What are folks thinking about Paul Johnson these days?

No it's not.

In his first two years CPJ won an ACC Championship, beat Georgia, and went to a Peach Bowl and a BCS Bowl. Gailey never did any of that in 7 seasons. CPJ clearly accomplished more in his first two years than Gailey accomplished in 7. It's really not close.

Now years 3 and 4 have been a little rough, but not significantly different than what we had under Gailey.

08: CPJ >> Gailey
09: CPJ >> Gailey
10: CPJ < Gailey
11: CPJ = Gailey

12: ?

If we get four more years averaging out pretty much like the last four, I'll be a happy camper, and so should anyone else who's not a complete douchebag.

To me it boils down to two things: he beat U[sic]GA and he won the ACC. Those are two big things, definitely, but do those two things alone outweigh what Gailey did in seven years in terms of total accomplishments? I would lean towards "no", but it is at least close, it's not "clearly so far" ahead.

How is getting to the Orange Bowl different than winning the ACC? You can't have one without the other, so I don't see the reasoning behind listing it twice. Obviously if we had won it that would be different.

Similarly, I don't see going to the Peach Bowl as being a huge accomplishment that CPJ has over Gailey. Peach Bowl was the #3 ACC bowl. We went to the Gator Bowl, which was #2 ACC at the time. Obviously the Peach Bowl is a better experience for GT fans, but it's not like the coaches pick where we go and Gailey turned down the Peach Bowl.

If anything, Peach Bowl should be a mark in Radakovich's favor over Braine, because I'm sure ADs have a lot more to do with bowl politics than head coaches.
To me it boils down to two things: he beat U[sic]GA and he won the ACC. Those are two big things, definitely, but do those two things alone outweigh what Gailey did in seven years in terms of total accomplishments?
Yes. Absolutely. Season goals:

Win the ACC
Beat Georgia
Major Bowl

Always. Those are always the goals. Chan never did any of those. CPJ did all three in the first two years. He didn't do any of them in the two that followed, but I'm not a loony so I don't expect to achieve all of them every year.


I can see your point that the Peach might be equivalent to the Gator, given the circumstances of each. In that case CPJ achieved all three goals in two years, one goal of which he achieved twice, while Chan achieved one of them once in seven years. So it's still not a contest.

In fact, if you break it down, we're averaging one goal per year under CPJ's four years, and one seventh of a goal per year under Chan's seven. Which makes CPJ a seven times better coach by this particular metric.
Yes. Absolutely. Season goals:

Win the ACC
Beat Georgia
Major Bowl

Always. Those are always the goals. Chan never did any of those. CPJ did all three in the first two years. He didn't do any of them in the two that followed, but I'm not a loony so I don't expect to achieve all of them every year.

How many years in row does Johnson get of not accomplishing any of those things?
How many years in row does Johnson get of not accomplishing any of those things?

We gave Chan seven, so I figure we owe CPJ at least 5 more if we're going to be fair about it, heh.
We gave Chan seven, so I figure we owe CPJ at least 5 more if we're going to be fair about it, heh.

Chan came in and lost a lot of players and scholarships due to flunkgate. That gave him a few years amnesty. To me, four years in a row (or two more years) of 7-8 win seasons would be the same as 6-7 win seasons when wo only played 11. We also fired Chan one year removed from an ACC title game appearance.

So I expect something this year or next and then just his contract buyout dictates when the axe falls.
If we lose to Georgia this year, I would support a coaching change.

Great idea. Then we can have a new coach with a new system trying to put together a team of CPJ recruits, suffer another two years of slow recruiting, and be right back here in five.

I agree with beej. Give him 7 years. That's acceptable for the kind of school Tech is. This isn't Bama or USC where any coach is just going to walk into a situation loaded with talent. Tech is always going to need an extremely intelligent coach who can get the most out of a limited talent pool. That takes time to develop. I believe we will see the development this year and next.
All 11 starters on defense in 2006 played on Sundays in one form or another. On offense we had Calvin Johnson. Meanwhile, IIRC ugag lost to Kentucky and Vanderbilt that year and we still lost to them. Against Wake Forest, I remember Reggie missing a 5 yard pass that would have clearly been a touchdown.

I just don't get comments that Chan accomplished as much as CPJ. He didn't come close.
give him 7 more years? or 7 years total?

Tell me you wont let him get past 1-6 vs uga before you want to pull the plug.

P.S.-these recievers are d1, they can catch. you may need to recruit a solid d1 qb but it's not like it's going to take years and years to build it back up. you can pay to your strengths and do a lot of things-like a ralph fridge type offense.

if he loses this year, he better win next year. or else he would be heading into his final season 1-5 vs. the dogs Going to Athens trying to save his job.

