Expansion Rumors…

They would be better off going back. I’m sure the PAC 12 would take them back in a heartbeat to get to the required number they need.
They would have never left in the first place if they wanted to be part of the league. You guys think a depleted PAC adding MW schools is some novel idea that they wouldn’t have considered before flying across country and joining the ACC? I don’t mean any ill will towards the PAC and I think they’re doing the best with the cards they had, but the best case scenario for them is to land somewhere financially between the Big12 and AAC. P4 schools are not going to join them unless the ACC collapses.
I really hope Georgia Tech goes to the BiG 10. I dislike all the Carolina teams. I’ve never liked them and they have always had unfair influence in the ACC central command, basketball courts, and on the grid iron.
I don't know what I want here anymore. If we stay in the ACC, I'm confident that at least Clemson and Florida State will bail and be replaced with Appalachian State and Central Florida. If we go to the B1G we'll be stuck with Maryland as our "local" rival and playing blue blood punk bitches nobody cares about. Or we'll inexplicably go independent and be replaced with Notre Dame and the ACC will inexplicably turn juggernaut.
I really hope Georgia Tech goes to the BiG 10. I dislike all the Carolina teams. I’ve never liked them and they have always had unfair influence in the ACC central command, basketball courts, and on the grid iron.

I really hope Georgia Tech goes to the BiG 10. I dislike all the Carolina teams. I’ve never liked them and they have always had unfair influence in the ACC central command, basketball courts, and on the grid iron.
And the conspiracy theories continue…….So if GT goes to the B1G, you’ll then say Michigan, tOSU, PSU, USC, Oregon ‘influence” all decisions.
SEC SEC SEC SEC!! It will never happen but I can dream. I’m one of those old farts who remember us in the SEC as a young child. But even after we left the SEC we continued playing Tennessee, Auburn, and UGA and ocassionally Bama & FL. We also played S. Carolina a lot but they were independent at the time. I would love playing those schools again and we can win in the SEC. Atlanta and GA are SEC territory and our recruiting would improve dramatically.
And the conspiracy theories continue…….So if GT goes to the B1G, you’ll then say Michigan, tOSU, PSU, USC, Oregon ‘influence” all decisions.
Well, the simple reality is the BIG is run like a big professional business whereas the ACC is run like a mom and pop shop off a dirt road. This topic has really already been settled. The ACC will die the minute the GOR is gone (whether it’s thru expiration, court ruling, or negotiated agreement). I guess, sure, 8 teams could leave and 8 teams could join, but is it the same when Clemson, FSU, Miami, GT, UNC, UVA, NC State, SMU are all gone?
Well, the simple reality is the BIG is run like a big professional business whereas the ACC is run like a mom and pop shop off a dirt road. This topic has really already been settled. The ACC will die the minute the GOR is gone (whether it’s thru expiration, court ruling, or negotiated agreement). I guess, sure, 8 teams could leave and 8 teams could join, but is it the same when Clemson, FSU, Miami, GT, UNC, UVA, NC State, SMU are all gone?
Where the öööö do you think GT is going?
Where the öööö do you think GT is going?
GT will be in the BIG along with Miami and UVA. I could also see SMU going. That would give the BIG the largest market in Florida, Georgia, and solidify the mid Atlantic region, and Dallas market. Unless the SEC wants to block and offer GT and Miami, but I doubt it. The 2 conference league is coming. It’s gonna take time but the train is rolling already. I can’t wait.
GT will be in the BIG along with Miami and UVA. I could also see SMU going. That would give the BIG the largest market in Florida, Georgia, and solidify the mid Atlantic region, and Dallas market. Unless the SEC wants to block and offer GT and Miami, but I doubt it. The 2 conference league is coming. It’s gonna take time but the train is rolling already. I can’t wait.
Why the öööö do people want it?
I don't want what college football is becoming, but I do want GT to be relevant at the highest level. This is where CFB is going, unfortunately.
This is the anxious aspect of the whole situation. Tech is in an odd position of conceivably getting left totally out in the cold, maybe in a weak and porous new mid-major ACC while the schools who made the right moves (and had the right value) compete at the new highest level. Or maybe the B1G or the SEC or the XII wants us once Florida State and Clemson and Tobacco Road have wrecked the ACC on their way out. I was going to say "or maybe the ACC won't öööö us all" but I don't think that's even on the table at this point.

