Last year on the CPJ bandwagon

In 2006, UGAy had 9 drives that weren't ended by the clock.
In 2007, UGAy had 12 drives that weren't ended by the clock.

In 2008, UGAy had 13 drives that weren't ended by the clock.
In 2009, UGAy had 8 drives that weren't ended by the clock.
In 2010, UGAy had 11 drives that weren't ended by the clock.
In 2011, UGAy had 10 drives that weren't ended by the clock.
In 2012, UGAy had 10 drives that weren't ended by the clock.


I hate you.
Read first two pages of thread:

2008 - better than Chan
2009 - better than Chan
2010 - Chanesque
2011 - Chanesque
2012 - better than Chan


I don't want the guy fired. Look around the ACC. I'd take his run over anyone but Beamer over the last five years.
This board has a heavy dosage of dumb ass stuff that happens here. Its either non-football related posts or when it is about football, you see some of the dumbest things said. Having waded through most of that in this thread, here's a couple of points:

I think this is the last season on the CPJ bandwagon for pretty much everyone, and a lot of people have already gotten off of it. That's not to say a lot of people want him fired or that he should be fired, but this is a "put up or shut up" season for him given that we've been stagnant for a while and haven't seen a lot of things to give us concrete proof we're moving in the right direction.

I posted awhile back that it doesn't matter who the coach is. Change needs to be made at the Institute level. You can fall off the PJ bandwagon, but PJ isn't the bigger issue. He has some recruiting stuff he needs to clean up and this year but losing to UGA the last 4 years isn't a tell tale sign of his coaching.

This is definitely the put-up or shut-up year. If Roof is legit PJ is saved and GT football is saved. If not PJ is gone in two years tops. I won't be satisfied this year by anything less than 10+ wins including 2/3 of UGA, bowl, and ACCCG. Do I think that will happen? No.

I predict 8-9 wins thanks to a weak Coastal division but lose to UGA and lose the ACCCG. Hopefully I'm wrong.

This is just a stupid opinion to have. Again, not beating UGA speaks to a larger problem. No coach is magically going to do better under the restrictions we place on ourselves. I predict 8 to 9 wins as well and its going to be painful to lose to UGA AGAIN, but that will happen most likely and we'll fry our coach over it when it has nothing to do with our coach. If our coach had the same rules as Ross and O'Leary we'd probably split with UGA most of the time.

Sorry, you're wrong. We were no better under either CGO or CCG than we are now. Other than O'Leary's success against some poorly-coached Georgie teams, no better.

The difference between these coaches is that George had far less restrictions on who he could recruit and how they stayed in school. And to a lesser extent, so did Gailey. The Hill and the GTAA are moving in the wrong direction and expecting our coaches to deal with a fan base that expects to beat UGA 33% of the time or more.

Oh and Wesleyd21 can not be from the 912, he must just reside there. We don't raise whiny bitches in the SAV. Get your mind right.

He is because I know him. He's misguided, but he speaks to an existing problem. Die hard fans are becoming complacent with GT football. I know I am. I renewed my season tickets AGAIN this year for year 22, but this may be my last year and it has nothing to do with Paul Johnson's team. At some point you finally realize that you're spending money on a product whose maker has installed a ceiling for how high it can go. That's not high enough for me.

Anyone who knows football knows that the ACC of 10 years ago was far superior to the cabbage patch kids conference that it has become. The ACC is a joke. Yet for some reason people want to compare a 7-5 team in the GOL ACC to an 8-5 team in the mickey mouse conference.

Last year's team would have struggled to win 2 games in the pre-sex-change ACC. Exhibit A: we are humiliated by MTSU at Grant Field, yet we are still able to play in the ACC-CG. That's a reflection on the conference, not our team's inconsistency. Yes, we won a bowl game last year. That is the one shining moment. Like the OP, I give it one more year.

I agree. Its also an indication of our school's leadership over the football program.

I bring not calling the best WR in the game a "mediocre pro" and then backtracking claiming I was trolling when that looks like the dumbest comment ever by a "football knowledge" guy.

But hey. He calls people dumbasses. That seems to be about your level of intelligence.
You are a dumbass. You should make a poll so you can finally put that one to bed. And then re-read the thread you apparently are hung up on.

This may deserve its own thread, but I'm kind of disturbed that a newcomer like SGA considers BOR one of only two "knowledgable" posters on this board. My list would be:


I stopped reading after Jerry. Nice guy, but he went on a campaign trying to convince people in 2007 that we should hire Ted Roof as our HC and that he was the best candidate.
2008 - better than Chan
2009 - better than Chan
2010 - Chanesque
2011 - Chanesque
2012 - better than Chan


I don't want the guy fired. Look around the ACC. I'd take his run over anyone but Beamer over the last five years.
2012 was Chanesque, but yeah overall he is still better than Chan.
2012 was Chanesque, but yeah overall he is still better than Chan.

He's better than Chan when he has Chanesque players.

With the level of recruits he is able to secure, he's even to below even with Chan.
2012 was Chanesque, but yeah overall he is still better than Chan.

2012 we were a score and change from winning the ACCCG and we beat Southern Cal in a bowl game. Yeah there were some frustrating losses, but I'll take that.
2012 we were a score and change from winning the ACCCG and we beat Southern Cal in a bowl game. Yeah there were some frustrating losses, but I'll take that.
Chan was close to winning the ACCCG too...
2012 we were a score and change from winning the ACCCG and we beat Southern Cal in a bowl game. Yeah there were some frustrating losses, but I'll take that.

2006 we were less than a score from winning the ACCCG and should have beaten WVU in the bowl. Seems similar to 2012.

