I was of no mind to give clown a pass for the covid season. Everybody had to deal with it. Plus, we were coming off some really embarrassing losses the year before. any good will - and there wasn't much - had been exhausted by the Citadel, Temple, VPI and the beatdown from Georgia.
While MBob certainly did next to nothing for the football program, we had a chance to have a couple of beers with TStan one night in the GT Hotel bar. He'd at least come over there every so often after games. He didn't know us from Adam's house cat, but he said PJ was a "ööööing mad scientist" with the offense and the locker room and players area were a "ööööing disgrace" and was pretty blunt about how that negatively affected recruits' perception of the program
all that aside, the ridiculous contract and clown's utter, abysmal failure as a coach sealed his fate, too.