I was at the game up until we got told to leave due to lightning in the area (actually told to seek cover in area that would likely hold about 1/10th of the people there). This game was first I have ever attended where to PA announcers were actively razing the refs, not just once; but repeatedly; that is how bad the officiating was. It was stuff like "This GT fan wins the Cunecuh Sausage giveway. This is one thing the refs can't take away from you." and "Come sign a card with Santa for our drive, Santa won't throw a flag at you". There were other comments over the PA that I'm sure the refs will make some sort of objection to; but it was that clear that the refs were blowing calls.
Personally I don't have any grudge against Vandy or their fans; but those calls ruined would could have been a good game. Those were some awful calls that really take away from the enjoyment of the game. My personal experience is that the B'nam Bowl game experience blew chunks. About a 2 hour drive in the rain, to a parking deck a mile from the stadium, to take a shuttle that drops you off about 1/4 of mile from the stadium, to miss kickoff with a few thousand other fans because of the line backed up to get into Protective Stadium which apparently only has 1 entrance, to watch that officiating S*** show only to be told to leave before the end, and then walk back to the car in the rain because the line for the shuttle is over 1000 yards long. I'll stay home if GT ever gets sent there again.