Other Schools' Coaching Changes [Now with Colorado's Deion]

For any program to succeed in this day and time you have to pay the players through NIL. The big schools do it through donors. We don’t have that luxury. I think we see in Deion a way we think that could be done. He is a media darling so the press would be good. He also has a staff at JSU with a lot of NFL experience that he brought in. If we want to play with the big boys then we need to get in the pigpen with them and get dirty. Watching them from outside talking about how filthy the pigs are hasn’t worked for us. College football isn’t going anywhere. It is going to change a lot over the next few years and we either need to change or perish.
Deion sanders to Georgia tech means all major sports franchises in Atlanta are GT fans. It means all UGA fans are GT fans except on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It means…everything. It’s basically a chance for an endless supply of money.

the only problem we would have is keeping our team out of trouble because there would be Groupies and hangers on everywhere.
Deion sanders to Georgia tech means all major sports franchises in Atlanta are GT fans. It means all UGA fans are GT fans except on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It means…everything. It’s basically a chance for an endless supply of money.

the only problem we would have is keeping our team out of trouble because there would be Groupies and hangers on everywhere.
No. I know coaches who I think could be good for us, like Chadwell. But that is ultimately irrelevant here. I think you all bemoan the death of college football when you're the willing target audience for its nationally broadcast slow-slaughter. You're still trying to get back into the big boys club and you'd hoped Gofef could talk our way in, which didn't work. Now you think that if we're hanging on the arm of a guy like Deion Sanders, we can sneak in. If you've already given up on football and just want a spectacle during our sad descent, just say so and stop pretending this some obvious slam dunk.

You spend years whining about all the ways Tech has been lagging behind or poorly imitating the real players in college football. Then the moment arises where you not only have the opportunity to hire a new coach and athletic director, but apparently the president is also inclined to drop a couple stacks in the bucket as we endeavor to engineer the biggest goddamn slingshot in the history of giants or underdogs. And you are all ööööing beside yourselves to get the Prime Time meme signed as head coach before anyone else can.

Why? If you're going to take a chance on anyone, take a chance on the guy who can at least make you feel excited for a season or two? Maybe he actually is a tremendous coach and is the guy who can make Tech a successful program - I would love to understand what has given you guys so much confidence that this is so. If there is good reason to get behind Sanders as the guy, then I am in. But right now all I see is the same bullshit I've seen during every coaching search since 2001 where there's that one big and familiar name which makes for easy fantasizing, easy memes, and mindless hype.

Party after we stop sucking. öööö.
FFS moron, there are 25 pages littered with reasons why this is a no brainer despite being a huge risk. It might sound like an oxymoron, but you really can have a no brainer decision that is a huge risk.

The number one problem facing GT right now is not W/L. Nor money nor shifting landscapes nor UGA signalling the coming of Hell on Earth. The number one problem facing GT right now is apathy. When you have the hardcore fans on here, who drive hundreds of miles for decades to use their season tickets not only not driving up but not even bothering to turn on the game on TV... When you have lots and lots of decades long season ticket holder streaks ending.... When the stadium had more fans at the peak pandemic than now... It is time to panic. That is what got us to eat bigtime money for us and fire his ass in week 5 and what got the AD fired as well. They have to get the fans back. Firing everyone definitely stopped the bleeding. Angel coming out and reassuring us that if it is possible to make us relevant he is going to get it done is a huge step at reversing the apathy.

But in the end, Deion addresses the apathy like nobody else. They like to keep this öööö private, but in our case the GT fans need to be able to hear Deion turn us down if he turns us down. It might seem stupid considering it would be an L, but from a "do we believe angel" that move is a big fat datapoint that maybe he is not snowing us.

Who a team hires tells you who they are. A team like Alabama or Texas or OSU simply goes out and writes an insanely large check to steal a big name successful coach from someone else. FFS Arkansas did that. If we were that team we would hire the guy at Kansas. He would excite the fanbase. Nobody says his name with GT because we are not that team.

The closest we can get to that team is hiring the hot proven guy from the G5. That is Coastal Carolina. It was Bill Lewis. It was CGC if you were blind and dumb. It is Monken at Army.

