Last year on the CPJ bandwagon

Many of us have read your posts in the dungeon and expect nothing else.
His posts on macroeconomy are actually decent. I don't agree with them all, but they are ok. Especially in relation to other posts.
I understand fans getting excited for no reason during the offseason (re: practice reports, which freshman stands out, etc.) but how on Earth can you be itching for football when we just got routed several times last year, only signed 13 recruits, and hired a defensive coordinator with a horrible track record...?

Are you guys high? If so, mail me some of that stuff asap.
Send me some too!
I understand fans getting excited for no reason during the offseason (re: practice reports, which freshman stands out, etc.) but how on Earth can you be itching for football when we just got routed several times last year, only signed 13 recruits, and hired a defensive coordinator with a horrible track record...?

Are you guys high? If so, mail me some of that stuff asap.

While you already seem to be passing the bowl, we actually signed 14.
Fine. Who are you going to hire? Sorry, but no one is going to leave a decent program to coach here. Hell, I can't even tell you the names of the Auburn, Tennessee, or NC State coach. You think those guys are the answer?
So much fail in this thread imo. Chan wasn't fired simply because of his record overall or against U[sic]ga. He was fired because in addition to his record, there was no indication he was doing anything to make us more competitive.

I swear, it seems that some of you don't watch or read about the games. You pass judgment as if the only information you have is the W-L record at the end of the season. I'm a fan of GT. I want us to win all of our games and especially against the cesspool. When looking at CPJ, I see a guy who has the same expectations and has proven he's willing to take the actions he feels are necessary to get there. When looking at Chan, I never felt that way.

Our best year under Chan was 2006. We had one quality win, VPI (6-2,10-3) 38-27 and one decent win MD (5-3, 9-4), 27-23. Other than that, we beat Samford, Troy, UVA (4-4,5-7), Miami (4-5, 7-6), UNC (2-6, 3-9), NCSt (2-6, 3-9) and Duke (0-8, 0-12). Of our 9 wins, 2 were against Conference opponents with winning conference records. We lost to WF (7-2, 11-3), CU (5-3,8-5), ND (10-3), U[sic]Ga (4-4, 9-4), and WV (5-2,11-2).

By comparison, last year, in one of our worst seasons under CPJ we also had two wins against teams with winning conference records, UNC (5-3, 8-4) and USC (5-4, 7-6). We also went into overtime (having had the lead in the 4th qtr) against VPI (4-4, 7-6) and Miami (5-3, 7-5).

A coach like CPJ who's proven he can win and gives every indication of knowing how to win at this level and of being just as dissatisfied with losing as I am deserves some time to build the program.

So what convinces you that Johnson is doing anything successful in turning things around? He's on he third DC, one who was mediocre before. Shuffling the deck chairs is not success. Simply look at the records that you claim show possitive signs (7-5, 7-6, 8-4) against what you claim were flukes (10-3, 9-4). It isn't better at this point. 21-19 over three years is not getting it done.
Fine. Who are you going to hire? Sorry, but no one is going to leave a decent program to coach here. Hell, I can't even tell you the names of the Auburn, Tennessee, or NC State coach. You think those guys are the answer?

I ask that same question to foggy. His reply was, that I was making an excuse. Excuse? I just want to know who we would hire?

Somebody please explain to me how that's an excuse and not a question being asked?
I ask that same question to foggy. His reply was, that I was making an excuse. Excuse? I just want to know who we would hire?

Somebody please explain to me how that's an excuse and not a question being asked?

The reply of choice on TOS was "it's not my job to find a replacement...."

My reply to that is you don't change course w/o a plan. Every decision needs to be a "best option decision." That means you choose the best option from what's available.

Why is it wrong to ask who's available (really available as in who would come here)? It's not. The problem is the people who want change can't answer it. Unfortunately, the guy making the decision has to.
I don't think anyone in this thread said we should fire CPJ right now.

All they are saying is his seat is getting hot.
2012 we were a score and change from winning the ACCCG and we beat Southern Cal in a bowl game. Yeah there were some frustrating losses, but I'll take that.

So you're satisfied with 7-7 and a bowl win over a poorly coached, average USC team? Wow. Tech fans are pathetic.
So you're satisfied with 7-7 and a bowl win over a poorly coached, average USC team? Wow. Tech fans are pathetic.

