Per ESPN Richt has been fired

Unless you've got the eleventy billion dollars sitting around to buy out the Board of Regents and take Tech private, you're blowing hot wind on academics.


USC(West) is by far the best open job in the country. UGA and USC(East) are identical.

Dude keep drinking the koolaid. GT has had a powerful presence on the BOR and has not taken advantage of it. You don't believe me? Look up the members.
It's been a slow shutdown. The only year we were actively given exceptions was 2007. Then they hired Johnson and felt that he could mitigate the UGA losses to an acceptable standard so we wouldn't have to offer any exceptions.

The other part of this is the APR requirements and GTs complete inability, and otherwise impotence at adapting curriculum so we can be a little more broad and sccept the type of athletes we need. Our leadership is fine with this too. After all if they changed it it would somehow devalue my degree.:eekfacepalm:

Gotcha, thanks. I don't have the right to an opinion one way or the other where the academic requirements are concerned but if the fear of devaluing the diploma is really that big of a deal, it does seem pretty silly. I can't imagine that even our best classes from the 90's ever had that effect.
Gotcha, thanks. I don't have the right to an opinion one way or the other where the academic requirements are concerned but if the fear of devaluing the diploma is really that big of a deal, it does seem pretty silly. I can't imagine that even our best classes from the 90's ever had that effect.

Ohhh... There are plenty of fans who think that taking those types of players devalue their degree. Look at hiveredtech for instance. He's a die hard fan and I admire him but he honestly is the type of fan that would rather go to the game and see three other people in the stadium like that is somehow a Red Badge of Courage and he is one of the few and proud, than a packed stadium with 55,000 screaming fanatics.
The problem is that Tech attracts a lot of über nerds who not only do not care about athletics, they loathe them. It has less to do with devaluing degrees as it does a bunch of dweebs that are jealous at the attention that athletes get because they feel the smart people should be getting equal or more attention. And I say this as a Tech grad.
Ohhh... There are plenty of fans who think that taking those types of players devalue their degree. Look at hiveredtech for instance. He's a die hard fan and I admire him but he honestly is the type of fan that would rather go to the game and see three other people in the stadium like that is somehow a Red Badge of Courage and he is one of the few and proud, than a packed stadium with 55,000 screaming fanatics.
I think most people (certainly not all, I would agree) are okay with academic exceptions. It's the broadening/adapting of the curriculum in order to be able to take "the type of athletes we need" which many, including me, are against.

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I think most people (certainly not all, I would agree) are okay with academic exceptions. It's the broadening/adapting of the curriculum in order to be able to take "the type of athletes we need" which many, including me, are against.

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It depends on how it's done. You can't begin to discuss the ööööing issue when people won't listen to the possibilities. Here we are cranking out Civil Engineers in droves but not realizing that so many of these graduates can't even find work in their field?! What ööööing good is that?
CEs can find plenty of work in today's market, you know this.

Now after the impending 2019 development crash.. ..maybe not so much..
This! People listen up. Whether or not UGA made a mistake in firing Richt remains to be seen. What the UGA athletic dept is doing is saying clearly that "We want to compete for Championships" and unlike the Dooley years the school hasn't sacrificed any Academic prestige as a result. See Michigan as another example of this.

We're just trotting out a team that can fit into our academic blinders. We're not interested in being the very best on the field, were interested in showcasing our ability to look down our academic nose at others. The players and teams that competed to sniff just three in a row versus UGA in even tough times are considered an "EMBARRASSMENT!" To our fine institution by today's leadership. The players who won a National Championship would be shoo'ed away under our current leadership. Too many of our fans are so ööööing stupid that they think taking these players somehow "DeValue my degree!" Yet these same ööööing morons are the ones who point to the OLeary years and the Ross years like those players weren't exceptions.

Georgia Tech unlike UGA, Michigan, Stanford and others has lost the ability to differentiate between Academics and Sports. If you want to ever want to hope to see a resurgence of GT football, you have to understand that a Joe Hamilton, A Joe Burns, a Willie Clay, Ken Swilling, doesn't devalue your degree.

I hope UGA does hire the second coming of Donnan. But at least they're sending a message that they want to win.

Ok rant over. Cue big cry.

Well said, IMO.
Not a slam...this is an honest question.

I've had this exact conversation several times with many of my fraternity brothers and friends from Tech. The same excuse is always given that, "The BOR won't allow us to expand our curriculum."

