Per ESPN Richt has been fired

I'm going to say something that will be very hated but don't care. They might be the best job open right now. Outside of the fans thinking they should be Alabama, Georgia is a great job. Being a head coach with the recruiting this state offers AND your instate rival rolls over for you in the name of academics offers a great platform. SC is the only other I would consider in contention.

I don't care who they hire because they likely won't have the results Richt got. They went 20 years without a conference championship before Richt got them one. Already been 10 since the last one. Sure they have some built in advantages but it took one of the best players in history to get them what they so desperately want in a National Championship. With Saban at Bama it is like the rest of the SEC is playing for 2nd place anyway. The mutts aren't going to be able to do better than the guy they just Fired. They are delusional.
I'm going to say something that will be very hated but don't care. They might be the best job open right now. Outside of the fans thinking they should be Alabama, Georgia is a great job. Being a head coach with the recruiting this state offers AND your instate rival rolls over for you in the name of academics offers a great platform. SC is the only other I would consider in contention.

There's no doubt that Georgia is one of the best jobs in the country from a HC standpoint. A coach has everything he could possibly want or need to win championships there.

My comment earlier was more about the fact that many of their fans believe that Georgia has something that other such schools like Alabama, Auburn, Texas, etc. don't have which makes Georgia THE job to get when the truth is simply that they rank alongside the aforementioned schools as the best equipped in the nation for a good coach to succeed.
I don't care who they hire because they likely won't have the results Richt got. They went 20 years without a conference championship before Richt got them one. Already been 10 since the last one. Sure they have some built in advantages but it took one of the best players in history to get them what they so desperately want in a National Championship. With Saban at Bama it is like the rest of the SEC is playing for 2nd place anyway. The mutts aren't going to be able to do better than the guy they just Fired. They are delusional.

I agree that except for 1980, Richt is the best coach they have ever had. There is a huge chance they hire someone and take a step back but it is dumb to believe they couldn't also hire someone who can win lots of games there and get them a NC or two. From my earlier post I will clarify as USC, not Carolina.
I agree that except for 1980, Richt is the best coach they have ever had. There is a huge chance they hire someone and take a step back but it is dumb to believe they couldn't also hire someone who can win lots of games there and get them a NC or two.

For every Richt there is a Goff or Donnan. I just think Richt was their ceiling. Sure the next guy might be more motivated and have more energy but it still has to translate onto the field. There aren't many Saban or Meyer types out there who would be a home run hire.
For every Richt there is a Goff or Donnan. I just think Richt was their ceiling. Sure the next guy might be more motivated and have more energy but it still has to translate onto the field. There aren't many Saban or Meyer types out there who would be a home run hire.

I can't agree that there's a ceiling at Georgia. That's what makes their lack of championships so hilarious, they have everything a program could need or want to win titles and yet somehow they never win them. Richt did everything they could want in a head coach but in his best years, when the chips were down he simply could not win the games he had to win to be a championship team.

If they'd kept Richt around another ten years, I'd hesitate to bet against him eventually having a season where he finally put it all together. But they got tired of waiting and so they're going to roll the dice on getting someone who can do all the things Richt did plus win the big games. The odds are not in their favor on that gamble, and for that reason I'm glad they fired him. But obviously it is possible that their new guy will be more Jimbo Fisher than Will Muschamp so I understand why they parted ways.
Who cares?

Whoever they hire will go 8-2 against GT over the next decade, at worst.

This! People listen up. Whether or not UGA made a mistake in firing Richt remains to be seen. What the UGA athletic dept is doing is saying clearly that "We want to compete for Championships" and unlike the Dooley years the school hasn't sacrificed any Academic prestige as a result. See Michigan as another example of this.

