why red shirting QB may be stupid.....

He doesn't want to be at GT. He doesn't like the offense. He's already met with CPJ.

Unless his parents convince him otherwise this weekend he won't be back.

I really, really hope that this is not true, if it is then we are in a world of hurt going forward.
If Vad has been repping with the team the whole season, and has not yet improved enough to burn the shirt, then maybe the writing is on the wall.

Maybe he's struggling with execution?

If he were the starting QB, there's no way he'd be having thoughts of transferring to ECU. If he sees that maybe he'll not beat out Days, then maybe he has thoughts of transferring to get on the field.

If he can't beat out Days or doesn't think he can, I don't want him here anyway. You all are forgetting about the the competitive nature of football. Why the hell do some of you seem to want to have CPJ give him the job.. like he owns it or something..
I swear to God if this is about a girl, I will release a raging fury that will create a black hole in the middle of Atlanta that will suck all signs of life on earth into it.

If this is about grades, then that's understandable, but everything gets better after the first year.

That girl will still be there 4-5 years down the road goddamnit. Live your freaking life first. If she breaks up with you because you're freaking six hours away from her (ever heard of Skype?), then she probably isn't the one then.
What the frack is going on around here? I don't read a ---- forum for a day and all hell has broken loose.

Edit: seriously, that's filtered? You can get away with that word on the Disney channel.
What does deleting a twitter account have to with staying or leaving? Is twitter location specific or something? Will his twitter account not work in NC?

Maybe he had a chat with CPJ and they decided they were both tired of people reading too much into his tweets and starting internet rumors based on them...

+1 ... maybe Vad grew tired of tweeting "time for bite to eat" and the Jacket universe demanding to know what, where, with whom.
1. I'm glad that CPJ redshirted Vad this year. If he was so great, he would have started.
2. If he leaves, we move on. This is COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Players come. Players go.
3. We still have TW and SD. They are good QBs that can give us a good year next season.

This I beg of GT fans:
If Vad leaves, don't crap on Tevin, Synjyn, or CPJ. They are the loyal ones. They have actually set foot on the field. They are the ones we should be rallying behind. If Vad leaves, best wishes to him ... but I'm a GT fan all day, every day. Go Jackets!
If Vad has been repping with the team the whole season, and has not yet improved enough to burn the shirt, then maybe the writing is on the wall.

Maybe he's struggling with execution?

If he were the starting QB, there's no way he'd be having thoughts of transferring to ECU. If he sees that maybe he'll not beat out Days, then maybe he has thoughts of transferring to get on the field.

This is an interesting point.

Jordan Luallen's "reason" for transferring out (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) was because he was homesick and at the time, he was either 3rd or 4th in the depth chart and never could crack the top 2 so maybe he knew he didn't have a realistic chance of competing for the starting job.

If I were Vad, I would think I would be pretty excited about starting next season unless he's not getting good feedback from the coaches and/or he's been struggling in trying to learn the offense.

The whole girlfriend/fiance angle makes sense too (unfortunately) and if true (big if), we know Vad's priorities are different than that of all of us. Not that I would blame the kid. If this is the case, it's up to his parents to sort him out.
If Vad has been repping with the team the whole season, and has not yet improved enough to burn the shirt, then maybe the writing is on the wall.

Maybe he's struggling with execution?

If he were the starting QB, there's no way he'd be having thoughts of transferring to ECU. If he sees that maybe he'll not beat out Days, then maybe he has thoughts of transferring to get on the field.

Joe Hamilton redshirted and he did alright.

And once again: Steven Threet. Vad can look at history to see how well transferring for a girl works out over the long-term.
6 hours is a weekend jaunt.
I know, if he's really depressed over that distance he's a sissy. I live 15 hours from my girlfriend, am in grad school, and you don't see me whining all over Twitter.
So, apparently his gf is going to run track at ECU and that is why he is thinking about POSSIBLY transferring and is going to talk to his parents about it.

His last tweet makes me think that the staff is making him think about growing up and just dealing with being far from home.

Also, Tevin will be back for spring, but may not be back in the fall should he get beat out in the spring.

sounds like a trip to Magic City is needed.....kidding of course
I recall all of us prasing Vad for his loyalty and maturity when he was tweeting good things about GT and the progarm last year. He hasn't changed, and is likely wrestling with what he feels is in his best interests. If he transfers, I would wish him well (as long as it's not uga which I doubt) and GT will go on and survive. If he transfers, he will have decided that he doesn't want to be here for whatever reason, and it would do no one good to try and stop him. Only further dissatisfaction would ensue, and it would likely spew over to the field.
If my wife and I could do it...Vad Lee can do it...

I also thought about transferring and it was the best decision I made NOT to. Eventually both of them will get over the distance, it will just become a part of their life.
I know, if he's really depressed over that distance he's a sissy. I live 15 hours from my girlfriend, am in grad school, and you don't see me whining all over Twitter.

We don't hear her complaining either :lol:
What the frack is going on around here? I don't read a ---- forum for a day and all hell has broken loose.

Edit: seriously, that's filtered? You can get away with that word on the Disney channel.
So Deke, don't hold anything back!!:rotfl: Tell us how you really feel!
What I know - and I'm no insider.

My season tickets are in front of the parents of a player (I haven't ever met the son) The father told me Saturday during the game that the word was Vad was transferring to East Carolina.

Then he texted me last night to say he just had dinner with his son and was told Vad had asked for his "transfer papers".

He may change his mind, but it doesn't sound good.
What I know - and I'm no insider.

My season tickets are in front of the parents of a player (I haven't ever met the son) The father told me Saturday during the game that the word was Vad was transferring to East Carolina.

Then he texted me last night to say he just had dinner with his son and was told Vad had asked for his "transfer papers".

He may change his mind, but it doesn't sound good.

Thanks for the info.
He doesn't want to be at GT. He doesn't like the offense. He's already met with CPJ.

Unless his parents convince him otherwise this weekend he won't be back.

The GT offense is not exactly a state secret. Surely, he watched GT some games before committing. So I don't see why he would come to GT if he didn't think he would like the offense. Didn't he run something similar in highschool?
1. I'm glad that CPJ redshirted Vad this year. If he was so great, he would have started.
2. If he leaves, we move on. This is COLLEGE FOOTBALL. Players come. Players go.
3. We still have TW and SD. They are good QBs that can give us a good year next season.

This I beg of GT fans:
If Vad leaves, don't crap on Tevin, Synjyn, or CPJ. They are the loyal ones. They have actually set foot on the field. They are the ones we should be rallying behind. If Vad leaves, best wishes to him ... but I'm a GT fan all day, every day. Go Jackets!


But he REALLY needs to think hard about it. As others have pointed out, the grass is not always greener.