2006 was more competitive with UGA as well.
2008 - better than Chan
2009 - better than Chan
2010 - Chanesque
2011 - Chanesque
2012 - better than Chan


I don't want the guy fired. Look around the ACC. I'd take his run over anyone but Beamer over the last five years.

That's just number of drives, not number of punts. I was just disputing the notion that PJ's offense reduced the number of drives enough that we'd expect 2 Chan-years to be equivalent to 5 PJ-years in terms of punts even if the frequency of punting was the same. Clearly, when you only force the same number of punts despite having more than twice the drives to work with, you're forcing a punt much less frequently.

Whether there are other factors involved is not important to the point I was trying to make by posting those stats, it was merely a refutation of the influence of the number of drives on the punt statistic.
That's just number of drives, not number of punts. I was just disputing the notion that PJ's offense reduced the number of drives enough that we'd expect 2 Chan-years to be equivalent to 5 PJ-years in terms of punts even if the frequency of punting was the same. Clearly, when you only force the same number of punts despite having more than twice the drives to work with, you're forcing a punt much less frequently.

Whether there are other factors involved is not important to the point I was trying to make by posting those stats, it was merely a refutation of the influence of the number of drives on the punt statistic.

I don't think he was referring to your post. He was just talking about his opinion on overall football quality
That's just number of drives, not number of punts. I was just disputing the notion that PJ's offense reduced the number of drives enough that we'd expect 2 Chan-years to be equivalent to 5 PJ-years in terms of punts even if the frequency of punting was the same. Clearly, when you only force the same number of punts despite having more than twice the drives to work with, you're forcing a punt much less frequently.

Whether there are other factors involved is not important to the point I was trying to make by posting those stats, it was merely a refutation of the influence of the number of drives on the punt statistic.


I was just talking about the seasons in general, not whatever you were talking about. You and whoever you're arguing with are lost in minutiae I don't care to bicker about.
stuff, verbal diarrhea, some masturbation

You didn't even quote SGA in calling you the most insightful poster here. Slightly ironic that in his next sentence he also claims bbuzzoff is the best board. Sounds about right.

I was just talking about the seasons in general, not whatever you were talking about. You and whoever you're arguing with are lost in minutiae I don't care to bicker about.

Yeah, your post was sort of in the same format as mine so I just made the connection. It is what it is, the tape, #themigration, etc.

As to what you're talking about: My opinion is 2009 > Chan. The rest has ranged from slightly worse to slightly better but it doesn't really mean anything in the face of 2009. I also don't think Chan is really the yardstick of success anyway. :lol:

I'm slowly coming around to some of BOR's point, in that the talent level will continue to be a big limitation to our success, with the major differences being I do think who you put at HC matters and I'm not nearly as close to taking the plunge. More importantly, who you put at DC matters in our case, and a well-coached defense can do some things even if they are underrecruited. We don't need a whole lot from them, but whatever we've needed we've consistently gotten much less. We still have a pretty good potential, IMO. In any event, I don't think we've even made it to any ceiling we might have had in the past 3 seasons. Been a few mind-blowing embarrassments here and there that aren't talent-differential related, they are just lack of effort or worse, lack of coaching. I think once I see our team consistently performing to its max I'll be more upset about whatever else is holding us back. If that ever happens.
Just so people know, I was talking out of my ass and now I have been shown to be talking out of my ass. I think the point generally applies to CPJ, especially the last few years when we've had less home runs and a lot more death marches/4th down conversion drives. But it doesn't apply to those games in particular.
Just so people know, I was talking out of my ass and now I have been shown to be talking out of my ass. I think the point generally applies to CPJ, especially the last few years when we've had less home runs and a lot more death marches/4th down conversion drives. But it doesn't apply to those games in particular.

Fewer Dude.... It's not less if you can count them. Go back & take technical writing again.
So much fail in this thread imo. Chan wasn't fired simply because of his record overall or against U[sic]ga. He was fired because in addition to his record, there was no indication he was doing anything to make us more competitive.

I swear, it seems that some of you don't watch or read about the games. You pass judgment as if the only information you have is the W-L record at the end of the season. I'm a fan of GT. I want us to win all of our games and especially against the cesspool. When looking at CPJ, I see a guy who has the same expectations and has proven he's willing to take the actions he feels are necessary to get there. When looking at Chan, I never felt that way.

Our best year under Chan was 2006. We had one quality win, VPI (6-2,10-3) 38-27 and one decent win MD (5-3, 9-4), 27-23. Other than that, we beat Samford, Troy, UVA (4-4,5-7), Miami (4-5, 7-6), UNC (2-6, 3-9), NCSt (2-6, 3-9) and Duke (0-8, 0-12). Of our 9 wins, 2 were against Conference opponents with winning conference records. We lost to WF (7-2, 11-3), CU (5-3,8-5), ND (10-3), U[sic]Ga (4-4, 9-4), and WV (5-2,11-2).

By comparison, last year, in one of our worst seasons under CPJ we also had two wins against teams with winning conference records, UNC (5-3, 8-4) and USC (5-4, 7-6). We also went into overtime (having had the lead in the 4th qtr) against VPI (4-4, 7-6) and Miami (5-3, 7-5).

A coach like CPJ who's proven he can win and gives every indication of knowing how to win at this level and of being just as dissatisfied with losing as I am deserves some time to build the program.
Just so people know, I was talking out of my ass and now I have been shown to be talking out of my ass. I think the point generally applies to CPJ, especially the last few years when we've had less home runs and a lot more death marches/4th down conversion drives. But it doesn't apply to those games in particular.

Many of us have read your posts in the dungeon and expect nothing else.