College Game Is Dying/How do we save it [RIP NCAA Catchall Thread]

There will be a “salary cap” when the dust settles. Some of you need to relax a little. The Wild Wild West of NIL etc where the businesses and boosters are left holding the bag when a player like Ewers leaves tOSU after 1 year will no longer happen. Players will sign deals with requirements in order to reach full payment.

Coaches down at the Peach Bowl Classic golf event told Rick Neuheisel they are ready for this whole thing to be regulated with rules and structure in place. And who was Rick’s teammate again? Brent Key. You don’t think CBK has insight into what the future with all this is? The settlement had to be finished and agreed upon first, before the next steps can start to stabilize CFB and CBB.

So in the salary cap era, are there walk ons? And how do the have nots relate to the haves in that situation?
Welcome to the year 2000. The college game has been dead a long time. Just because many put their head in the sand while colleges built dynasties thru Benjamin’s in Burger King bags doesn’t mean that now the sport is dead. Guys like me have been screaming forever about the rampant cheating and no one wanted to listen. Now, that it’s legal suddenly the sport is ending?

There have been only 4-8 teams with a chance for decades. I love the new system because now guys like Kirby have to spread the wealth because it’s all known and the players are a bunch of whiny jealous athletes. You give 4 star A 200K, you better give it to 4 star B, C, and D or they’ll transfer. GT has more 4 stars than ever because of the portal. I think it’s awesome and if some of you want to leave because as Capt. Renault once famously said that he was “shocked that gambling is going on in here” then so be it.
Exactly how is the GTAA going to afford $20M in payments to players? Without cutting almost every other sport entirely.
As usual in the world of college athletics "the rich will get richer". With the negative changes impacting college sports I grow even more apathetic. With the rising cost of a college degree, I always felt the compensation of a free ride via a college scholarship was plenty compensation. Oh well all you can do as a fan is either continue to support or don't.
Exactly how is the GTAA going to afford $20M in payments to players? Without cutting almost every other sport entirely.
So sky screaming about things that won’t happen is your worry? Some of you are just over the top with your doom and gloom.

The world is not ending and neither will college sports. If you don’t want to watch or attend then don’t. But to act like the world is imploding because of changes in payment systems is laughable.
So sky screaming about things that won’t happen is your worry? Some of you are just over the top with your doom and gloom.

The world is not ending and neither will college sports. If you don’t want to watch or attend then don’t. But to act like the world is imploding because of changes in payment systems is laughable.
Your suggestion would seem to be give more money. I’m not gonna do that. Money and peoples willingness to throw it at these high school kids is the entire problem.

The other issue is these collectives now. Are they part of the school’s payout? Or just bonus money players can get. If it’s the latter, which I think it is, then large state schools in affluent areas will be pretty well off in this model.
Your suggestion would seem to be give more money. I’m not gonna do that. Money and peoples willingness to throw it at these high school kids is the entire problem.

The other issue is these collectives now. Are they part of the school’s payout? Or just bonus money players can get. If it’s the latter, which I think it is, then large state schools in affluent areas will be pretty well off in this model.
These high school kids that you speak of are the whole reason people gather at these football games. Do you think we are all going to turn on our TV to watch over weight middle aged people dressed in polyester tailgate?
These high school kids that you speak of are the whole reason people gather at these football games. Do you think we are all going to turn on our TV to watch over weight middle aged people dressed in polyester tailgate?
My mistake. Let’s give them even more money. So sorry to bash your idols.
What we really have now is age group pro football. IMO we will eventually end up with top level AGPF teams sponsored by universities and corporations, or maybe corporations as title sponsors for university teams. The GM Michigan Wolverines, or something like that. So maybe we will see matchups between Notre Dame and the Facebook Trolls or Phillips66-Oklahoma Sooners vs the Elon Muskoxes. The dominant force in women's agegroup pro sports will, of course, be Amazon. (Note to Bezos: A can't miss marketing opportunity here.)

GT will have two symbolic vehicles, The Wreck and the Hyundai Buzzmobile. We will become Atlanta's team and crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women.

Below this level, college football will simply be... college football. Real student-athletes. Localized fanbases.
I originally thought a second minor league NFL was going to pop up. I did not realize that College was just that. We have monetized our fan bases and those who 'have' or 'have more' will outperform those who don't. I don't think GT is on the competitive side of that equation, nor do I think we want to be when you look at what it takes to achieve 'competition at the championship level.'

For GT, this would mean an overhaul of Major sectors of the Institution: Complete Athlete-friendly degree tracks that are NOT named management. (Unpopular opinion) Admissions need to prefer those who are more likely to be ticket-buying/football-donating alumni, basically more good ol'boys and less international.

I do not know if GT wants or even should do something like that. It would change the very foundation of the institution. All for football? I do not forsee a future where GT stays an elite Engineering school and a top-tier football. Maybe if it were possible to go from public to private institution, but again 'foundation-altering changes.' The choice does not need to be made yet, but it IS coming and probably during J Batt and Cabrera's tenure.
We will become Atlanta's team and crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women.
Your suggestion would seem to be give more money. I’m not gonna do that. Money and peoples willingness to throw it at these high school kids is the entire problem.

The other issue is these collectives now. Are they part of the school’s payout? Or just bonus money players can get. If it’s the latter, which I think it is, then large state schools in affluent areas will be pretty well off in this model.
The thing is I don’t like it either but I hated the old system too. The college model of years of old has been dead a long time and many of us have known it. But a lot of fans, like you, are just waking up to the fact that players have been paid which has caused some schools to rise over the past 4 decades while others have fallen for their refusal to do it. It’s easy to see which schools fit into which category. And I certainly am not in the “give more” crowd. I root for the GT jersey and could care less about the person in that uniform since it’s all just business. I rooted for guys like Gibbs and Sims but could care less once they took off the GT jersey. I’ll root for Haynes King but as soon as he takes off that jersey I won’t care.

The supply of players is vast so I’m not worried in the least. There will always be another player ready to take a spot. As for the rich getting richer thought process, that’s been happening for 40 years so I laugh at this notion. UGA and Bama are not nearly as strong top to bottom because of the portal. That’s why Michigan was able to beat the SEC. Players don’t want to sit and with the large number of D1 schools in the south it’s easy now to move from team to team while parents are still within driving distance. Michigan and Ohio State don’t have near the competition for players in the Midwest. You have like 5 legit football schools up there (Mich, OSU, Mich St, ND, and Purdue) while down here a kid from Alabama or Georgia has 13 options (Bama, Auburn, UGA, GT, Clemson, FSU, SC, Florida, Miami, Tenn, Kentucky, Ole Miss, and Miss St). The portal is the best thing that could have happened for a school like GT.
We had an opportunity to make things better and blew it. Let athletes and their parents, agents, friends make all the money they can because the fact that they are a college athlete has some monetary value in the marketplace. NCAA should have let the market work and simply insisted that its schools only provide scholarships that can represent the true and full cost of attending. The LSU gymnast or a Caleb Williams get rich while most athletes get a little spending cash.

The big schools and power conferences could not stand the thought of money they did not control. So, the collectives quickly emerged and now we have a mess. It is a virtual play to play system and combined with easy transfer rules things are chaotic. But, the Big 10 and SEC and Georgias and Alabamas prefer this because they know their collectives will be the deepest.

Now, I would favor the NCAA split into a collectives and no collectives two groups. The one group is virtually pay for play and the athletes are employees. The other group provides scholarships that can include tuition, fees, books, room and board and an agreed upon, reasonable stipend. Players can make money based on their NIL. The schools are not involved. This actually protects the schools who are not bound to play the athlete with the big NIL. Buyer beware of paying too much for a player who may ride the bench.

If we split along these lines I would be happy for Georgia Tech to be in the no collectives group, no matter who is with us. Thinking that we are going to do well in a pay for play system alongside the Ohio States, Bamas, Georgias, Penn States, Michigans and Texases is foolish. I would much rather give my money to the AT Fund to support scholarships for all of our athletes and hope some of them do well with their NIL income than give to a collective that Kirby and the Dawgs will laugh at because of its relatively small size.
Said that on here about 4 months ago.
Standards in HS will go away for the best athletes, especially in crappy districts (if isn't already happening).
We had an opportunity to make things better and blew it. Let athletes and their parents, agents, friends make all the money they can because the fact that they are a college athlete has some monetary value in the marketplace. NCAA should have let the market work and simply insisted that its schools only provide scholarships that can represent the true and full cost of attending. The LSU gymnast or a Caleb Williams get rich while most athletes get a little spending cash.

The big schools and power conferences could not stand the thought of money they did not control. So, the collectives quickly emerged and now we have a mess. It is a virtual play to play system and combined with easy transfer rules things are chaotic. But, the Big 10 and SEC and Georgias and Alabamas prefer this because they know their collectives will be the deepest.

Now, I would favor the NCAA split into a collectives and no collectives two groups. The one group is virtually pay for play and the athletes are employees. The other group provides scholarships that can include tuition, fees, books, room and board and an agreed upon, reasonable stipend. Players can make money based on their NIL. The schools are not involved. This actually protects the schools who are not bound to play the athlete with the big NIL. Buyer beware of paying too much for a player who may ride the bench.

If we split along these lines I would be happy for Georgia Tech to be in the no collectives group, no matter who is with us. Thinking that we are going to do well in a pay for play system alongside the Ohio States, Bamas, Georgias, Penn States, Michigans and Texases is foolish. I would much rather give my money to the AT Fund to support scholarships for all of our athletes and hope some of them do well with their NIL income than give to a collective that Kirby and the Dawgs will laugh at because of its relatively small size.

This delineation makes sense.
I'd rather be competitive in the non-collective group than an underachieving/underfunded smaller school in the collective group. Not to mention how the collective avenue MIGHT dilute our academic funding/reputation.

Furthermore, after this ruling, I have no real motivtation to continue my NIL contributions. I will continue to fund AT and season tickets, but really what marginal impact will my NIL contribution make when they are now starting with a $20M and growing fund??? I'll keep my $$ for my kids.
We had an opportunity to make things better and blew it. Let athletes and their parents, agents, friends make all the money they can because the fact that they are a college athlete has some monetary value in the marketplace. NCAA should have let the market work and simply insisted that its schools only provide scholarships that can represent the true and full cost of attending. The LSU gymnast or a Caleb Williams get rich while most athletes get a little spending cash.

The big schools and power conferences could not stand the thought of money they did not control. So, the collectives quickly emerged and now we have a mess. It is a virtual play to play system and combined with easy transfer rules things are chaotic. But, the Big 10 and SEC and Georgias and Alabamas prefer this because they know their collectives will be the deepest.

Now, I would favor the NCAA split into a collectives and no collectives two groups. The one group is virtually pay for play and the athletes are employees. The other group provides scholarships that can include tuition, fees, books, room and board and an agreed upon, reasonable stipend. Players can make money based on their NIL. The schools are not involved. This actually protects the schools who are not bound to play the athlete with the big NIL. Buyer beware of paying too much for a player who may ride the bench.

If we split along these lines I would be happy for Georgia Tech to be in the no collectives group, no matter who is with us. Thinking that we are going to do well in a pay for play system alongside the Ohio States, Bamas, Georgias, Penn States, Michigans and Texases is foolish. I would much rather give my money to the AT Fund to support scholarships for all of our athletes and hope some of them do well with their NIL income than give to a collective that Kirby and the Dawgs will laugh at because of its relatively small size.
I hear you, but because people want to win even if it splits into your 2 groups you will have teams in the 2nd group still buying players under the table because people want to win. That’s been my entire point. Cheating is going to happen no matter what system is in place. There is no enforcement any more because the courts don’t side with enforcement and those who ran the enforcement side were corrupt and put teams like GT on probation while never setting foot in Athens or Tuscaloosa. Hence, we just gotta accept cheating is going to happen in any system. I want ZERO rules. This way anyone can be part of the system. I believe the invisible hand of economics will handle all this. Let UGA pay millions to players. They will get fleeced so many times by players that it will self correct. And lastly, if the schools really wanted to stop the portal business all they have to do is not accept transfers. But because everyone wants to win everyone whines about the portal while giving CPR to the portal. I find it all funny.