To which I have always asked the question, "Which majors did we try to add that they rejected?". This question has heretofore always been answered by, "Well I don't personally know but I know there have been a lot."

So I ask the question here because I've seen it stated on Tech message boards often:
What curriculum expansions have we actually tried to get permission to add and yet have been denied by the Georgia BOR?
I hope UGA does hire the second coming of Donnan. But at least they're sending a message that they want to win.

I know the guy over there right now can beat us 80% of the time.

I can't say the same for any coach at Tennessee since Fulmer.

And this decision smells exactly like UT's decision to fire Fulmer.

I'll roll these dice, thanks. If UT can't drop-in a replacement to a very good coach with their resources, which include academic standards just as low and fans just as dumb/ravenous/dedicated, then there's an even shot UGA can'd to the same either. I'll take that shot. And if they come up tails, that really helps us.

We forget this because we mostly live in Georgia, but the UGA football program is, in every way, lesser than the University of Tennessee football program. They've just had a higher mediocrity bar of late. They haven't won öööö in anyone's lifetime under the age of 35.

wah wah GT will never compete for championships without being a factory

Yeah, get over it. Given that reality, stop pretending UGA canning Richt doesn't help us. It at a very minimum gives us a very good dice roll that might just come up "TENNESSEE"...

..if you want to be a fan of a team that's going to be in the mix for a NC two or three times a decade, you need to not only abandon Georgia Tech, you need to abandon every school in this state.
There is no magic wand the BOR could wave. It's not like the factories all have the same degree, where the tenured professors all sign up knowing their programs' use is for player degrees.

The degree programs built up over time, where sociology or communications seemed like programs worthy of academic resources. Then the AA's systematically find the easiest path.

And some of the factories' classes are easier just because they have so many more professors and athletes get priority registration. The health class at FSU for athletes had online tests which students could retake. I had a health class at GT, but certainly didn't have online tests I could retake.

So, no, you're not going to make GT a school with 30k-50k students overnight, with sociology, communications, parks management, etc. programs with very easy electives.

Honestly, the more you look at college sports, the more you question what's going on in the minds of administrators up to the accreditation organizations. UNC only got in trouble because a non-faculty member presided over the courses.
Honestly, the more you look at college sports, the more you question what's going on in the minds of administrators up to the accreditation organizations. UNC only got in trouble because a non-faculty member presided over the courses.


In ten years, a college degree will basically be of zero value. And that's the word I hear purely coming from college professors themselves. Everybody from the top on down is doing their best to keep students in school. It's all about retention rate, because then you get to rake more student loan cash. The goal of academia is no longer to teach, it's to fleece their students out of money borrowed from the government.
Again... Our fan base are sheep. Goff dominated GT. he dominated GT. look up his record. UGA could hire Benny Hill as coach and they could still post a 75% win ratio on us.

You want to beat UGA more? Stop hoping they make a bad decision and make the decision yourself that you want to win. Exposure for your athletics is exposure for your school and doesn't devalue your degree.

Says the guy who doesn't have season tickets.
I know the guy over there right now can beat us 80% of the time.

I can't say the same for any coach at Tennessee since Fulmer.

And this decision smells exactly like UT's decision to fire Fulmer.

I'll roll these dice, thanks. If UT can't drop-in a replacement to a very good coach with their resources, which include academic standards just as low and fans just as dumb/ravenous/dedicated, then there's an even shot UGA can'd to the same either. I'll take that shot. And if they come up tails, that really helps us.

We forget this because we mostly live in Georgia, but the UGA football program is, in every way, lesser than the University of Tennessee football program. They've just had a higher mediocrity bar of late. They haven't won öööö in anyone's lifetime under the age of 35.

All true but large numbers of recruits in this state mostly grow up being a Georgia fan or hating them. For the most part, UT has to recruit players from other states where ugag has to try to keep them in state. One large difference between UT and UGA.
Good riddance! I hope they all burn in hell.

So much this. I've pretty much long since purged all the Dwags from my Facebook feed, but now I've got a bunch of limp-wristed Tech fans singing Richt's praises. ("Now I can support him unreservedly, since he's not coaching at U[sic]GA.")

He's a phony POS just like his former boss Bobby Bowden. I don't buy all the "aw shucks, I luv Jeesus" stuff when I see the kinds of players that end up in the program. Richt can pound sand, and I hope they get the retart they deserve with their next hire.
