Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

This is all speculation because I haven't seen the contract but if we are paying Key a million or more less than what we had budgeted for the new coach and are currently paying long 850k, find the best OC in the business and offer them 1.5-2 million.

LINK A minimum of $800,000 plus incentives. I heard somewhere that last year that was in the neighborhood just over $1,000,000.
"If you can’t see how much we’ve grown, how much we’ve developed, you don’t want to see it."
-Clown Man

I had almost forgotten that. The one thing I couldn't wipe from my mind was his insane Mickey Mouse stare and 20 second silence when the one guy asked him about what he had to say to the fans. I need my whiskey now.
I wouldn't work for a boss that knew less than me.

This might be the dumbest thing posted on ST this week. If you had a legal problem and you hired a lawyer to consult with, the lawyer would be working for you (you would be his boss). People hire advisors all the time as consultants because they want access to experience and knowledge beyond their own expertise. A head coach is the CEO of the football program, but that doesn't mean he knows more than all the coordinators and staff. I'm sure every football program has technical advisors that provide help with computers and social media. Should those technical experts refuse to work for the team if the head coach knows less about those things than they do?
A lot of us wanted a head coach who would bring a cool new offensive scheme. That's still not out of the question if we find the right OC. My opinion on Long is his schemes are too mundane.

Thacker, my impression is he's a young DC who's simply improving at his job. I'd keep him.
That appears to be yours and only your opinion. One of our QBs dads even came on here and called you out for it, citing explicit coaching points and techniques used today yet you continued to double down. I'd suggest taking him up on his offer.
And you should see his kid walk on water. I get it. You are going to defend your kid. I care less about his opinion. If he cannot respect mine, I cannot respect his. End of story. If I am wrong, I'm wrong. But, the games and actions within games, show otherwise.
Does the QB coach pass pro? Also, I saw QBs get better this season.
Your opinion. Once Sims quit, new QBs that wanted to play stepped in. So, there was a slight increase. However; more work is required.
:readthis: Just read between the lines. All of the answers to all of our questions are right there. It’s not what is read, but how it’s interpreted.
This might be the dumbest thing posted on ST this week. If you had a legal problem and you hired a lawyer to consult with, the lawyer would be working for you (you would be his boss). People hire advisors all the time as consultants because they want access to experience and knowledge beyond their own expertise. A head coach is the CEO of the football program, but that doesn't mean he knows more than all the coordinators and staff. I'm sure every football program has technical advisors that provide help with computers and social media. Should those technical experts refuse to work for the team if the head coach knows less about those things than they do?
Wow. Just wow. If you worked in a particular field, you would be ok working for someone that knows less than you??? Is that what you are saying? Having an experienced leader is a set up for failure. In any business that doesn't work. Get out of your feelings. I suggest you back your words up. Go find someone to work for that knows less than you. Let me know how that works out. Go right ahead. Do it... Show me to be wrong.
Wow. Just wow. If you worked in a particular field, you would be ok working for someone that knows less than you??? Is that what you are saying? Having an experienced leader is a set up for failure. In any business that doesn't work. Get out of your feelings. I suggest you back your words up. Go find someone to work for that knows less than you. Let me know how that works out. Go right ahead. Do it... Show me to be wrong.
I work in healthcare. My boss, the hospital CEO, has no idea how to take care of the most basic aspects of patient care, much less cutting someone open, replacing their plumbing, and sewing them back up again in such a way that they not only live through the procedure but come out significantly better on the other side. Should I only work for a surgeon more experienced than myself?

While I think I see the point you are trying to make, your attempts at making that argument are falling a bit short.
Wow. Just wow. If you worked in a particular field, you would be ok working for someone that knows less than you??? Is that what you are saying? Having an experienced leader is a set up for failure. In any business that doesn't work. Get out of your feelings. I suggest you back your words up. Go find someone to work for that knows less than you. Let me know how that works out. Go right ahead. Do it... Show me to be wrong.
I can assure you that in the highly specialized job I had, I knew more about that particular job I had than my supervisors did. They were paid to manage, which all of them did exceptionally well, and I was paid to do the work I was hired to do. THAT's the way the REAL WORLD works and SHOULD work.
As usual. I have an opinion different and in true liberal, lefty fashion, the mob comes out. I refuse to be attacked and insulted for having another opinion. I will only respond to worthy replies. If you want to have a conversation, we can do that. If you want to act childish and throw insults, I will just ignore you and move on.
Your opinion. Once Sims quit, new QBs that wanted to play stepped in. So, there was a slight increase. However; more work is required.
I def agree more work is needed. But that’s across the board. Maybe we will see a fall camp and spring with improvement
I can assure you that in the highly specialized job I had, I knew more about that particular job I had than my supervisors did. They were paid to manage, which all of them did exceptionally well, and I was paid to do the work I was hired to do. THAT's the way the REAL WORLD works and SHOULD work.
I guess I think way too much with common sense. I know I (me) will not work for anyone that knows less than me. If I was an OC or DC, I wouldn't bet my career on an untested head coach. I will concede that Key will do better than Collins. I mean, can't be much worse. However; I see a lot of 6-6 type seasons. As we are, right now, GT isn't a gem of a school to go coach for.
I def agree more work is needed. But that’s across the board. Maybe we will see a fall camp and spring with improvement
I sure hope so. I think learning passing lanes and how to use the pocket, should be high on that list. Given, we need an O line that can provide more than 2 seconds to throw a ball. I kid not on that 2 seconds.
At what point did things magically get better? So, Collins prevented anyone from learning and limited all their abilities? At some point Collins has to stop being the scapegoat, for be all end all.
Maybe when we stopped taking dumb timeouts, having terrible penalties, and generally looking like we knew what the opponent was trying to do. The lone exception being Miami when they switched their entire scheme for our game.

The players looked prepared. Something they hadn’t looked in a few years.