The tier below that is hire the hottest assistant. Other than Deion or Chadwell, that is who we are. That is not going to address the apathy. People who dropped season tickets this year are going to take a wait and see approach if we hire Monken from Georgia or the OC from FSU or whatever. You let them do that and I bet 90% of them don't ever come back as STHers. But after Deion and Chadwell those are the names being thrown about.

There is the wildcard of taking a guy on the sale rack (i.e. a guy with a scandal) like Freeze. IMHO, offer Deion. If he says no offer Chadwell. If he says no then we need to call the other retreads and the guys with black eyes like Freeze.
The closest we can get to that team is hiring the hot proven guy from the G5. That is Coastal Carolina. It was Bill Lewis. It was CGC if you were blind and dumb. It is Monken at Army.

Collins wasn't proven as a G5 HC, he was proven as a hype man who recruits. Sound familiar?

Monken's record at army is a lot like CPJ's record at navy. Why do you think some of us wanted him over Collins?
Collins wasn't proven as a G5 HC, he was proven as a hype man who recruits. Sound familiar?

Monken's record at army is a lot like CPJ's record at navy. Why do you think some of us wanted him over Collins?

To clarify, I'm not saying he can't coach but the primary reason everyone here wants Deion is for his recruiting prowess and NOT because they think he's an X and Os guy. There's an assumption that he's found the correct staff at Jax and would be able to repeat that here. As I mentioned about analysts, he attributes a good bit of success to being the only HBCU with analysts but those are standard fare in FBS.

Geoff was assumed to be a strong DC with good recruiting. The recruiting was overblown and he sucks as a HC. I dunno wtf happened to his ability to coach defense.

Monken is a strong Xs and Os guy that has been at Army long enough to demonstrate that his success isn't a fluke. He also turned them around from being a whipping boy to a legit program just like GS.

GS the 2 years before Monken:
6-5, 5-6

During Monken
10-5, 11-3, 10-4, 7-4

Army 2 years before Monken:
2-10, 3-9

During Monken:
4-8, 2-10, 8-5, 10-3, 11-2, 5-8, 9-3, 9-4

The biggest knock against Monken is the lack of ranked teams in those victories.
There seems to be some rumors going around about Deion. I just cannot see Deion willing to roll the dice on GT. I would think he would choose a program, like Auburn, over us. I could be wrong. However; I believe that Deion will stay committed to the HBCU.
There seems to be some rumors going around about Deion. I just cannot see Deion willing to roll the dice on GT. I would think he would choose a program, like Auburn, over us. I could be wrong. However; I believe that Deion will stay committed to the HBCU.
I think we’d have the advantage over Auburn since their boosters are crazy and the competition and expectations are a lot tougher. It’ll be hard to pull him away from JSU, but if we could do it, it shows we’re actually going all in on making football a priority. I can’t see him leaving for a school that isn’t going to give him what he needs to succeed.
Is it weird that the official Georgia Tech Football Twitter has this follow?...
I think we’d have the advantage over Auburn since their boosters are crazy and the competition and expectations are a lot tougher. It’ll be hard to pull him away from JSU, but if we could do it, it shows we’re actually going all in on making football a priority. I can’t see him leaving for a school that isn’t going to give him what he needs to succeed.

I agree, I would see him choosing Tech over Auburn being he's at a small school now being successful and Tech seems to be another step up for him to prove himself, and then maybe down the road he would go to a bigger school like auburn or somewhere else. Just all seems to make sense with Deion to Tech, being back in Atlanta, he would definitely get some awesome support here!
There seems to be some rumors going around about Deion. I just cannot see Deion willing to roll the dice on GT. I would think he would choose a program, like Auburn, over us. I could be wrong. However; I believe that Deion will stay committed to the HBCU.
Why? I can only think of two reasons.

1. Some people want to be in the cool club more than anything else.
2. Money.

I can't think of any other reason. To be clear, #2 is a huge reason, but we are assuming GT cannot match what Auburn is willing to pay a quite unproven coach.

