Players in the Portal [Official "They Gone" Thread]

Best of luck to him. He is a playmaker.

I don't fault any player for calling out this ööööshow and pulling the rip cord.

Is our new head coach out recruiting?
Oh I’m sure he will have a John Dewberry type of career after he doesn’t make the league and graduates with a Cincinnati business degree…
We heard this all year - that a bunch of kids would hit the road at the end of the season. I'm not crazy about it but we will do the same in return (grab some great players from other programs - we'll have a shiny new coaching staff which will lure in a lot of good players).

I'm not happy about losing good players but the door swings both ways.
We heard this all year - that a bunch of kids would hit the road at the end of the season. I'm not crazy about it but we will do the same in return (grab some great players from other programs - we'll have a shiny new coaching staff which will lure in a lot of good players).

I'm not happy about losing good players but the door swings both ways.
On this I am starting to wonder.
Being a winner for the rest of his life>playing for a winner 1 or 2 seasons.

Kid has everything to lose. I’ll eat crow and start my own thread if wrong.

What's he got to lose? He can get a degree somewhere else. Maybe he comes back and finishes his degree at GT?
What's he got to lose?
As a sidewalk fan I can say everything I never got. I should have transferred in like all my buddies and a just tried to go like all my family. My grandad went on the GI bill after WW2 and got to see Bobby Dodd. The Tech degree was a door into so many things it’s hard to imagine. HE GOT TO HAVE A TECH DEGREE. That’s what this young man is losing. He can even get drafted here.
The transfer portal has definitely ruined the sport.

Imagine if the NFL operated like this…Barry Sanders would never have stayed in Detroit.

It’s just so bad for the game. A game that’s already got like 50 point + spreads every Saturday.

I think if the NFL starts playing games on Saturday, college football as we know it will be officially dead.
@LambdaChiGT and @ThomsonJacket so will he play in the NFL??? What is he transferring for? Another moment of glory on the bench or some division 2 program? Another soft representation of the Collin era. Go ahead and say best wishes if you want but your god damn dollars helped pay for the scholarships and pads the kids used.

If you believe it’s a business decision and not a life decision you really should feel the same way I do. Cause the kids didn’t give a öööö about the school if they leave when they are getting all the targets and a bomb degree.
Don't know, nor do I care if he makes it to the NFL He played hard while here, for that I wish him well.

You had better wake up to the new world order of college football. There's no school loyalty, there's only the highest bidder. Pride in playing well for a chosen school doesn't exist anymore, it's all nil deals and highlights/follows/likes on social media. It's "me" generation at it's finest.
I don't think it does prevent them. It isn't like scholarships are zero cost to the school, and it is not like a buyout clause is limited by what funds are exchanged anyway. It would be reasonable to make the buyout $50+K for each year the player attended with the buyout going to zero if they graduate or run out of eligibility. It would basically be recouping what GT has invested in the player.

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But it's your last sentence that is the problem. Right now the NCAA argues that capping compensation at cost of attendance is not illegal price fixing because the players are students first, not employees, and that playing football is no different in principal than other students participating in extra curricular activites or enriching campus life outside of academics.

They can't continue to argue that if they also argue that players who need to transfer out early need to pay Georgia Tech money to recoup their investment in the player's football career. That would essentially be acknowledging that the players are not students who also play football, but rather football players first and foremost who GT views mainly from a money-making perspective.

The Supreme Court signaled that the compensation cap is going to be declared illegal eventually anyway, but the NCAA is not looking to do anything to hasten that. If anything, they are trying to delay it as long as possible, which is likely why they introduced the transfer portal in the first place -- to make it easier to argue that football players are like other students who enjoy a lot of flexibility with regards to transferring schools.
@LambdaChiGT and @ThomsonJacket so will he play in the NFL??? What is he transferring for? Another moment of glory on the bench or some division 2 program? Another soft representation of the Collin era. Go ahead and say best wishes if you want but your god damn dollars helped pay for the scholarships and pads the kids used.

If you believe it’s a business decision and not a life decision you really should feel the same way I do. Cause the kids didn’t give a öööö about the school if they leave when they are getting all the targets and a bomb degree.

He definitely has a shot at the NFL. And if you really think that he will land at a divsion 2 program then you must not have watched him play this season. He will be a contributor on a good P5 team.