Ok colors:
Gold-aspects the sun, heart or will. Good color to wear. Day is Sunday.
White- full spectrum of light; purity; the most high God. More to do with transcendental or heavenly.
Navy blue- blue and black
Blue-expansion; luck. The sky. aspects Jupiter/ Zeus. Day is Thursday.
Black- full spectrum of color; aspects Saturn. Contraction/ limits. Day is Saturday- Dies saturni Latin.
Wear gold and navy blue. Black shoes.
Green -aspects love and venus. If you want to help get Venus on our side, refrain from eating beef after dark tonight. She rules over Taurus and cows.
Orange- Mercury aspects speed and communication. I wouldn't mess with him; he's a trickster.
Also, their mascot is a bird, so eat chicken and imagine tech chewing them up, as you are chewing it up.
Magic is about your subconscious will, colors and other things like ritual, work on your subconscious. Just like the red and yellow of fast food signs, they are there to work on your subconscious.