Summers gone

The bottom line is that RamblinWreck92 is entitled to his opinion that Paul Johnson should be fired and that the offense is terrible. Let's forget the fact that the offense has been towards the top in the ACC in scoring in Paul Johnson's tenure, and set all kinds of records last year in terms of efficiency, 3rd down scoring percentage, etc. Also, let's ignore the fact that this wonderful Tech fan predicted a 7 win season last year along with losing the coastal (I didn't even predict the coastal), because he obviously has a high football IQ. We must also ignore the fact that the offense has been the problem the last 7 years, not the defense. Let's also remember that he is a cool guy that typically has plans on New Year's Eve, and was out with friends that night. We need to also appreciate the fact that he knows a tight end position would benefit an option offense.

Happy holidays chaps!
The bottom line is that RamblinWreck92 is entitled to his opinion that Paul Johnson should be fired and that the offense is terrible. Let's forget the fact that the offense has been towards the top in the ACC in scoring in Paul Johnson's tenure, and set all kinds of records last year in terms of efficiency, 3rd down scoring percentage, etc. Also, let's ignore the fact that this wonderful Tech fan predicted a 7 win season last year along with losing the coastal (I didn't even predict the coastal), because he obviously has a high football IQ. We must also ignore the fact that the offense has been the problem the last 7 years, not the defense. Let's also remember that he is a cool guy that typically has plans on New Year's Eve, and was out with friends that night. We need to also appreciate the fact that he knows a tight end position would benefit an option offense.

Compelling, but I'll need to know whether he's ever studied film with Bill Curry before I can be convinced.
The bottom line is that RamblinWreck92 is entitled to his opinion that Paul Johnson should be fired and that the offense is terrible. Let's forget the fact that the offense has been towards the top in the ACC in scoring in Paul Johnson's tenure, and set all kinds of records last year in terms of efficiency, 3rd down scoring percentage, etc. Also, let's ignore the fact that this wonderful Tech fan predicted a 7 win season last year along with losing the coastal (I didn't even predict the coastal), because he obviously has a high football IQ. We must also ignore the fact that the offense has been the problem the last 7 years, not the defense. Let's also remember that he is a cool guy that typically has plans on New Year's Eve, and was out with friends that night. We need to also appreciate the fact that he knows a tight end position would benefit an option offense.

Happy holidays chaps!

Why would I need to bother with "comebacks" when you're so obsessed with the idea that you're being persecuted you type them out for me in some sort of attempt at a preemptive defense mechanism.

Actually, aside from the fact that I want to know who you want instead, I wanted to confirm that you do actually want him gone.

There's really nothing else to say to you since I have that confirmation. Paul Johnson deserves criticism for a number of things this year, but wanting to fire him while we're in the middle of a bad year rife with bad luck to go along with the bad calls and decisions, following an 11-3 year with a win over Georgia and trips to the ACCCG and the Orange Bowl? It's a waste of time. We're having a bad year and you want blood to make you feel better about it - your concern is not with the football program, it's with your anger over the season. I've got plenty of time to talk about football, but none to talk about your feelings.

You're really bad at this. Seriously, really, REALLY bad.

I posted an opinion. I made no reference to a single poster. The response is immediate and, with one exception (coit), consists of "you're a ööööing moron", or intelligence of that level. I know that passes as intelligent debate for you but in reality, it makes this place look like an echo chamber filled with sack swingers. I.E The Hive.

Please point out where I called for CPJ to get fired.

Take your time.

Meanwhile, it would be nice if he could recruit some decent A backs for this offense, given that he's going to have a hard time getting 5-star WRs to want to mostly block for 3 years and has no interest in a throwing QB for this offense. Why not pursue and sign 5-star RB talent? Should be easy enough in an offense that generates 50+ rushes/game on its good days.

And then there's the defense that would be nice if he paid attention to it during recruiting season too. He's made progress in special teams by getting Butker to sign so there is precedent.

I know, I know - this makes me a öööööö, öööööööööö, and a ööööing moron, right? Or (hilariously) a fan of the mutts? I've never understood that one. A mutt fan would want us to keep doing the same thing, seeing that we've only beaten those ööööing assholes twice in 7 years.
You're really bad at this. Seriously, really, REALLY bad.

I posted an opinion. I made no reference to a single poster. The response is immediate and, with one exception (coit), consists of "you're a ööööing moron", or intelligence of that level. I know that passes as intelligent debate for you but in reality, it makes this place look like an echo chamber filled with sack swingers. I.E The Hive.

Please point out where I called for CPJ to get fired.

Take your time.

Meanwhile, it would be nice if he could recruit some decent A backs for this offense, given that he's going to have a hard time getting 5-star WRs to want to mostly block for 3 years and has no interest in a throwing QB for this offense. Why not pursue and sign 5-star RB talent? Should be easy enough in an offense that generates 50+ rushes/game on its good days.

