CG3 Shade Thrown at Tech Students

This is amazing. A simple observation but so much more damaging than any amount of trash talk.

This really can't be understated and is the most damning indictment of the entire Collins regime. Seriously, when you get pity from your arch rival during your rivalry game there is nothing lower.

We had decomposed to such an extent that during COFH you get actual insight from a uga player and quasi sympathy? Not even "Man you guys s-u-u-u-u-u-c-c-c-c-k-k-k-k-k hahahahahaha lolzzzzz" - no, you get "Man, you guys are so unprepared". It was obvious to even leg humping mouth breathers.

This likely answers the question of how it was only 45-0, they could've named their score but even the degenerates felt like it would be morally wrong to kick the ass of a kid with down's syndrome, otherwise they would've scored 70 because that seems like a good humiliating number, but this is actually worse. This is like being upset because you figured you weren't even good enough for the priest who molested all the other altar boys. That is effectively where we were.

Contrast with this year where we had to at least garner a little respect and hopefully received some trash talk during the game as odd as that sounds. Obviously way far away from where we want to be but light years ahead of where we were. There were worse Tech years record wise but I posit that there has never been a worse period of Georgia Tech football than what we just endured.
Smart trying to keep Collins from getting fired. He wanted Collins around as long as possible.
Yup. Watching same thing happened with Saban as he dominated over Tennessee for years with quotes about how great of coaches Dooley, Butch and Pruitt were doing and how they just needed a little more time to get some recruits. Of course he wanted to sing their praises.. easy dub!

I wish Tech had an opposing coach on the schedule that we could feel that way about. Maybe it used to be Duke but they got better with Cutcliffe, Dabo was fun in the early years before he started winning all the time. Can't even say Mac Brown at UNC because I do think he is a legit threat to beat GT even though they have failed in spectacular fashion the past 2 years.
Smart trying to keep Collins from getting fired. He wanted Collins around as long as possible.

Perhaps but I think it much more likely he felt like he was beating up kids on the short bus.

Given our history, I highly doubt Smart was thinking "we better keep this Collins guy around because if Georgia Tech gets anyone else we are in serious danger". Much more likely, being the arrogant asshole that he is, thinks it doesn't much matter who coaches Tech. But, he's just not enough of an asshole to pummel drooling retards (normally we leave the drooling to them).
Losers lose.
Any legal recourse to get out of buy out given the disparaging stance by the loser?
I'm not sure what he is mad about? He did a terrible ( way beyond incompetent) job and the record shows it .Even more so with what KEY did after him,
Who got hurt more--Collins with millions and hurt reputation-- or --GaTech football with its future to be a major college fball factor basically close being destroyed and with the loss of millions in attendance revs putting us much more in a financial predicament..