This weekends recruits

Snivelingy lil wipe. I specicifically said for this year and asked about number of ships we planned to sign.

You just want to have CPJs baby and you care more about a single person than the entire school or football team.

Hopefully you will lose your job when we start signing better S/As and hopefully win more than appx. 51% of our games against P5.

Be gone because we are about to sell more season tickets and raise more money - as bad as you think that is.
For once I'm going to talk to you like an adult, just to make clear that I know I am wasting my breath. This post is exactly why you are a ööööing moron. In your head, there are actually people who are your opposite. You despised Paul Johnson and didn't care about anything but getting rid of him, and whining as loudly as possible whenever something went wrong until you got your way. So you imagine that there are people who love Paul Johnson and don't care about anything but protecting a coach they like. Those people don't exist, you ööööing mongoloid. I supported Johnson his entire tenure, and over the last couple of seasons have been questioning whether a change was necessary. Now that we have our new man and I am optimistic about his abilities, I am glad things ended with CPJ the way they did, no drama and bullshit, he stepped down and we moved on.

I imagine it would be difficult to go back through your posts over the last few years and find more than a very small handful which do not include some flavor or another of your limitless venom for Johnson. I also imagine I'd find that your posting activity skyrocketed following a loss and was completely silent after wins. Johnson is leaving and hopefully with Collins you won't develop a new grudge so we won't have to be subjected to your transparent and mindless moaning, at least over who should be coaching, for a while. Even if you remain a troll, maybe having an new coach will inspire you to add things like creativity and wit and humor to your attempts. Sadly, what I expect is that you'll find ways to """subtly""""""" shit on Johnson periodically, maybe find some small things to whine about here and there, until Collins does something to earn your ire next June or so and all your efforts return figuring out how you can say "fire the coach" without saying it so you don't get banned.

Your attitude is complete shit, you are completely incapable of separating what's good for the program from what you want, and worst of all - your boundless misery is completely humorless. Some part of me genuinely wants to figure out how to make your stupid ass understand what makes you such a little bitch. And I know I never will, but I just can't quit you. Little bitch.
For once I'm going to talk to you like an adult, just to make clear that I know I am wasting my breath. This post is exactly why you are a ööööing moron. In your head, there are actually people who are your opposite. You despised Paul Johnson and didn't care about anything but getting rid of him, and whining as loudly as possible whenever something went wrong until you got your way. So you imagine that there are people who love Paul Johnson and don't care about anything but protecting a coach they like. Those people don't exist, you ööööing mongoloid. I supported Johnson his entire tenure, and over the last couple of seasons have been questioning whether a change was necessary. Now that we have our new man and I am optimistic about his abilities, I am glad things ended with CPJ the way they did, no drama and bullshit, he stepped down and we moved on.

I imagine it would be difficult to go back through your posts over the last few years and find more than a very small handful which do not include some flavor or another of your limitless venom for Johnson. I also imagine I'd find that your posting activity skyrocketed following a loss and was completely silent after wins. Johnson is leaving and hopefully with Collins you won't develop a new grudge so we won't have to be subjected to your transparent and mindless moaning, at least over who should be coaching, for a while. Even if you remain a troll, maybe having an new coach will inspire you to add things like creativity and wit and humor to your attempts. Sadly, what I expect is that you'll find ways to """subtly""""""" öööö on Johnson periodically, maybe find some small things to whine about here and there, until Collins does something to earn your ire next June or so and all your efforts return figuring out how you can say "fire the coach" without saying it so you don't get banned.

Your attitude is complete öööö, you are completely incapable of separating what's good for the program from what you want, and worst of all - your boundless misery is completely humorless. Some part of me genuinely wants to figure out how to make your stupid ass understand what makes you such a little bitch. And I know I never will, but I just can't quit you. Little bitch.

I hope he honors the 16 already committed. I also have no doubt if any were wavering, and he still wanted them, Collins would get them to stay committed

No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.
No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.
We’re better than that.
Do you also hope he pulls scholarships and tells kids to transfer when the numbers don't "work out on the back end" like you say?
Seems every year we are short on the back end. We sign 20 and then 5 leave for whatever reason.
No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.
He better be careful or he will run everyone off, including fans. You are gonna need almost every player projected in the 2 deep for next season or you are looking at losing every game for at least 2 years or more. Career suicide.