And then there's the defense that would be nice if he paid attention to it during recruiting season too. He's made progress in special teams by getting Butker to sign so there is precedent.

I know, I know - this makes me a öööööö, öööööööööö, and a ööööing moron, right? Or (hilariously) a fan of the mutts? I've never understood that one. A mutt fan would want us to keep doing the same thing, seeing that we've only beaten those ööööing assholes twice in 7 years.

So you don't want Paul Johnson fired then.
The bottom line is that RamblinWreck92 is entitled to his opinion that Paul Johnson should be fired and that the offense is terrible. Let's forget the fact that the offense has been towards the top in the ACC in scoring in Paul Johnson's tenure, and set all kinds of records last year in terms of efficiency, 3rd down scoring percentage, etc. Also, let's ignore the fact that this wonderful Tech fan predicted a 7 win season last year along with losing the coastal (I didn't even predict the coastal), because he obviously has a high football IQ. We must also ignore the fact that the offense has been the problem the last 7 years, not the defense. Let's also remember that he is a cool guy that typically has plans on New Year's Eve, and was out with friends that night. We need to also appreciate the fact that he knows a tight end position would benefit an option offense.

Happy holidays chaps!

Where did I predict a 7 win season? Put up or (preferrably) shut up.

I did laughably predict a 10-win season this year. :rotfl:

Keep up the insults though - they're really helping your argument. Let's hope VPI and the mutts are reading this board so they can see how great we were last year with stats! I bet that carries a ton of weight Thursday night!
Let's hope VPI and the mutts are reading this board
You're still here, so we've got the latter covered. I'm sure we can find a VPI fan poking around on TSL that finally made the jump to Windows 98 who we can bring around for his thoughts. At least we can probably count on him to not waffle back and forth on his opinions or call for our QB to be benched without providing any alternatives.
So you don't want Paul Johnson fired then.

I just want the team to win games. Esp. against öööö teams like Puke and the Cadavers. 2014 was awesome but realistically I think 8 wins/year is more realistic.

Speaking of shitty teams, this year is a wash if we beat the ööööing mutts.
I just want the team to win games. Esp. against öööö teams like Puke and the Cadavers. 2014 was awesome but realistically I think 8 wins/year is more realistic.

Speaking of shitty teams, this year is a wash if we beat the ööööing mutts.


If the Georgia game determines your entire opinion on a season/coach, why are you criticizing the coach/team before we play them?
You're still here, so we've got the latter covered. I'm sure we can find a VPI fan poking around on TSL that finally made the jump to Windows 98 who we can bring around for his thoughts. At least we can probably count on him to not waffle back and forth on his opinions or call for our QB to be benched without providing any alternatives.

God you're the worst debater I think I've run across. :rotfl:

Let me type this slowly since you can't read fast:

No mutt fan wants CPJ fired - loser Richt owns him. Richt's crappiest team (2009) beat CPJ's 2nd best. At home.
If the Georgia game determines your entire opinion on a season/coach, why are you criticizing the coach/team before we play them?

Reading comprehension failure. Not surprising.

See "Esp. against öööö teams like Puke and the Cadavers." in the VERY POST YOU REPLIED TO. Holy öööö, you can't be that dense.

CPJ gets the blame for those losses. Esp. the dismal playcalling at Puke. ööööööö, how many times did we run Skov into a wall of 10 Puke players? 20? öööö never worked. And then more shitty playcalling vs UNC. One of his worst-called games ever.

Open your eyes, son. :lol:
God you're the worst debater I think I've run across. :rotfl:

Let me type this slowly since you can't read fast:

No mutt fan wants CPJ fired - loser Richt owns him. Richt's crappiest team (2009) beat CPJ's 2nd best. At home.

So you couldn't be a mutt fan because you do want CPJ fired?
Reading comprehension failure. Not surprising.

See "Esp. against öööö teams like Puke and the Cadavers." in the VERY POST YOU REPLIED TO. Holy öööö, you can't be that dense.

CPJ gets the blame for those losses. Esp. the dismal playcalling at Puke. ööööööö, how many times did we run Skov into a wall of 10 Puke players? 20? öööö never worked.

Open your eyes, son. :lol:

Does he get the credit for last season?
God you're the worst debater I think I've run across. :rotfl:

Let me type this slowly since you can't read fast:

No mutt fan wants CPJ fired - loser Richt owns him. Richt's crappiest team (2009) beat CPJ's 2nd best. At home.

And cpjs crappy team beat the preseason #1 uga team.. Go figure
And cpjs crappy team beat the preseason #1 uga team.. Go figure

If I'm following him correctly, it was Chan's team that beat Georgia in 2008. Paul Johnson was the reason they had to claw back in the second half in the first place, and he gave them too big a hole to climb out of in the Peach Bowl.