Players in the Portal [Official "They Gone" Thread]

The game of college football as we know it has ended. We have entered the oxymoronic era of free-agent student-athletes. Gone are the days of loyalty to the program that recruited you to their team, paid all your school-related expenses, fed you, developed you, coached you, gave you medical services, tutored you, etc. It used to be "all about us," for so many it is now "all about me."

Consistent with the rest of the current GenZ and late Millenial generations.
The game of college football as we know it has ended. We have entered the oxymoronic era of free-agent student-athletes. Gone are the days of loyalty to the program that recruited you to their team, paid all your school-related expenses, fed you, developed you, coached you, gave you medical services, tutored you, etc. It used to be "all about us," for so many it is now "all about me."
Well ööööing stated, 78. THWG! Duke
RJ Adams portaging out. Don’t think he played at all this year. Now he has to sit one.
The problem with those who believe this is that they have been bamboozled their entire life. College football has ALWAYS been a corrupt scam all about money. I accepted it decades ago when I realized after an entire season of games that the Champion was determined by which school or fanbase could strong arm or buy the most media members.

Nothing has changed. Bowl committee members were bought off, media members were bought off, TV execs were bought off, players were bought off, and academics were bought off. The portal is just the latest iteration. And it was never ever about “all about us”. It has always been about “all about me” and that includes players, coaches, and fans.

I root for the uniform and not the player. I fully understand the players do not care about us. Sure, they want fans in the stands and they love the cheers and pats on the back but they don’t care that it’s any specific fanbase. That’s why I don’t care about them. I know I’m jaded because it’s all hypocrisy. Out of 85 scholarship players what are the percentage that would be admitted into any school as a regular student? It’s all a joke. I’ve seen kids with 1450’s get rejected from GT while we accept football players who can barely put together a paragraph. I root for the GT helmet. If a player transfers or gets injured bring in the next guy. Because they’ll trade us for another fanbase without a thought.

Listen, I love the sport because it’s fun. But I also know it’s a scam. It’s like the fair. I know that when I pay my 3 bucks for 3 shots at the hoop that the rim is smaller and tighter and that I won’t get the big stuffed animal. But every once in a while I get lucky and make one. Its a fun diversion that I know is rigged. That’s college football.
The money interests have long influenced college athletics, but it's far worse now in the days of NIL. The correct answer to the surge in money was to stop using name, image, and likeness of amateurs, not to pay them all. They were already getting 6-figure compensation for their time invested on a college team if they are a scholarship player. Now, for so many, it's just a rush for dough. The NCAA has caved on transfers, and the US Supreme Court has spoken about money. It's open transfer and unlimited dollars now - in addition to the 6-figure compensation.

Welcome to the age of TV dollars.
Consistent with the rest of the current GenZ and late Millenial generations.
Certainly some, but not all, thankfully. I read some research the other day, suggesting that as Millennials age they are moderating their views like most all before them did, and that the Zoomies (as a group) are starting off less "progressive" than Millennials did. They both took the sense of entitlement to new highs, though, but then, they were trained that way by their Boomer and GenX helicopter parents. So, college football today is simply what we get when we mix the entitlement generation with virtually unlimited mobility and massive TV money.
You don’t sit in the portal anymore
I'm truly asking because I have stuck my head in the sand over the portal rules (you can tell I'm not a fan): Don't they just get one transfer w/no sit-out? Don't all subsequent transfers require a year out? Or have we come to the point of totally free transfers now?
I'm truly asking because I have stuck my head in the sand over the portal rules (you can tell I'm not a fan): Don't they just get one transfer w/no sit-out? Don't all subsequent transfers require a year out? Or have we come to the point of totally free transfers now?
That’s how the rules are SUPPOSED to be, but basically no. They don’t.
I'm truly asking because I have stuck my head in the sand over the portal rules (you can tell I'm not a fan): Don't they just get one transfer w/no sit-out? Don't all subsequent transfers require a year out? Or have we come to the point of totally free transfers now?

Yes, that is the rule. However, if you graduate with eligibility remaining you can transfer without sitting to enroll in a masters program, just like before.
Yes, that is the rule. However, if you graduate with eligibility remaining you can transfer without sitting to enroll in a masters program, just like before.
Thanks, gentlemen. So then, one free transfer as an undergrad, then another as a grad. Correct?

I know that, if possible, the NCAA will bugger it up. That's a pretty simple rule. So, unless RJ Adams graduates this year, he will have to sit out - according to the rule, given that he transferred in from UK?
The money interests have long influenced college athletics, but it's far worse now in the days of NIL. The correct answer to the surge in money was to stop using name, image, and likeness of amateurs, not to pay them all. They were already getting 6-figure compensation for their time invested on a college team if they are a scholarship player. Now, for so many, it's just a rush for dough. The NCAA has caved on transfers, and the US Supreme Court has spoken about money. It's open transfer and unlimited dollars now - in addition to the 6-figure compensation.

Welcome to the age of TV dollars.

That six figure compensation across four years probably felt less satisfying when they saw coaches getting eight figure compensation every year and hundred year old traditions blown up so the conferences could sign ten figure TV deals.

It is indeed a rush for the dough, but it's not the players who started it.
Thanks, gentlemen. So then, one free transfer as an undergrad, then another as a grad. Correct?

I know that, if possible, the NCAA will bugger it up. That's a pretty simple rule. So, unless RJ Adams graduates this year, he will have to sit out - according to the rule, given that he transferred in from UK?

Great question. I assume transfers only count if you play NCAA football (which obviously he didn't in the UK), but that's complete speculation on my part.
Great question. I assume transfers only count if you play NCAA football (which obviously he didn't in the UK), but that's complete speculation on my part.
Not sure if serious...

UK meaning U of KY, not UK.
