Other Schools' Coaching Changes [Now with Colorado's Deion]

Had not educated myself on Prime Prep Academy until this morning. Student athletes literally lost scholarships and got pulled from college teams due to a lack of accreditation that had been swept under the rug. There's more to that iceberg but I'll let the article talk.

And now in Boulder they want to rework their admissions standards for transfers on the advice of the same guy... whose salary they already can't afford... and who seems bent on elevating his son over others come hell or high water.

So, yea. I was on team Deion two weeks ago but this cements my switch. 100% happy with Key being the right hire at the right time. Re-evaluate in 2 years.
I was big time pro Duninone, and Key was my next. But now I have to say that for TECH we have the right man. I keep watching those young men go bonkers when JB introduces him to the team "as your new coach". They truly wanted him and they know he is giving them the truth. To me that has power.
You’re right. I kept my mouth shut when the Clown was hired. That’s the problem. Accepting losers to lead our program. We’re great at that.
I think you are one of the more impressive posters on StinGTalk. You have accomplished something that before now was unthinkable -you have gotten the entire board to side with @1982Jacket.

Where does that leave you?

In Cincinnatti, I guess. Sorry, bro.
Thanks. Appreciate the support. You’re awesome. Let’s all hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and give J Batt a participation trophy for this pathetic coaching search. It doesn’t seem like any attempt was made to change the future of Tech football. Let’s stay irrelevant and look forward to another coaching change in 3 years with a more favorable buyout. Am I doing this correctly now?
Key may end up sucking but he will never suck as bad as Collins. I think that is where we're at right now. Got to get to mediocre before you get good.
Brohm to Louisville from Purdue. Must be a pile of money for him.
Brohm is a stellar hire for Louisville. Purdue is an unwinnable place. He will do great at a program with a pulse.
As of two days ago, Brohm claimed he had not been approached by Louisville. I suspect his agent had.

Also, two days ago, Mike Bobinski was asked about it. His quote, and I'm seriously not making this up, "There has been no anything from our side or anybody's side at this point in time with regard to anything else." You gotta love to hate that guy.
Louisville able to trade up on that, right before they place us every year of course.
As of two days ago, Brohm claimed he had not been approached by Louisville. I suspect his agent had.

Also, two days ago, Mike Bobinski was asked about it. His quote, and I'm seriously not making this up, "There has been no anything from our side or anybody's side at this point in time with regard to anything else." You gotta love to hate that guy.
Reminds me of Nick Satan claiming he wasn't leaving the Dolphins . . . right before he left the Dolphins.