We're just trotting out a team that can fit into our academic blinders. We're not interested in being the very best on the field, were interested in showcasing our ability to look down our academic nose at others. The players and teams that competed to sniff just three in a row versus UGA in even tough times are considered an "EMBARRASSMENT!" To our fine institution by today's leadership. The players who won a National Championship would be shoo'ed away under our current leadership. Too many of our fans are so ööööing stupid that they think taking these players somehow "DeValue my degree!" Yet these same ööööing morons are the ones who point to the OLeary years and the Ross years like those players weren't exceptions.

Georgia Tech unlike UGA, Michigan, Stanford and others has lost the ability to differentiate between Academics and Sports. If you want to ever want to hope to see a resurgence of GT football, you have to understand that a Joe Hamilton, A Joe Burns, a Willie Clay, Ken Swilling, doesn't devalue your degree.

I hope UGA does hire the second coming of Donnan. But at least they're sending a message that they want to win.

Ok rant over. Cue big cry.
For every Richt there is a Goff or Donnan. I just think Richt was their ceiling. Sure the next guy might be more motivated and have more energy but it still has to translate onto the field. There aren't many Saban or Meyer types out there who would be a home run hire.

Remind me again please Goff's record against GT. Donnan was a flop as well but also coached against one of the better coaches GT has had.....statistically.
Remind me again please Goff's record against GT. Donnan was a flop as well but also coached against one of the better coaches GT has had.....statistically.

Again... Our fan base are sheep. Goff dominated GT. he dominated GT. look up his record. UGA could hire Benny Hill as coach and they could still post a 75% win ratio on us.

You want to beat UGA more? Stop hoping they make a bad decision and make the decision yourself that you want to win. Exposure for your athletics is exposure for your school and doesn't devalue your degree.
How good of a coach can uga get this year though? LSU, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, and most likely Texas are all looking for coaches. Michigan could be also if Harbaugh bolts for the NFL. All those schools except for VT, who already has they're guy hired, can write much larger checks than georgia. Especially Texas.
How good of a coach can uga get this year though? LSU, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, and most likely Texas are all looking for coaches. Michigan could be also if Harbaugh bolts for the NFL. All those schools except for VT, who already has they're guy hired, can write much larger checks than georgia. Especially Texas.

You need better information.
How good of a coach can uga get this year though? LSU, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, and most likely Texas are all looking for coaches. Michigan could be also if Harbaugh bolts for the NFL. All those schools except for VT, who already has they're guy hired, can write much larger checks than georgia. Especially Texas.

I'm not the most informed guy as far as program finances but again - to my knowledge there is next to nothing that those schools can offer a coach which Georgia cannot.
How good of a coach can uga get this year though? LSU, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, and most likely Texas are all looking for coaches. Michigan could be also if Harbaugh bolts for the NFL. All those schools except for VT, who already has they're guy hired, can write much larger checks than georgia. Especially Texas.

We don't know LSU, Michigan, and Texas will be available. Also, Georgia is a better job than any current opening outside of maybe USC. I'd call that one a coin flip.
How good of a coach can uga get this year though? LSU, USC, Miami, Virginia Tech, and most likely Texas are all looking for coaches. Michigan could be also if Harbaugh bolts for the NFL. All those schools except for VT, who already has they're guy hired, can write much larger checks than georgia. Especially Texas.

LSU - Les Miles wasn't fired
USC - cream of the jobs. Has pretty much unlimited money and star power from LA. Also, since it's a private school, they don't have to disclose what they're paying their coach. So money will never be an issue there.
VT - already has their coach
Texas - I don't think Strong will be fired this year. If he is going to be, there hasn't been much talk about it
Miami - not even close to being in UGA's league money wise

Unfortunately, UGA is probably the #2 available job behind USC (west) at the moment. They also have over $80 million in cash in the bank. They can pay Richt's buyout and go get whomever they want from a money perspective. And since the state of Georgia is one of the top recruiting grounds in the country, getting quality players will not be an issue for them.
This! People listen up. Whether or not UGA made a mistake in firing Richt remains to be seen. What the UGA athletic dept is doing is saying clearly that "We want to compete for Championships" and unlike the Dooley years the school hasn't sacrificed any Academic prestige as a result. See Michigan as another example of this.

