Expansion Rumors…

better yet, if they figure out a way out of GOR, let them leave. then when no other conference wants them, force them into a lower payout to re-join acc.

If FSU and Clemson can find a way around the GOR, and the ACC GOR are based on the Big12 GOR, then the best teams from the Big12 and ACC are free to associate however they choose.

It’s probably true that 4 teams from the ACC generate half the league revenue. Same for the Big12. Those teams could improve their per team payout significantly while they wait on the SEC/B1G.

At the same time they can significantly handicap potential rivals from the teams left behind.
How do I know nothing of this?
He was told not to discuss the upcoming interviews that the NCAA ( lame as it was and is) was going to conduct. Yes, the investigator was a former UNC player - from our conference and in our division no less, which was bullshit. However, Dano decided it was best to give the player and CPJ a heads up... dumb... and then appealed and wasted a couple of mil... This is why he was responsible and why the NCAA can go Eff themselves...
Is there
We all keep waiting for the pieces to fall into place so that we can know what the new world of college football will look like, finally. We want the SEC and Big 10 to get on with it and poach all they want to poach.

The problem is Sankey and Petitti will not play ball so that the “big picture” can come into focus. They don’t have to. Sankey can add two coveted pieces like Oklahoma and Texas, let them play a few years, let revenues grow in ways school shares are not diminished, and then if he sees more value out there he will add a team or two again. He could care less about other conferences. He could care less about the good of the game. To schools like Clemson and FSU he can piously, say, “You don’t call us. We will call you, maybe, and only when and if we are good and ready.” Petitti is in pretty much the same place,

Once college ADs and Presidents allowed their greed to allow conferences who can offer huge media payouts to have more power than the collective NCAA schools themselves, the train left the station and it is not slowing down. The SEC and Big 10 are in the position of being in total control over college football. They only have to listen to the media moguls who cut their checks. They will add who they want, when they want, how many they want, and when they want. Period. This is going to be a long and torturous process.

The ACC and Big 12 need to decide once and for all if they want to be distinct and separate conferences and respect one another’s autonomy or if they want to merge and hope they can have a somewhat comparable position as the SEC and Big 10. Trying to do to each other what the two big boys do to them is rather pathetic, a consolation contest.
Is there a more arrogant POS than Sankey? Great for the $$ sign, bad for collegiate athletics... Never seen someone so smug about what he and they are... " Because it means more " ? yes, because his coffers have gotten fat....
Is there

Is there a more arrogant POS than Sankey? Great for the $$ sign, bad for collegiate athletics... Never seen someone so smug about what he and they are... " Because it means more " ? yes, because his coffers have gotten fat....
I forgot to mention a very punchable face as well....
He was told not to discuss the upcoming interviews that the NCAA ( lame as it was and is) was going to conduct. Yes, the investigator was a former UNC player - from our conference and in our division no less, which was bullshit. However, Dano decided it was best to give the player and CPJ a heads up... dumb... and then appealed and wasted a couple of mil... This is why he was responsible and why the NCAA can go Eff themselves...
Oh that whole thing. Now I get it.
Gross. I hate seeing the GT in that box with those other teams.

uNC/NCSt and UVa/VT are coupled by politics.

It leads to a bad dynamic for conference contraction. Duke would carry more weight than NCSt, but only a fool would build in the tobacco road advantage into a new conference. UVa and NCSt barely move the needle when they are at their peak.

Pitt is probably at it’s peak right now in the new cfb order. Even with the Steelers in a lull, they don’t have great numbers.

UL has the potential to make a FSU type rise with low academic standards, but I’m not sure that can be done in the NIL era without a serious bankroll (looking at you SMU).
Gross. I hate seeing the GT in that box with those other teams.

And what positive came from being in the group of seven? Nothing that I can see. As long as Batt and Cabrera have told the Big 10 that we're ready to join when they are and we're keeping our heads down so far not to cause problems for our current conference then that's about the best play so far.

I'd rather not be so vocal on our intentions at this point. I feel like a lot of the agreed expansions in the last year or two weren't very public until the agreements were made. Although I'm not sure since the rest of college football sucks to even watch for me now. Much less pay attention to this stupid conference dating game.
Is it smart for McMurphy to make a comment like this? Seems like it might damage some of his Insider relationships.
Like 'em or not, I just can't believe F$U or Clemson would burn the ACC bridge unless they had some certainty about where they are going to.

This might be some kind of orchestrated deflection away from events that may or may not have happened. What if, for ex, the B1G "hypothetically" made an "unofficial" proposal to F$u about a possible revenue sharing package if they shed any pre-existing conference affiliations. That could potentially open the door to a legal confrontation between the ACC and the B1G.

If any closed-door meetings have taken place between F$U and another conference, it could open a legal can 'o worms and complicate their case against the ACC. Who the heck knows.
Like 'em or not, I just can't believe F$U or Clemson would burn the ACC bridge unless they had some certainty about where they are going to.

I suspect Clemson is smart enough not to burn bridges unless they had certainty about where they're going; they don't know where they're going so they haven't burned any bridges. I also suspect the people in charge at FSU are too stupid to know that they are "new money" and are walking around thinking they are "old money" while the old money people in control of conference memberships smirk at them.
I suspect Clemson is smart enough not to burn bridges unless they had certainty about where they're going; they don't know where they're going so they haven't burned any bridges. I also suspect the people in charge at FSU are too stupid to know that they are "new money" and are walking around thinking they are "old money" while the old money people in control of conference memberships smirk at them.
they've already crossed that bridge, and set it on fire upon crossing it...