Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

Key basically told us on the radio that Taisun was never shown the playbook. He was told to focus on conditioning. That's why you didn't see him until a few weeks after the change.

It was that bad, and Geoff may disappear from coaching altogether.
Disappear infers he ever appeared

Oh he appeared like the Loch Ness Monster and ate about $20 million and destroyed most everything in sight with his tail.
What would Jamey Caldwell do? Hire Willy Korn to be OC? I guess that’s the move

According to the state of South Carolina salary info, Korn makes $314,500 yearly

He also coached wide receivers the first couple of years at Coastal
If true that only Weinke is retained on the offensive side, then the eligibility clock expiring on Eley expired the employment of his dad as well. Not that I think that it's a great idea to have a player and his dad as a package deal. Having said that, Ace was a damn good LB.
If true that only Weinke is retained on the offensive side, then the eligibility clock expiring on Eley expired the employment of his dad as well. Not that I think that it's a great idea to have a player and his dad as a package deal. Having said that, Ace was a damn good LB.
Wasn’t he just a fill-in coach because Daniels quit?
He was already on staff but in a lesser role. He was a package deal with dad when transferring from UMD from what I've read.
He was the head coach at Alabama State from 2018-2021. His last season at Alabama State was 2021. He started as an offensive analyst with us this season.
Ace was here in 21 and 22.