You can name a lot of reasons GT is a superior job to Auburn.
1. Much easier road to the playoffs
2. Atlanta
3. Less fan scrutiny/pressure
4. Big city hype, both media and NIL
5. Atlanta
6. Recruiting

If Cabrera is not lying, we can compete with Auburn on money. Coaching salaries are a huge burden on the AA budget but they are a roundoff error on the institute budget. The only reason to choose Auburn over GT is the SEC is the cool club and some people would rather coach a medium fish in the biggest pond versus be a big fish in a medium pond. If a coach can't look at the ACC and GT and think "there is no reason I can't be the big dog in that conference if they increase the funding" than we don't want that coach anyway.
Why? I can only think of two reasons.

1. Some people want to be in the cool club more than anything else.
2. Money.

I can't think of any other reason. To be clear, #2 is a huge reason, but we are assuming GT cannot match what Auburn is willing to pay a quite unproven coach.

You can name a lot of reasons GT is a superior job to Auburn.
1. Much easier road to the playoffs
2. Atlanta
3. Less fan scrutiny/pressure
4. Big city hype, both media and NIL
5. Atlanta
6. Recruiting

If Cabrera is not lying, we can compete with Auburn on money. Coaching salaries are a huge burden on the AA budget but they are a roundoff error on the institute budget. The only reason to choose Auburn over GT is the SEC is the cool club and some people would rather coach a medium fish in the biggest pond versus be a big fish in a medium pond. If a coach can't look at the ACC and GT and think "there is no reason I can't be the big dog in that conference if they increase the funding" than we don't want that coach anyway.

Why is GT better than Auburn for recruiting? Auburn is close enough to target Ga heavily, has more majors, doesn't have the academic restrictions, and has better booster support for NIL.
Why? I can only think of two reasons.

1. Some people want to be in the cool club more than anything else.
2. Money.

I can't think of any other reason. To be clear, #2 is a huge reason, but we are assuming GT cannot match what Auburn is willing to pay a quite unproven coach.

You can name a lot of reasons GT is a superior job to Auburn.
1. Much easier road to the playoffs
2. Atlanta
3. Less fan scrutiny/pressure
4. Big city hype, both media and NIL
5. Atlanta
6. Recruiting

If Cabrera is not lying, we can compete with Auburn on money. Coaching salaries are a huge burden on the AA budget but they are a roundoff error on the institute budget. The only reason to choose Auburn over GT is the SEC is the cool club and some people would rather coach a medium fish in the biggest pond versus be a big fish in a medium pond. If a coach can't look at the ACC and GT and think "there is no reason I can't be the big dog in that conference if they increase the funding" than we don't want that coach anyway.
There are hard and fast rules about what a university is able to support (give $$$) to its athletic association. So, the piggy banks of those respective organizations means little.
There are hard and fast rules about what a university is able to support (give $$$) to its athletic association. So, the piggy banks of those respective organizations means little.
I do not believe you have the creativity to be successful at turning GT into a premier team.

Is there anything that prevents him from making athletic fees $1000 a year?
Why? I can only think of two reasons.

1. Some people want to be in the cool club more than anything else.
2. Money.

I can't think of any other reason. To be clear, #2 is a huge reason, but we are assuming GT cannot match what Auburn is willing to pay a quite unproven coach.

You can name a lot of reasons GT is a superior job to Auburn.
1. Much easier road to the playoffs
2. Atlanta
3. Less fan scrutiny/pressure
4. Big city hype, both media and NIL
5. Atlanta
6. Recruiting

If Cabrera is not lying, we can compete with Auburn on money. Coaching salaries are a huge burden on the AA budget but they are a roundoff error on the institute budget. The only reason to choose Auburn over GT is the SEC is the cool club and some people would rather coach a medium fish in the biggest pond versus be a big fish in a medium pond. If a coach can't look at the ACC and GT and think "there is no reason I can't be the big dog in that conference if they increase the funding" than we don't want that coach anyway.
Can you imagine WSB-TV pivoting a bit from being "all dwags, all the time" to having to cover Deion and GT because that is what the city demands?
I do not believe you have the creativity to be successful at turning GT into a premier team.

Is there anything that prevents him from making athletic fees $1000 a year?
Oh, no.

I thought you were saying - why can't we use our billions from endowment to pay for a better coaching staff?