why red shirting QB may be stupid.....

So, apparently his gf is going to run track at ECU and that is why he is thinking about POSSIBLY transferring and is going to talk to his parents about it.

His last tweet makes me think that the staff is making him think about growing up and just dealing with being far from home.

Also, Tevin will be back for spring, but may not be back in the fall should he get beat out in the spring.
You haven't a single clue how well Vad would have played this season. I don't either. It's called speculation. If he gave us the best chance to win, CPJ would have played him. If you can't grasp that simple concept, you're ----ing retart.

Try to be realistic for once and get your head out of Vad's ass. I'm sure the kid can hold his own without you trailing him.

I'm not saying Vad should have been awarded the starting job. But if the QB position had been developed from the beginning of the season, then at least we might have had more options for the UGA game. Put him out there in mop up duty against Kansas/MTSU and see what he does. But no. We would rather play Darrell Dickey than burn that precious redshirt. It seems to me that we pinned the entire season's hopes on TW without much of a backup plan.

I have no clue what would possess PJ to redshirt a talent like Vad, especially with the lack of QB depth going into the season and TW's past performance. This isn't Navy where all of your players are projects. You need to somehow get your most talented players on the field...period..
I think CPJ's plan was to burn Vad's redshirt but THEN...Tevin started off 6-0.

Kind of a deal breaker.

CPJ to Vad: "Just be patient you 17 year old sumbitch".
Either someone with some facts needs to stop this speculating, or everyone needs to be quiet. This may be too late to say though as meltdown mode has been going ever since that darn ugay game.
I'm not saying Vad should have been awarded the starting job. But if the QB position had been developed from the beginning of the season, then at least we might have had more options for the UGA game. Put him out there in mop up duty against Kansas/MTSU and see what he does. But no. We would rather play Darrell Dickey than burn that precious redshirt. It seems to me that we pinned the entire season's hopes on TW without much of a backup plan.

I have no clue what would possess PJ to redshirt a talent like Vad, especially with the lack of QB depth going into the season and TW's past performance. This isn't Navy where all of your players are projects. You need to somehow get your most talented players on the field...period..
Maybe he wasn't ready? We've only ever seen him against high schools players who, in general, are pretty bad at football. We don't know what kind of talent he is - everyone looks like a ----ing all-world superstar in their recruiting videos.
I may transfer from Sting Talk, if I have to put up with Vad Lee threads over the next week. :wink:
There was also some talk on another board saying that Vad feels like Days would be the starter for the next couple of years, that he seems to have lost his confidence like he did early in the season.
I think CPJ's plan was to burn Vad's redshirt but THEN...Tevin started off 6-0.

Kind of a deal breaker.

CPJ to Vad: "Just be patient you 17 year old sumbitch".
Nah, he would have played him against WCU if that were the case.

However, I don't think you're entirely wrong. I think there's a good chance PJ did plan on playing Vad but Tevin impressed too much.

He might have really screwed us by being good enough to not play Vad early and by the time Tevin went downhill it was too late to burn the shirt.
If Vad has been repping with the team the whole season, and has not yet improved enough to burn the shirt, then maybe the writing is on the wall.

Maybe he's struggling with execution?

If he were the starting QB, there's no way he'd be having thoughts of transferring to ECU. If he sees that maybe he'll not beat out Days, then maybe he has thoughts of transferring to get on the field.
I'm not saying Vad should have been awarded the starting job. But if the QB position had been developed from the beginning of the season, then at least we might have had more options for the UGA game. Put him out there in mop up duty against Kansas/MTSU and see what he does. But no. We would rather play Darrell Dickey than burn that precious redshirt. It seems to me that we pinned the entire season's hopes on TW without much of a backup plan.

I have no clue what would possess PJ to redshirt a talent like Vad, especially with the lack of QB depth going into the season and TW's past performance. This isn't Navy where all of your players are projects. You need to somehow get your most talented players on the field...period..

Fair enough. I guess I'm just saying I trust CPJ's decisions more than I trust yours about Vad's readiness to play in this offense. I can see Vad's talent in his recruiting videos but I think you and I both know that there is a steep learning curve so that doesn't always translate so easily to this offense at this level. That and I haven't seen him take a single snap under this offense. In the last article about him on the AJC, Bohannon clearly stated that he had a fast start but Vad hit a plateau (not surprising to me, every QB would).

Admittedly, after the end of last season, I was very excited about all the talk about Synjyn. Look where that got us this year. So I'm not saying I'm not excited as hell to see Vad play. I'm being cautiously realistic about what could've been this year.
The reality is the season unfolded in a way TEVIN PLAYING LIGHTS OUT early that it would have been almost impossible to pull Vad's RS


if Vad was the 2nd best QB (NOT EVEN SURE IF HE WAS) then he would have gotten quality minutes and POSSIBLY could have beaten out Tevin.


But I would rather Vad play a few meaningless snaps IF IT KEEPS HIM ENGAGED then he TRANSFER.

we will see how it turns out

if this turns out bad I hope PJ learns from this. If this guy is in the 2 deep and WANTS TO PLAY.....THEN PLAY HIM

I will worry about 2015 IN 2015.
This is extremely short-sighted and frankly pretty stupid. You can worry about 2015 in 2015 because you're a fan and aren't accountable for wins or losses.

All Coach Johnson can do is make the best decision given the information at hand. He has to make decisions that will effect the program for years in advance. If he knew Vad was going to transfer (possibly), he obviously wouldn't have recruited him in the first place.