Work on building a good recruiting class. Take stock of what we have already on the roster and work on winning ballgames. By year 3, your players are the majority of the roster and some of the better players, like Juanyeh Thomas, are leaders.
No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.

Except we’re not a dbag factory and will never be. Not because we’re above that but because we can’t be. Turning into a dbag program doesn’t suddenly turn us into Bama East. These kids committed to Tech and I’d be disappointed if we don’t honor that.
For once I'm going to talk to you like an adult, just to make clear that I know I am wasting my breath. This post is exactly why you are a ööööing moron. In your head, there are actually people who are your opposite. You despised Paul Johnson and didn't care about anything but getting rid of him, and whining as loudly as possible whenever something went wrong until you got your way. So you imagine that there are people who love Paul Johnson and don't care about anything but protecting a coach they like. Those people don't exist, you ööööing mongoloid. I supported Johnson his entire tenure, and over the last couple of seasons have been questioning whether a change was necessary. Now that we have our new man and I am optimistic about his abilities, I am glad things ended with CPJ the way they did, no drama and bullshit, he stepped down and we moved on.

I imagine it would be difficult to go back through your posts over the last few years and find more than a very small handful which do not include some flavor or another of your limitless venom for Johnson. I also imagine I'd find that your posting activity skyrocketed following a loss and was completely silent after wins. Johnson is leaving and hopefully with Collins you won't develop a new grudge so we won't have to be subjected to your transparent and mindless moaning, at least over who should be coaching, for a while. Even if you remain a troll, maybe having an new coach will inspire you to add things like creativity and wit and humor to your attempts. Sadly, what I expect is that you'll find ways to """subtly""""""" öööö on Johnson periodically, maybe find some small things to whine about here and there, until Collins does something to earn your ire next June or so and all your efforts return figuring out how you can say "fire the coach" without saying it so you don't get banned.

Your attitude is complete öööö, you are completely incapable of separating what's good for the program from what you want, and worst of all - your boundless misery is completely humorless. Some part of me genuinely wants to figure out how to make your stupid ass understand what makes you such a little bitch. And I know I never will, but I just can't quit you. Little bitch.
Except we’re not a dbag factory and will never be. Not because we’re above that but because we can’t be. Turning into a dbag program doesn’t suddenly turn us into Bama East. These kids committed to Tech and I’d be disappointed if we don’t honor that.

You really need to pay attention to CGC’s comments in the Press Conference about “Roster Management”. That is a Saban term and it is how you build a program. We have a coach now who understands big time college football. There is going to be a lot of attrition the first two years. If you don’t like that then go be a fan of Georgia State or Kenneaw or something like that. Things are going to change.
We have lost the numbers race for years. Do you think Brenton King would still be on scholarship at Bama? Hell put them on academic scholarship. We need the ability to recruit numbers and evaluate on campus as the factories do.
No, but there are a lot of reasons that GT is not Alabama, and for that I am glad. I do think it's smart to anticipate attrition, but to be honest I think a coach who is in tune with his players will know about most of it anyway. I just don't think playing it tight based on the numbers is the GT way, because inevitably you'll have to kick somebody to the curb. If you're okay with that, then fine. At least you're honest. But let's not pretend you can oversign without consequences - that's being willfully blind.
For once I'm going to talk to you like an adult, just to make clear that I know I am wasting my breath. This post is exactly why you are a ööööing moron. In your head, there are actually people who are your opposite. You despised Paul Johnson and didn't care about anything but getting rid of him, and whining as loudly as possible whenever something went wrong until you got your way. So you imagine that there are people who love Paul Johnson and don't care about anything but protecting a coach they like. Those people don't exist, you ööööing mongoloid. I supported Johnson his entire tenure, and over the last couple of seasons have been questioning whether a change was necessary. Now that we have our new man and I am optimistic about his abilities, I am glad things ended with CPJ the way they did, no drama and bullshit, he stepped down and we moved on.

I imagine it would be difficult to go back through your posts over the last few years and find more than a very small handful which do not include some flavor or another of your limitless venom for Johnson. I also imagine I'd find that your posting activity skyrocketed following a loss and was completely silent after wins. Johnson is leaving and hopefully with Collins you won't develop a new grudge so we won't have to be subjected to your transparent and mindless moaning, at least over who should be coaching, for a while. Even if you remain a troll, maybe having an new coach will inspire you to add things like creativity and wit and humor to your attempts. Sadly, what I expect is that you'll find ways to """subtly""""""" öööö on Johnson periodically, maybe find some small things to whine about here and there, until Collins does something to earn your ire next June or so and all your efforts return figuring out how you can say "fire the coach" without saying it so you don't get banned.

