Jim from Auburn

Just listened to the replay. CPJ gave a pretty good beatdown on Jim, so I think the exchange provided a good opportunity for the coach to respond to some thoughts that a lot of fans probably have. I didn't like the tone of the question, but I think CPJ handled it with a complete and logical response.

Agreed. The question’s tone and implications were absurd. When I heard the question I was expecting a curt middle finger reply, which it deserved. But CPJ gave a thoughtful öööö you.
One could not get into the MBA program at Tech and the other went to NASCAR. The Year before we had one leave to draw cartoons (this is not offered at GT). We lost 2 to career ending injuries as well. This year we had 2 injured for the Clemson game.

Last year we had fifth year transfers for the basketball team from Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan get into our MBA program. How could we ever have a graduate from Tech not get into our MBA program.
Last year we had fifth year transfers for the basketball team from Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan get into our MBA program. How could we ever have a graduate from Tech not get into our MBA program.
Was he maybe....not good enough academically? Shit like this does irritate me with tech. öööö just take some exceptions for grad school. He made it through undergrad here he’ll survive grad school here.
Does anyone have data showing if we have attrition at a higher or lower rate than other schools? Every school loses guys that don't really play much, can't get off special teams, aren't expected to be productive, etc.

But we seem to lose a lot of guys that are expected to be major contributors (on offense especially). Is this something to do with CPJ's salty personality? His style of offense? Some of the assistants? All the weird people that go to Tech? All the weird people that live in Atlanta? Anyone got any credible theories?
Jim from Auburn here.
To answer a couple of questions raised.
I consider myself an avid GT fan - 32 years of season FB tickets and a season BB ticket holder.
I do donate to the program but am not a major donor.
I Never call out a student athlete publically.
I am frustrated that we do not use all our scholarlships - we had 79 prior to awarding 4 walkons this summer.
It is like we self impose NCAA sanctions and it does not make sense to me.
I try to be respectful to all the coaches. Sorry I came across less than respectful Monday evening.

Go Jackets!!!

Do you feel special when you call in? It's like hearing nails on a chalkboard when you call-in. Not because of your voice but because of what you say.
Seriously??? It is like you are content with Tech being average. We normally give CPJ the benefit of the doubt. However, CPJ needs to have fans calling for his head when we have a game like we did against Clemson. It is one thing to lose the game. It is another to look like absolute crap on national television. There is nothing about that game that would make a recruit want to come to Tech and play in this system. We need more Jims (from Auburn) who will hold our coaches accountable and not back down.

Who the hell is the chickenchoker? We played Clemson as good as anyone in the last three years save a Syracuse team that caught them sleeping.

Guess what? We will NEVER be the team an opponent sleeps on because of the fact that our coach and our program is feared and respected. When we line up on game day, you better believe that the team on the other side of the ball is bringing their absolute best, especially a rival like Clemson. When you’re the team that keeps opposing coaches up at night, you are getting their best every damn season.

And CPJ does his absolute best to have our team ready to play because he doesn’t settle for complacency or half-assed play. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always translate into a win. That’s the nature of sport. Right now, with the exception of the loss to Tennessee, this team has done very well, overcoming some real challenges this season (first-year starter at QB, young defensive backs, first-year starters at Bback, depleted OL due to attrition - and injury, in the case of the Clemson game). This isn’t excuses, this is reality. You should try living in it sometime. What you’re doing is akin to screaming at the sky because you don’t like the rain.
Just to throw a little bit of reality in here. The reason we are short on the OL isn't recruiting. It is the fact that players leave early. There are two missing this year. Two we could have used. The reason they leave early......pretty easy to figure out.

Yeah, GT is not a fun school. I too would leave early if I could have.
I don't like Jim and I don't like him at all. I would not like him and he is not liked by Paul.

That is why I called....

... but the real questions is,
I think we all might agree,
do you eat green eggs and ham
under or in a tree?
I, for one, give Jim a bit of credit for having the cajones to confront CPJ on these controversial topics. May or may not care for the style or the delivery but you can't deny that these are the questions that a lot of folks have but are reluctant to ask.

Keep calling, Jim.
Just to throw a little bit of reality in here. The reason we are short on the OL isn't recruiting. It is the fact that players leave early. There are two missing this year. Two we could have used. The reason they leave early......pretty easy to figure out.

... by early you mean with eligibility left and not without a degree. For those that graduate and are ready to move on in their life I tip my hat to them for the graduating and taking care of business.
One could not get into the MBA program at Tech and the other went to NASCAR. The Year before we had one leave to draw cartoons (this is not offered at GT). We lost 2 to career ending injuries as well. This year we had 2 injured for the Clemson game.

And, as regards total numbers by that position group, this is not the first time this has happened. Therefore, what do you do to compensate for the problem?
Just to throw a little bit of reality in here. The reason we are short on the OL isn't recruiting. It is the fact that players leave early. There are two missing this year. Two we could have used. The reason they leave early......pretty easy to figure out.
Players leave early so.......

Recruit more of them. We don't have to be dirty to fill our 85.

We know this hits the OL in particular so do something about it.
Just listened to the replay. CPJ gave a pretty good beatdown on Jim, so I think the exchange provided a good opportunity for the coach to respond to some thoughts that a lot of fans probably have. I didn't like the tone of the question, but I think CPJ handled it with a complete and logical response.

I am not referring to the specific call referenced, but as an example CPJ was asked or made comment on Howard. WTTE, “I wanted to p,ay him more”, “we were going to play him more”, something like that. Then why the hell don’t you! The circumstances he stated for Howard playing did not, according to him, change. He just did not do it.

Another question about ST plays, and others could not replace Stewart in practice.. Fine - no problem with Brad but he referenced others making same mistakes in KO game as before. CPJ is paid to freaking fix it!

Every week, every single week, it is the same reasons, the same problems, the same “missed assignments” with detailed (appreciate that) arguement. Every week - missed assignments.

Well coach, if it is missed assignments every damn week you get -

Different players in the game

A less complicated system for the players you have recruited

Different coaches who can accomplish what you want done.
I don't know how you hit 85 players if you have unknown attrition in the summer without grey or blue shirting players and or cutting people if the attrition does not happen. Maybe we would go 2 or 3 years without a forced cut, but what about the year you have to tell a kid, "I know we promised you a scholarship but you are the bottom man out". Some are willing to do this... I am not.

You could make the case that we need one less WR and one more OL due to historical losses. Say 5 WR and 16 OL versus 6 and 15.

You need to come out of January at 85 scholarships (unless you have a specific plan on walk-ons or rebalancing needs or no one that you wanted).