Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

I see people saying that the ST coach needs to be replaced. Key's very first move as iHC was to put Semore in charge there. I don't see that changing, nor do I think it should. He was dealt the same hand as Key in trying to clean things up and he responded well considering what he was given.
Semore did that for like a week or 2. Key brought up Eleys dad for that, then when Mike Daniels resigned, he moved Eley to RBs and promoted someone else to STs. We dont have a normal "full-time" staffer for ST.
Why do y'all dislike Caralla? I remember people loved him for his intensity and motivating. He was really popular. I didn't have a strong opinion on him one way or another, but had an impression from listening to him once that he wasn't the most scientific in his approach.
More than anything else, lack of speed. We always appear to be slower than our opponents.
Semore did that for like a week or 2. Key brought up Eleys dad for that, then when Mike Daniels resigned, he moved Eley to RBs and promoted someone else to STs. We dont have a normal "full-time" staffer for ST.
Semore is still listed as ST coach on the coaches' roster.
I went on record a long time ago that Weinke would quickly move up the coaching ranks.

Not sure if he will get the OC spot or not - probably too early but I could tell a while back that he’s going places - hopefully here.

I can see us giving him a shot as OC. Brent gets a pass for Year 1, so it's not like he's getting fired immediately. If we can get some good value while we can, why not? If he can get something out of the like the 9th string QB that we were using, surely he can with some time with QB #1
I see people saying that the ST coach needs to be replaced. Key's very first move as iHC was to put Semore in charge there. I don't see that changing, nor do I think it should. He was dealt the same hand as Key in trying to clean things up and he responded well considering what he was given.
Agreed. Key wasn’t given the interim to serve as a hatchet man. He had other more pressing issues to deal with. The best he could do was a staffing reorganization, although he probably knew who the turds on the existing staff were.
Agreed. Key wasn’t given the interim to serve as a hatchet man. He had other more pressing issues to deal with. The best he could do was a staffing reorganization, although he probably knew who the turds on the existing staff were.
They all got canned after last year
Caralla was a good motivator and he knew how to get guys ripped and coached them how to do well at the combine, but it seemed to me we lacked what I call "football strength.". We looked slow, weak, and got injured a lot. I dont think he had anything to do with DMO leaving.
More than anything else, lack of speed. We always appear to be slower than our opponents.
We looked slower and weaker. After nearly four years of his S&C program, shouldn't that have stopped at some point?
That it continued is the reason why you send a guy like him packing.