average starting salary is $35k per year less than Tech and average offers per student is less than 1. The only people who say it’s a good school are 1) people who went there, 2) people in denial who are trying to accept the failure that their child goes there, and 3) people trying to be nice when you tell them they their child goes there.

It’s never too late to transfer.

I hate UGAY just as much as any other GT fan but to say that the Terry College of Business is an afterthought is not only wrong but baseless and biased. Their business school is highly competitive and has almost 10k students. They have more corporate recognition nationally than our business school. We have limited number of degrees in our business school compared to theirs. In fact you’re not even admitted into the business school until after 2 consecutive semesters. I’d love for you to post your sources of data as opposed to conjecture. We do engineering very well and they do business Mgr very well. Period. If I was doing business Mgt I’d probably go to UGAY instead of GT (sports aside)
I hate UGAY just as much as any other GT fan but to say that the Terry College of Business is an afterthought is not only wrong but baseless and biased. Their business school is highly competitive and has almost 10k students. They have more corporate recognition nationally than our business school. We have limited number of degrees in our business school compared to theirs. In fact you’re not even admitted into the business school until after 2 consecutive semesters. I’d love for you to post your sources of data as opposed to conjecture. We do engineering very well and they do business Mgr very well. Period. If I was doing business Mgt I’d probably go to UGAY instead of GT (sports aside)
No, they don't. That's a completely unbiased take.

Trying to logic based on, first student population, second based on the number of programs, and third based on unsubstantiated "connections" is complete BS. It's something a gagger would try to argue. Salary survey data is readily available from the school's career services departments.
No, they don't. That's a completely unbiased take.

Trying to logic based on, first student population, second based on the number of programs, and third based on unsubstantiated "connections" is complete BS. It's something a gagger would try to argue. Salary survey data is readily available from the school's career services departments.

So is yours. I work for USG, graduated from GT and I know what each of our schools does best. I have seen the data. Clearly you're biased regardless. GT didn't have what he was looking for business degree wise (risk management, etc.) so he went to Terry which is much more broad and had more offerings. Btw, he's a die hard GT fan but is realistic knowing UGA had the options he was looking for program wise. Also, check your salary data. It's about 20 years too old or more which leads me to believe that your comment was just conjecture.
Are you new to @gtphd? He make öööö like this up on a daily basis.

lol..I posted on this board years ago but then life took over. Back just recently as there's more activity and convo here plus a good friend of mine I used to tailgate with is a mod so it's good to be back. Many more users from the 'other' board are posting here more now too.