What are folks thinking about Paul Johnson these days?

Oh, and PJ is safe until the 2014 campaign barring some catastrophic collapse during '12 or '13 which I highly doubt. It is probably gonna come down to the UGAg game @ BDS in 2013. The result of that game will have mega-implications on CPJ's future at GT.
this seems to be a shared opinion, but he has some fantastic qb and oline recruits, which are going to be the most important spots for this offense, and we should see in the next couple of years what the true ceiling is for his offense. i think his seat is a bit warm because of uga and bowl games though.
We gave Chan seven, so I figure we owe CPJ at least 5 more if we're going to be fair about it, heh.

No we didn't. Chan had 6 years, not seven. He also had a generally upward trend.

Gailey came in as a pro-coach without an idea about academics at GT and without recruiting connections. He had to go through flunkgate and learn the college game. His trend was generally upward, as the 2007 recruiting class showed. GT may have been stupid to hire a guy with no experience at this level, but once you do it, expect mistakes.

Johnson came in as a top 15 paid coach who had been in the college game. He makes $1,000,000 a year more than Gailey because he is supposedly worth that much more than Gailey.

Johnson not only did not have a flunkgate, he had the better talent than Gailey ever had-- thanks to Gailey. He did well with it.

With his own recruits, he has given us Gailey like results--at $1,000,000 a year more and a much bigger buy out.

Those who say he is better than Gailey because of what he did in 2008 and 2009 forget that those were Gailey recruits. Being a head coach INCLUDES recruiting, and so far, Johnson's results with Johnson's recruits are very Gailey like. Spin it how you want to to satisfy your own prejudices, but the objective facts indicate that he is the second coming of Chan--so far at least.

Maybe more accurately, he is just like Friedgen at Maryland. Did well with the last guy's recruits, but not so well with his own. Again, the Head Coach is responsible for recruiting, not just showing up on game day.

You want a yardstick? Ross won a National Championship in his fourth year. O'Leary produced a top 10 team in his fourth full year after cleaning up the Lewis mess.

What has Johnson done? His fourth year team (2011) wasn't even in Sagarin's top 50. He has not shown that he has what it takes to be a head coach at the BCS level. Again, spin it how you like, but the facts are otherwise.

Give him more time? Why? Only because he has a contract that Homer Rice would never have signed.
What has Johnson done? His fourth year team (2011) wasn't even in Sagarin's top 50. He has not shown that he has what it takes to be a head coach at the BCS level. Again, spin it how you like, but the facts are otherwise.

Give him more time? Why? Only because he has a contract that Homer Rice would never have signed.

While I support CPJ it's hard to argue these points. CBR and CGO'L inherited messes and provided undeniable results. Both coached prior to the intraweb but don't recall the "can he or can he not" get the job done after year 4. There were some grumblings about "Big Bee' later in his tenure. But we can thank terrible defenses and the introduction of the internet for that.:wink:
Jacketup makes a compelling argument. I feel that if CPJ doesn't have a really stellar year in 2012 or 2013 he will most likely be fired. Or we just his contract run out. I suppose the real question would be who do we hire to replace him?
15 days 'til kickoff and StingTalk has already turned into a troll board.

Grow a pair. Georgia Tech is going to have a great season.
15 days 'til kickoff and StingTalk has already turned into a troll board.

Grow a pair. Georgia Tech is going to have a great season.

I'm pretty sure this place is perennially a troll board.

That being said I am ever the optimist about GT Football. We'll get VippySue, U[sic]GA, and a bowl win this year.
You know that we're all hard up for some football because this thread and subject don't deserve this many stupid posts.
No we didn't. Chan had 6 years, not seven. He also had a generally upward trend.

Gailey came in as a pro-coach without an idea about academics at GT and without recruiting connections. He had to go through flunkgate and learn the college game. His trend was generally upward, as the 2007 recruiting class showed. GT may have been stupid to hire a guy with no experience at this level, but once you do it, expect mistakes.

Johnson came in as a top 15 paid coach who had been in the college game. He makes $1,000,000 a year more than Gailey because he is supposedly worth that much more than Gailey.

Johnson not only did not have a flunkgate, he had the better talent than Gailey ever had-- thanks to Gailey. He did well with it.

With his own recruits, he has given us Gailey like results--at $1,000,000 a year more and a much bigger buy out.

Those who say he is better than Gailey because of what he did in 2008 and 2009 forget that those were Gailey recruits. Being a head coach INCLUDES recruiting, and so far, Johnson's results with Johnson's recruits are very Gailey like. Spin it how you want to to satisfy your own prejudices, but the objective facts indicate that he is the second coming of Chan--so far at least.

Maybe more accurately, he is just like Friedgen at Maryland. Did well with the last guy's recruits, but not so well with his own. Again, the Head Coach is responsible for recruiting, not just showing up on game day.

You want a yardstick? Ross won a National Championship in his fourth year. O'Leary produced a top 10 team in his fourth full year after cleaning up the Lewis mess.

What has Johnson done? His fourth year team (2011) wasn't even in Sagarin's top 50. He has not shown that he has what it takes to be a head coach at the BCS level. Again, spin it how you like, but the facts are otherwise.

Give him more time? Why? Only because he has a contract that Homer Rice would never have signed.

THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!

All the evidence needed to prove that GT should have NEVER EVER hired Gailey to begin with.

Thanks for proving Gailey was a crappy hire.
No we didn't. Chan had 6 years, not seven. He also had a generally upward trend.

How on earth do you figure Chan had an 'upward trend?' He lost the same number of games every single year he was here. EDSBS even had a special article on the "Gailey Equlibrium Factor." That does not come from a coach that's "trending" anywhere.

Chan never went to anything other than a middle tier bowl, and was good for 5 losses a season, every season.

Chan never achieved any of our program's objectives, not once.

If PJ loses to Georgia in 2012 and in 2013, then I'll consider this discussion. Not beforehand. It boggles my mind how differently he would have been perceived if we didn't miss an extra point in 2010 and have our 1st round draft pick drop a wide open pass on fourth down in 2009. Bank those wins vs Georgia and someone'd get shot for even remotely posting the crap you're spewing.

Paul Johnson's quarterbacks know what f*cking down it is when it's fourth down, and don't give the other team more points than they gain yards.


Oh, also, no GT team in the past 30 years has had more talent than we had in 2006. We had more future NFL players on that team than Georgia may have that entire decade. Go back and look at that roster, and explain to me how exactly we lost to Wake Forest 6 to 3.

Make your explanation long, and detailed, and be sure you discuss all aspects of how awesome Gailey was as a coach.


How on earth do you figure Chan had an 'upward trend?' He lost the same number of games every single year he was here. EDSBS even had a special article on the "Gailey Equlibrium Factor." That does not come from a coach that's "trending" anywhere.

Chan never went to anything other than a middle tier bowl, and was good for 5 losses a season, every season.

Chan never achieved any of our program's objectives, not once.

If PJ loses to Georgia in 2012 and in 2013, then I'll consider this discussion. Not beforehand. It boggles my mind how differently he would have been perceived if we didn't miss an extra point in 2010 and have our 1st round draft pick drop a wide open pass on fourth down in 2009. Bank those wins vs Georgia and someone'd get shot for even remotely posting the crap you're spewing.

Paul Johnson's quarterbacks know what f*cking down it is when it's fourth down, and don't give the other team more points than they gain yards.



---- I forgot about the missed extra point in 2010. You had to mention that? Seriously?
