Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

You say you'd be happy with a diamond in the rough from ETSU, but we got a guy who was OC at MTSU for years, including some record breaking ones.

So be happy.
You have been away for a while. Do you not remember how miserable the bulk of our posters are?
You say you'd be happy with a diamond in the rough from ETSU, but we got a guy who was OC at MTSU for years, including some record breaking ones.

So be happy.
not sure what happen with him he was not like this years ago, ( it's not like he is married to my wife maybe he just needs to drink more and start very early)
I'm not a big fan of running just as fast as possible. A few quick 3 and outs against UGAg and we get destroyed, most likely. Pick your spots. I know the gaggers would go fast under certain conditions and run normally otherwise. Key and Weinke had a good plan against UGAg this season, we just didn't have the personnel to overcome their physical superiority. The difference in the game, player wise, was two fantastic T.E.'s for them and #88 occupying the DL for them. Otherwise, we would have had a shot.
You guys have some seriously damn thin skin. If Kirbee, a HC with nearly unlimited assets, wanted to keep a coach on his roster he'd pay him a big enough salary to retain him. So here we are, we "steal" a coach from the mutt & they roll over and let us scratch their belly, take their high performing "gotta have him to win a Natty" asst to the OC coach for bottom dollar and you all think we just outsmarted them. Really?

I hope this guy works out well. I hope he establishes an offensive system we can man up and excel at. The odds just are not in our favor. I'd be more optimistic if we found a diamond in the rought at ETSU that they could not afford to fight us for, but you all think that the few bucks we're talking about (maybe 25% of what the mutt has) is letting us waltz into the Cesspool and steal one of their best coaches? I get the hopey hypey position given we've been saddled with a staff full of mostly poor coaches for 4 years now, but damn if we don't think this is a high risk/ high reach type move. Again, hope it works because that's all we can do, but you all are making this guy out to be Bill O'Brien, etc.
You seen to weave a path of logic to fit your preexisting beliefs, as opposed to keeping your mind open and allowing logic to drive the result.

Nobody here is jumping for joy or proclaiming Faulker to be a 100% guarantee. I feel that most are proceeding with cautious optimism, which is common in coaching transitions.
You guys have some seriously damn thin skin. If Kirbee, a HC with nearly unlimited assets, wanted to keep a coach on his roster he'd pay him a big enough salary to retain him.

I don't think it's accurate to say Kirby has nearly unlimited assets. I have it on good authority (you) that Kirby actually wanted to get rid of this guy.

Why would Kirby be keeping a guy on his staff that he didn't want there? The only thing I can think of is that he couldn't afford the buyout, or at least felt the resources he would've had to spend to get this guy off his staff were better spent elsewhere. You don't do that if you have nearly unlimited assets.
" I have it on good authority (you) that Kirby actually wanted to get rid of this guy."

That could be true but Kirby saw something in him to hire him so that should tell us that he's a legit coach.
That approach didn't work with Key and GOL/Saban... why would it work with Faulkner?
This guy was behind, or at least "before" 9/11 and it gets buried in strength and conditioning speculation.
Not exactly sure what your point was but if it was a clever attempt at snark, then it failed. And up yours...
Not whining, just stating facts and many on this board wet their pants over what damn near everyone else knows.

You all keep crying, but we didn't go out and target top talent as we were lead to believe we would. I get the Key hire, he went 4-4 where the clown would have gone 1-7. It's easy to adore the GT hire. It's easy to get behind the "blue collar" speech he gave. Now we're filling staff sports. We're not exactly hitting grandslams. Maybe in retrospect I'm wrong, but where's the splash hire? Colorado hired Deion. They're in the news every day. Nobody's talking about GT.

Time will tell & I'm a GT fan. I always hope for the best. I even rooted for clown to succeed even though I hated his style. In my heart I feared the worst & it turned out for the worst. I'm not the only one. I'm glad we got so many thinking this is a knock it out of the park hire, but frankly I just don't see it. Nobody's refuting anything with facts, just a bunch of freaking crybaby whining on here which is par for the course. The man has little record of success & the last dude we hired with a thin resume turned out swimmingly well so I'm sure this one will too.

Collins got tons of praise in the press after being hired. Words are wind.