You're pathetic.

Why do you keep coming to ST? I thought you hated it here. Go post on other superior sites.
Didn't read all the posts. I'm just assuming with the number of them, everyone is just repeating how much they agree with the OP.
So you're satisfied with 7-7 and a bowl win over a poorly coached, average USC team? Wow. Tech fans are pathetic.

No, I think he said he would have been satisfied with 8-6 ACC Champions and OB winners and on the field we were incredibly close.

Its a game of inches and the ball bounced the wrong way for us many times. Our problem in 2012 wasn't talent, it wasn't scheme, it was NOT BEING ABLE TO WIN CLOSE GAMES.

The VT and Miami losses were straight up flukes and Clemson and FSU could have gone either way. We lost those two games on single turnovers. That team was capable of going 11-3 and being ACC/Orange Bowl champs if God didn't hate us.
You're pathetic.

Why do you keep coming to ST? I thought you hated it here. Go post on other superior sites.

I'm taking one for the team. I'm helping you guys out. I'm actually bringing some insight and not being delusional like 90% of the people on here.

Some people are mad that I am being realistic. Please pull up things that I've said that is wrong? I'd love to hear it.
No, I think he said he would have been satisfied with 8-6 ACC Champions and OB winners and on the field we were incredibly close.

Its a game of inches and the ball bounced the wrong way for us many times. Our problem in 2012 wasn't talent, it wasn't scheme, it was NOT BEING ABLE TO WIN CLOSE GAMES.

The VT and Miami losses were straight up flukes and Clemson and FSU could have gone either way. We lost those two games on single turnovers. That team was capable of going 11-3 and being ACC/Orange Bowl champs if God didn't hate us.

Not being able to win close games is a talent problem. We were close against Miami and VT and we executed well offensively against Clemson. But in the end, they had better talent. Not being able to make a tackle and allowing them (VT) to have a chance to hit a FG instead of a desparation heave at the end of the game is a talent and coaching issue. Not being able to get a 1st down on 3rd and 3 against Miami at home to run the clock out is a talent issue. Luckily, we probably do have better talent on the field this year, especially a huge upgrade at QB.

We were way overmatched offensively against FSU and their defense. Defensively, we played pretty well but I can't believe that they didn't continue to run the ball right at us. Terrible playcalling, IMO. We were close in many games but of our 7 losses, 6 of those teams had better talent than we did.
I'm taking one for the team. I'm helping you guys out. I'm actually bringing some insight and not being delusional like 90% of the people on here.

Some people are mad that I am being realistic. Please pull up things that I've said that is wrong? I'd love to hear it.

While I don't agree with what you are saying, I think people should be a little more respectful of your opinion on the situation. Why can't we argue like adults instead of middle schoolers?

I understand we haven't been lighting the world on fire the past few years, but I don't understand why this would be the pre-season to freak out about. We have a decently experienced/recruited defense, brand new pair of QB's who can ACTUALLY THROW a pass. Hell, I even think we have a pair of decent WR's in Waller and Autry. Godhigh should be a beast, Sims is in his prime, Laskey will see significant improvement, and plenty more RB depth.

That being said, if I see the program stall where it is, then yes, a change could be necessary. We may even see our offense shift to a pistol formation if we were to get a new coach.
No, I think he said he would have been satisfied with 8-6 ACC Champions and OB winners and on the field we were incredibly close.

Its a game of inches and the ball bounced the wrong way for us many times. Our problem in 2012 wasn't talent, it wasn't scheme, it was NOT BEING ABLE TO WIN CLOSE GAMES.

The VT and Miami losses were straight up flukes and Clemson and FSU could have gone either way. We lost those two games on single turnovers. That team was capable of going 11-3 and being ACC/Orange Bowl champs if God didn't hate us.
If you don't think we have a major talent issue you are fooling yourself.

Miami, VT, UGA, Clemson, FSU, BYU, and USC were all more talented than us. Thank goodness there was no Matt Barkley and Lane Kiffin is a dumbass.

With the way UVA is recruiting they'll be passing us in talent soon enough.

