Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

Most of us owe Thacker an apology. The first clue was when he was retained last year despite a staff overhaul.
I get that we improved but CAT is still not the level of DC we need. He's ok but we should have better than ok.
Color me skeptical that less than one week of changed practice was sufficient to change what was going on with the team enough to beat Pitt. There was something else going on. I don’t know what it is, but 4 practices is not enough to suddenly instill fundamentals that have been missing for so long.
No blocked punts, simplified man coverage and a better game plan.
Saban is the best there ever was at the college level, yet in the NFL where 2 of those 3 items are irrelevant and he had to gameplan, he got his clock cleaned.

I agree with most of your post but this isn't really true. He inherited a team that went 4-12 and he went 15-17 in his two seasons. Obviously not domination, and the second season was a disappointment compared to the first, but he was far from a disaster, especially given what he started with.
Color me skeptical that less than one week of changed practice was sufficient to change what was going on with the team enough to beat Pitt. There was something else going on. I don’t know what it is, but 4 practices is not enough to suddenly instill fundamentals that have been missing for so long.

Definitely it wasn't. And that's why we continued to see bad fundamentals rear their head throughout the year, including on the infamous punt unit. I'm sure Key made minor fixes but mostly he did what he could with what he had, which turned out to be much more than what CGC was able to do.

The question is whether Key can put together a staff that improves on what Collins was able to do in the offseason, which is where you're really able to work on fundamentals. It's his question mark, and it is a big one.
There's a lot of conjecture and opinions about what changes need to be made to the coaching staff and
as we all know opinions are like a**holes, because everybody has one.

My opinion is that CBK hire assistant coaches who; know the game of X's & O's, can teach fundamentals, can make in-game adjustments, can coach players up, and number one are good recruiters.

IMHO, the key to the football team is #1 getting good recruits and building quality depth. Quality depth is
the main ingredient in the have's and have not's of college football. Quality depth is what separates the
Georgia's and Alabama's from the rest of college football.

GT needs to get back to their winning ways and become an elite program in the ACC. I admire the job that Coach
Dave Claussen has done at Wake Forest. He has methodically made Wake into a winning program.

I hope the President of GT was sincere when he said that the school was going to give the football program
their full support.

I wish CBK and the coaching staff the best of luck, because they are going to need it!

As always; THWg!!!
Thacker always seemed so knowledgeable and prepared in press conferences during the clown era, so I was always confused by the ineptitude of the defense. The performance post clown definitely lines up more with my expectations. I hope he stays. If Weinke was calling the plays in the last two games then I would like to see him stay as well. The game plan was much more coherent.
Definitely it wasn't. And that's why we continued to see bad fundamentals rear their head throughout the year, including on the infamous punt unit. I'm sure Key made minor fixes but mostly he did what he could with what he had, which turned out to be much more than what CGC was able to do.

The question is whether Key can put together a staff that improves on what Collins was able to do in the offseason, which is where you're really able to work on fundamentals. It's his question mark, and it is a big one.
Challenges for HC >>>> challenges for interim HC
We are about to learn a lot about Key's chances based on OC/DC changes or lack thereof. Also about J's competence & Cabrera's commitment speech.
Thacker always seemed so knowledgeable and prepared in press conferences during the clown era, so I was always confused by the ineptitude of the defense. The performance post clown definitely lines up more with my expectations. I hope he stays. If Weinke was calling the plays in the last two games then I would like to see him stay as well. The game plan was much more coherent.

If Collins really was holding everyone back, then I imagine all of the coaches feel like they have unfinished business and Key will be able to keep anyone he wants. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players feel that way as well.
Thacker always seemed so knowledgeable and prepared in press conferences during the clown era, so I was always confused by the ineptitude of the defense. The performance post clown definitely lines up more with my expectations. I hope he stays. If Weinke was calling the plays in the last two games then I would like to see him stay as well. The game plan was much more coherent.
Iirc, Collins claimed to be the DB whisperer, working miracles at Florida, Mississippi State, and Temple. I believe he was probably the reason our DB's digressed yearly.
Iirc, Collins claimed to be the DB whisperer, working miracles at Florida, Mississippi State, and Temple. I believe he was probably the reason our DB's digressed yearly.
Agreed. It definitely seemed he was pushing this effort based depth chart instead of performance. “I don’t care that you are missing assignments, you get to play because you run faster than everyone at practice.”
Some clarification on what I posted, although it is also unconfirmed,. Weinke apparently essentially took over the entire offense for those final 2 games. Again, that is unconfirmed, but seeing the massive difference in the O in those two games from the others, it sure sounds reasonable.
It's been rumored and even mentioned by Joe Hamilton on the radio that Weinke was calling plays for the last 2 games. I have no doubt that Weinke was more involved in the game plan and may have been responsible for it, but I know for a fact Long was calling the plays against UGAg. I saw him with the play sheet making the calls into the headset for the signal guys to send in. I never saw Weinke make them.
Kittley would be fun.

Zach Kittley and Bryan Ellis were OC and Co-OC at WKU, respectively. If you compare Kittley's offense to Ellis they are virtually identical, but according to ESPN FPI offensive efficiency, Georgia Southern is ranked higher than Texas Tech. Both of them are ranked higher than us, which is not surprising honestly. In terms of recruiting I would probably go with Ellis over Kittley, but UAB just hired a new HC and Ellis is a UAB grad who got his coaching start there so if we were to do something like that, I'd make a move soon. I didn't keep up with ESPN FPI on a weekly basis, so I can't tell if our offense (GT) improved in the last few weeks with Weinke making the calls. Maybe others here did?
I think finding a reputable, experienced OC and DC will be hard. Face facts. Why would you work for someone that you have more experience, than they do? I wouldn't work for a boss that knew less than me. Why would you expect that to change for coaching? I expect to see us grab and OC from the FCS level and probably keep Thacker. That's my best guess, anyway.