Your attitude is complete öööö, you are completely incapable of separating what's good for the program from what you want, and worst of all - your boundless misery is completely humorless. Some part of me genuinely wants to figure out how to make your stupid ass understand what makes you such a little bitch. And I know I never will, but I just can't quit you. Little bitch.
Some recruits would give their left nut to play at Bama. That's why they accept greyshirting and over signing. GT recruiting will never be at that level. Tech doesn't have the cache to pull the rug out from under a recruit's feet.
Doesn't Tech still have the best IE program in the country? Optimal signing is an optimization problem just like filling seats on airlines. There is no way a couple of people out of 85 won't leave of their on accord or get injured and have to quit or something else, so sign to 87 every year or whatever the number is that the nerds figure out.
No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.

You strike me as a former D1 player/GT player. Maybe Ron Richards from the 90s. I think what you're saying is let the kids know this weekend if they don't fit so they can sign elsewhere now or in February. I hope we don't run kids off but being honest and frank with them is helpful. If our 2nd string kicker will never kick at GT again, then tell him. If he chooses to stay, I believe we should honor his scholarship. Even Richt did this. Granted, I understand Smart nor Saban nor Meyer would never do such a thing. Encouraging kids to go to Western Carolina where they might be able to play is not a bad thing, though. Letting kids know they are not going to play football at GT is the honest thing to do. Then, let them decide what they want to do.
No it’s not. Because sooner or later you will have to run players off or make them greyshirt or give them bogus medical hardships. Over signing is unethical. I bitch about it when Bama and LSU do it, that doesn’t change when it is GT.
"Unethical" is so subjective.:lol2: How about we don't over-sign, but we use all of our available scholarships instead of hoarding some.
No reason to honor anyone who doesn’t fit his system. You are going to see some mass attrition this spring as well. CGC learned from Saban very well how to build a roster. You don’t build a program by honoring scholarships for kids that don’t fit your system. There are going to be several players run off to make room and there is nothing wrong with that. That is big time college football.
When the players decides he doesn't like the school, doesn't like the coach, doesn't feel like he fits in, misses his girlfriend, etc., is it unethical, after getting two years of schooling free for nothing, for him to transfer? Players taking up a roster spot and a scholarship but making no contribution whatsoever to the team might be considered unethical.
For once I'm going to talk to you like an adult, just to make clear that I know I am wasting my breath. This post is exactly why you are a ööööing moron. In your head, there are actually people who are your opposite. You despised Paul Johnson and didn't care about anything but getting rid of him, and whining as loudly as possible whenever something went wrong until you got your way. So you imagine that there are people who love Paul Johnson and don't care about anything but protecting a coach they like. Those people don't exist, you ööööing mongoloid. I supported Johnson his entire tenure, and over the last couple of seasons have been questioning whether a change was necessary. Now that we have our new man and I am optimistic about his abilities, I am glad things ended with CPJ the way they did, no drama and bullshit, he stepped down and we moved on.

I imagine it would be difficult to go back through your posts over the last few years and find more than a very small handful which do not include some flavor or another of your limitless venom for Johnson. I also imagine I'd find that your posting activity skyrocketed following a loss and was completely silent after wins. Johnson is leaving and hopefully with Collins you won't develop a new grudge so we won't have to be subjected to your transparent and mindless moaning, at least over who should be coaching, for a while. Even if you remain a troll, maybe having an new coach will inspire you to add things like creativity and wit and humor to your attempts. Sadly, what I expect is that you'll find ways to """subtly""""""" öööö on Johnson periodically, maybe find some small things to whine about here and there, until Collins does something to earn your ire next June or so and all your efforts return figuring out how you can say "fire the coach" without saying it so you don't get banned.

Your attitude is complete öööö, you are completely incapable of separating what's good for the program from what you want, and worst of all - your boundless misery is completely humorless. Some part of me genuinely wants to figure out how to make your stupid ass understand what makes you such a little bitch. And I know I never will, but I just can't quit you. Little bitch.
We have 16 commits currently. I think we were looking to sign 18 or 19. Could very well be bigger if anyone transfers