Our talent level is a lot closer to MTSU's was than people want to believe.
Thread's addressed mostly results without looking at underlying issues:

Johnson has failed in two major areas:

(1) Recruiting in first two years. Go back and look at those classes and count how many guys made absolutely no impact, none, zilcho, nada.

Two major positions, QB & DL had repeated big misses both among the guys who went elsewhere and the guys who did come here but didn't pan out.

Exascervating this talent drain was lots of 2007 guys leaving early, particularly OL, and not many young OL in the program when Johnson took over.

Left us with a roster of really young guys and really hurt coverage on special teams for a couple of years (not to mention specialists themselves have been bad which is more luck-of-the-draw). Young OL for a few years, bad DL, QB problems.

(2) Failure to get a good DC....TWICE. Just two awful hires, no sugar-coating it.

Where Johnson has succeeded:

(1) Has built an OL that when healthy and dialed in figures to be good for years to come.

(2) Offense has been pretty good overall.

(3) Players not getting into trouble

(4) Players graduating, going to class, getting good jobs....going on to be successful at life.

(5) Has built walk-on program that is increasingly bringing in D-1 talent (good at a school where recruiting's going to be challenging).

(6) At least Johnson aggressively attempts to fix what is broken (quick hooks for bad DC hires, hired ST coordinator, hired McCollum, Roof, Pelton to upgrade recruiting, improved QB & DL recruiting, trying new recruiting strategy outside SE targeting Catholic/private schools where kids value education over SEC idiocy).


If we were a factory school I'd probably say 'enough', lets try another guy.

No other school I know of has GT's combination of a narrow curriculum(all BS degrees/technical majors), high entry requirements(highest team SAT avg for non-service academy schools), and difficulty graduating (compare GT's 5-yr grad rate with Stanford, ND, Vandy, Northwestern).

IMO building the kind of team we all want to see at GT is going to be difficult and is going to take time. It's going to take trying a bunch of different crap and seeing what works.

With Gailey I just didn't feel like we'd ever get there because he wasn't trying much that was new.

With Johnson there are all kinds of changes being tried to address the problem areas. Hell, he's even tinkering with the offense. In my opinion he's doing that to find something else that also works but is easier to recruit to.

No idea if recruting will improve, the defense will ever get there, ST's will finally be a strength, or whether we'll finally have a great QB behind a great OL

Wasn't very patient with Gailey but am apt to be more patient with Johnson. Johnson's clearly trying different things to be successful.

Meanwhile, academic hurdles at GT are continuing to get more and more restrictive. Roof has said publicly 40% of the players O'Leary had wouldn't get in/make it at GT and he was shocked at how the academic environment had changed.

Everyone has to make up their own mind & I respect those who disagree with me because my take could be wrong. Johnson's made a lot of mistakes and the jury is still out for sure. I just think looking at all the fundamentals of the situation a little patience could pay huge dividends.
Not being able to win close games is a talent problem. We were close against Miami and VT and we executed well offensively against Clemson. But in the end, they had better talent. Not being able to make a tackle and allowing them (VT) to have a chance to hit a FG instead of a desparation heave at the end of the game is a talent and coaching issue. Not being able to get a 1st down on 3rd and 3 against Miami at home to run the clock out is a talent issue. Luckily, we probably do have better talent on the field this year, especially a huge upgrade at QB.

We were way overmatched offensively against FSU and their defense. Defensively, we played pretty well but I can't believe that they didn't continue to run the ball right at us. Terrible playcalling, IMO. We were close in many games but of our 7 losses, 6 of those teams had better talent than we did.

How the Hell is Orwin Smith self-safetying a talent problem? That was the ballgame.

If that abomination didn't happen or VT called a different play where we made the tackle we wouldn't be having this conversation.

As far as Clemson goes here is how the 4th quarter went for GT after the offense took the lead 31-30:

1. Safety on 2nd down.
2. Missed 37 yard FG

Those are pretty bad luck and were a 12 point swing and we would have drained some clock if we didn't have the safety. Even though we were unable to stop Clemson's offense they could have been left with the ball in their hands when the game ended to lose 41-38.

FSU was interesting because our defense kept us in the game. I think that really shows how much scheme not talent was the problem. But it was Tevin's interception that lost us the game.