We're just trotting out a team that can fit into our academic blinders. We're not interested in being the very best on the field, were interested in showcasing our ability to look down our academic nose at others. The players and teams that competed to sniff just three in a row versus UGA in even tough times are considered an "EMBARRASSMENT!" To our fine institution by today's leadership. The players who won a National Championship would be shoo'ed away under our current leadership. Too many of our fans are so ööööing stupid that they think taking these players somehow "DeValue my degree!" Yet these same ööööing morons are the ones who point to the OLeary years and the Ross years like those players weren't exceptions.

Georgia Tech unlike UGA, Michigan, Stanford and others has lost the ability to differentiate between Academics and Sports. If you want to ever want to hope to see a resurgence of GT football, you have to understand that a Joe Hamilton, A Joe Burns, a Willie Clay, Ken Swilling, doesn't devalue your degree.

I hope UGA does hire the second coming of Donnan. But at least they're sending a message that they want to win.

Ok rant over. Cue big cry.

Very much this. The team is graduating at 90-100%. That is a great accomplishment. If these guys are graduating at a higher % than the normal students you have your buffer to take more chances. You guys are supposed to be pretty good at math.
Again... Our fan base are sheep. Goff dominated GT. he dominated GT. look up his record. UGA could hire Benny Hill as coach and they could still post a 75% win ratio on us.

You want to beat UGA more? Stop hoping they make a bad decision and make the decision yourself that you want to win. Exposure for your athletics is exposure for your school and doesn't devalue your degree.

Would I be correct in guessing that the stigma from Flunkgate is one of the things preventing any wiggle room being allowed with the requirements? Not an alumnus so I'm not really informed on the inner workings of that department, honestly curious.
LSU - Les Miles wasn't fired
USC - cream of the jobs. Has pretty much unlimited money and star power from LA. Also, since it's a private school, they don't have to disclose what they're paying their coach. So money will never be an issue there.
VT - already has their coach
Texas - I don't think Strong will be fired this year. If he is going to be, there hasn't been much talk about it
Miami - not even close to being in UGA's league money wise

Unfortunately, UGA is probably the #2 available job behind USC (west) at the moment. They also have over $80 million in cash in the bank. They can pay Richt's buyout and go get whomever they want from a money perspective. And since the state of Georgia is one of the top recruiting grounds in the country, getting quality players will not be an issue for them.

Its Sunday, firings happen on Monday's. Wait a day before you tell me they haven't fired anyone.
A lot depends on what was going on in Georgia's locker room. By time Mac Brown left Texas, the wheels had come off in terms of team chemistry. I don't think Georgia was there yet, but frustration was building with the handling of the quarterback position. I hope that Richt was still liked enough by his players that his firing with be the catalyst to send everything off the edge. Honestly, the team didn't behave with him there. What will happen with him not paying as much attention?
Unless you've got the eleventy billion dollars sitting around to buy out the Board of Regents and take Tech private, you're blowing hot wind on academics.


USC(West) is by far the best open job in the country. UGA and USC(East) are identical.
Would I be correct in guessing that the stigma from Flunkgate is one of the things preventing any wiggle room being allowed with the requirements? Not an alumnus so I'm not really informed on the inner workings of that department, honestly curious.

It's been a slow shutdown. The only year we were actively given exceptions was 2007. Then they hired Johnson and felt that he could mitigate the UGA losses to an acceptable standard so we wouldn't have to offer any exceptions.

The other part of this is the APR requirements and GTs complete inability, and otherwise impotence at adapting curriculum so we can be a little more broad and sccept the type of athletes we need. Our leadership is fine with this too. After all if they changed it it would somehow devalue my degree.:eekfacepalm: