Dwags want access to Buster through playoffs...

Not that I have seen. I hacked into the AJC firewall and read the article but it was just Kirby saying he was negotiating with Buster and Brent, whatever that means. He did seem to sound like he thought it was no big deal and as good as done minus some paperwork, though.

But then again he does get his hair done at supercuts.
The fact that Kirby calls him Brent makes me sick to my ööööing stomach. He’s Coach Key to you motheröööööö.
@ThisIsAtlanta Bronco Mendenhall, Steve Sarkisian, Jeremy Pruitt, and Kevin Wilson are all other recent examples.

As Akinji points out though, these are all on-field coaches.
As before, I can't argue your logic. I will say that we are a bit of a unique case as the other team in question is our biggest rival.
Faulkner is not going to help them.

Kirby knew exactly what he was doing when he said that. He knew the AJC would pick up on it. He knew that our fans would be in disarray over simply the INSINUATION of helping georgie.

They're trying to take away our peace. They're trying to take away our unity. They're trying to take away what Coach Key has built in such a short time.

But we won't let them. The clown show is over. The civil war is done. We will try our hardest, 365 days a year, to defeat the Adversary. To crush them. To cast them into the outer darkness. To Hell with Georgia!
öööö Key too if he lets it happen. He said we will work 365 days a year to dominate uga and gave me hope that we finally have a coach who hates them as much as I do. Unless he’s sending him as a spy to öööö öööö up this is unacceptable.

This is exactly what he should be doing.
My finger got tired of clowning every cuck post in this thread so I’m just gonna spell it out. Stop being goddamn losers and being OK with helping uga in any way. He took a job with us and if he can’t leave his current team, I don’t care who the öööö it is but especially the cesspool U, then he go back to being an analyst there and not the OC for Georgia Tech. Get your goddamn ööööing minds rite. What the öööö is wrong with you?
Reference Ralph Friedgen Georgia Tech vs. LSU Chick-Filet Peach Bowl 2000. George Godsey had a rough game because Fridge was not on the sideline. He left immediately for Maryland in November that year, and we lost on the count of it, only scoring 14 pts.

once you sign a new contract, your old job is over. You move on the old team is no longer your employer. Your loyalties belong to your new employer.
Faulkner is not going to help them.

Kirby knew exactly what he was doing when he said that. He knew the AJC would pick up on it. He knew that our fans would be in disarray over simply the INSINUATION of helping georgie.

They're trying to take away our peace. They're trying to take away our unity. They're trying to take away what Coach Key has built in such a short time.

But we won't let them. The clown show is over. The civil war is done. We will try our hardest, 365 days a year, to defeat the Adversary. To crush them. To cast them into the outer darkness. To Hell with Georgia!
Faulkner is not going to help them.

Kirby knew exactly what he was doing when he said that. He knew the AJC would pick up on it. He knew that our fans would be in disarray over simply the INSINUATION of helping georgie.

They're trying to take away our peace. They're trying to take away our unity. They're trying to take away what Coach Key has built in such a short time.

But we won't let them. The clown show is over. The civil war is done. We will try our hardest, 365 days a year, to defeat the Adversary. To crush them. To cast them into the outer darkness. To Hell with Georgia!
Faulkner is not going to help them.

Kirby knew exactly what he was doing when he said that. He knew the AJC would pick up on it. He knew that our fans would be in disarray over simply the INSINUATION of helping georgie.

They're trying to take away our peace. They're trying to take away our unity. They're trying to take away what Coach Key has built in such a short time.

But we won't let them. The clown show is over. The civil war is done. We will try our hardest, 365 days a year, to defeat the Adversary. To crush them. To cast them into the outer darkness. To Hell with Georgia!

I think maybe you're giving them too much credit.
My take first and foremost. Mutts go shove it. No way we allow this. Why? Simple we hate that program. Consider: let’s learn something about him. Faulkner already has a NC ring. Likely one of his prized possessions. Wonder how prized the second one would be? Question - must you be with the team to get one? Or is it subjective? Not knowing these details my question is what does he want to do? Chase another prized ring or get to work with the job he was hired to do. If we are serious he should be all focused on rebuilding GT. So ask the question. Buster -What do you want to do. If he says help the mutts then we just learned a lot about this hire. If he says no way I want to get to work for GT then he just won over a fan base and stocked up a lot of capital. My two cents. What does he want to do?
I would expect Faulkner to work completely up to our expectations in recruiting right now. Any time in addition he wants to give to Georgia is OK with me. And, I would let him have game days to coach them in the playoffs. The PR of having your new OC on camera in the national playoffs is not bad. Finally, here at the start I would rather Key and Smart have a cordial relationship. No need to start off mad with each other. Wait for Kirby to hate Brent after he starts beating his Mutts with regularity.
I didn't really know how I felt about this at first but the more I think about it the less I like the idea of him spending any time on UGA while very important work has to be done at home. There are only so many hours in the day and even if you have boundless energy and can run full speed for every waking moment, trying to pull "double duty" really means you are doing both half-assed.

I love the hire of OCBF. OCBF left the harbor and sails with the Jackets now. If he wants to go back, he can swim there.