The whole thing about getting a review every year. that means that the things they talked about-have to be fixed. so far it's the same ol' suspects beating him and the same problems. IMO he better figure out some of these things. Hope he does. but i'd agree that 3 more years minimum are in the cards.
Great idea. Then we can have a new coach with a new system trying to put together a team of CPJ recruits, suffer another two years of slow recruiting, and be right back here in five.

I agree with beej. Give him 7 years. That's acceptable for the kind of school Tech is. This isn't Bama or USC where any coach is just going to walk into a situation loaded with talent. Tech is always going to need an extremely intelligent coach who can get the most out of a limited talent pool. That takes time to develop. I believe we will see the development this year and next.

If he isn't cutting it in recruiting and defense on the ACC level, 4 years in a row is enough. I don't like the argument about how long it will take to undo the system because once it becomes obvious that it has a ceiling, it's time to change. The same thing was said when Johnson came in, but his best two years were with Gailey recruits.

I'm not saying that just losing to UGA or not winning the conference is the sole decider. If we get to 9 wins and win a stupid bowl game, it will buy more time.
If he isn't cutting it in recruiting and defense on the ACC level, 4 years in a row is enough. I don't like the argument about how long it will take to undo the system because once it becomes obvious that it has a ceiling, it's time to change. The same thing was said when Johnson came in, but his best two years were with Gailey recruits.

I'm not saying that just losing to UGA or not winning the conference is the sole decider. If we get to 9 wins and win a stupid bowl game, it will buy more time.

We just had a solid recruiting class. I just don't see the point of firing a coach like Johnson after four years - in which he beat UGAg on the road, won an ACC title, and got us into a BCS bowl. I think he's earned three more seasons to show us what he's said he can do.
We just had a solid recruiting class. I just don't see the point of firing a coach like Johnson after four years - in which he beat UGAg on the road, won an ACC title, and got us into a BCS bowl. I think he's earned three more seasons to show us what he's said he can do.

He'll probably get at least that. Beej was suggesting 7 more years after winning the ACC or 9 total. If we only win 6 or 7 the next two years and lose the bowl and UGA games, I'll be calling for his head. If we don't even make a bowl game this year, I'll consider it a failed experiment.
IMHO, the next 3-4 years will be awesome if for no other reason
but CPJ will have HIS players in place and will not be having
To "retrain" players cut out for a pro-set offense:

BTW, in 7 years, Gailey never won in Charlottesville
and never beat FSU. CPJ did both in the first 2 years.
Gailey lost to Duke 41-17 which was Dukes first ACC
Win in about 10 years. Gailey sucked ass.

As for UGAG, IMHO, losing Nesbitt for the entire 2nd Qtr
made a huge difference in that outcome. In 2010,
not having Nesbitt was the ENTIRE difference I that outcome.
Losing him in 2010 vs VPISU was huge.
How many times do you think GT has won over 60% of their games in a season since 1980? And remember that CPJ has done it 3 out of his first 4 years. How many times do you think GT has won over 65% of their games in a season since 1980? And remember that CPJ has done it 2 out of his first 4 years. Set your expecations accordingly.
IMHO, the next 3-4 years will be awesome if for no other reason
but CPJ will have HIS players in place and will not be having
To "retrain" players cut out for a pro-set offense:

BTW, in 7 years, Gailey never won in Charlottesville
and never beat FSU. CPJ did both in the first 2 years.
Gailey lost to Duke 41-17 which was Dukes first ACC
Win in about 10 years. Gailey sucked ass.

As for UGAG, IMHO, losing Nesbitt for the entire 2nd Qtr
made a huge difference in that outcome. In 2010,
not having Nesbitt was the ENTIRE difference I that outcome.
Losing him in 2010 vs VPISU was huge.

Everything you listed as good accomplishments were done with those retrained pro style players, so if having his players makes that big of a difference we should be in for a really good few years.
Everything you listed as good accomplishments were done with those retrained pro style players, so if having his players makes that big of a difference we should be in for a really good few years.

We are. That's the point.

And it's all going to start on Sept 3rd vs VPISU.

I'll repeat my prediction for that game:

GT wins 35-17. Then, all you CPJ doubters can SHTU.

Lastly, I'll add my prediction from last season:

Beamer will retire at the end of the 2012 season.
Lastly, I'll add my prediction from last season:

Beamer will retire at the end of the 2012 season.

Maybe if Logan Thomas goes pro. Otherwise I dont know why he wouldnt at least see how far that kid can take his team in 2013
Maybe if Logan Thomas goes pro. Otherwise I dont know why he wouldnt at least see how far that kid can take his team in 2013

Some of us can't tell the difference between wishful thinking and precognition. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I guess.