Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

On the chance that I'm not the only one who has no idea what this means, can someone point me in the right direction so I can get up to speed?

Friggin' Millennials

Like some others, I'm a bit curious why Key feels like he can hire position coaches before hiring an OC but perhaps the OC is already chosen (but being kept quiet) and the future OC is telling Key who he wants.

Something is not in the expected sequential order of things but all will be known by early Jan.
I suspect this is the case. I'm thinking the new OC will come from one of the playoff teams. If not, we should have hired somebody by now.

Hard to get recruits/transfers if they don't know what offense we'll be running. I'm guessing they have their guy lined up and feel that he's worth waiting for.
I hope Wade does a good job for us. But, I am not overwhelmed by the choice. The 20/21 O-lines at App State were outstanding. They were incredibly athletic and impressive to see in person. They blocked outside zone as well as any line because they were so mobile and agile. Their coach then was Nic Cardwell. He went to coach at Louisville and Wade came in for ‘22 - and most would say offensive production declined.

They lost 63-61 to UNC and 51-48 to Georgia Southern, and averaged 34.9 ppg (34.5 last year). More yards per game this year, as well.

Seems like defense was more of their issue.