I do not know what to expect for Tech, but I don't like some of the potential futures I see for the landscape itself. The money monster has crept in and locked the doors behind it. This thing with MLB helmets being sponsored, in October, is a strong and foul indication of the sorts of things that are coming. Whatever is sacred to you in sports, whatever you love, whatever meaning you find in your passion, none of it means anything to the people who are currently shaping the state and future of college football and they will defile and destroy any and all of it, if it serves their purposes.
Why the öööö do people want it?
There is no consensus on what people want. I accept that. I personally want GT in the SEC so I can go to road games quite easily from south Georgia. But reading the tea leaves I don’t think the SEC cares about having 2 teams an hour apart when UGA already dominates the state. And the BIG offered once and the same metrics are still in place as to why their businessmen offered and it makes sense for them after taking USC/UCLA to want to get into the southeast. Miami, GT, and SMU would give them major TV markets and recruiting ground and all 3 schools fit the academic bill. That’s why I say that. I don’t believe staying in whatever the ACC becomes is a viable option for big time football and I come from a long line of ACC family. The future is a 2 team league outside the NCAA (just like the CFP is outside the NCAA).
. Whatever is sacred to you in sports, whatever you love, whatever meaning you find in your passion, none of it means anything to the people who are currently shaping the state and future of college football and they will defile and destroy any and all of it, if it serves their purposes.
Listen, I totally get what you are lamenting. I do. But, if you look back to a generation ago most sports were very dissimilar as to what they are today. You’ve grown up watching it one way but changes have occurred all along.

I believe the version of college football we have been watching since the mid -70’s was “defiled and destroyed” by the NCAA. How? The NCAA is the governing board of the sport and they allowed the sport to move from student athletes to illiterates and cheaters. Why was UGA not given the death penalty for Herschel? Instead they won a Natty and the NCAA allowed the power programs to live in an alternate world of cheating, illiterates, and Natties. Meanwhile, the GT’s, Penn States, and Notre Dames, who tried to keep to the student-athlete model fell off the map because the NCAA did not enforce their own rules. So we’ve had a completely “defiled” sport with free shoes, crab legs, Camaros, houses, etc. Any team can win a Natty if they are willing to cheat. Pete Carroll proved this. He took a mid level program, bought players, won, left, and then USC went back to mid level. Look at Urban Meyer at both stops. And the NCAA put GT on probation.

The current system of NIL now takes away the major advantage the power schools had for 50 years which was they could pay but if anyone else tried the NCAA would get them. Remember when schools would call the NCAA on each other when recruits would tell them how much it would take to get them? Any future system will be better than the NCAA’s uneven system. If UGA spends 25million and wins a Natty then no problem because everyone will know. At least now GT can decide how much it wants to spend without fear of Dooley calling the NCAA on us.

And lastly, I believe the pursuit of more money will make this sport better because they will make more money by providing better inventory of games that matter. Look at this weekend as a prime example. It’s a garbage weekend of games. There are about 4 games worth watching. The rest are ridiculous including our game.
Listen, I totally get what you are lamenting. I do. But, if you look back to a generation ago most sports were very dissimilar as to what they are today. You’ve grown up watching it one way but changes have occurred all along.

I believe the version of college football we have been watching since the mid -70’s was “defiled and destroyed” by the NCAA. How? The NCAA is the governing board of the sport and they allowed the sport to move from student athletes to illiterates and cheaters. Why was UGA not given the death penalty for Herschel? Instead they won a Natty and the NCAA allowed the power programs to live in an alternate world of cheating, illiterates, and Natties. Meanwhile, the GT’s, Penn States, and Notre Dames, who tried to keep to the student-athlete model fell off the map because the NCAA did not enforce their own rules. So we’ve had a completely “defiled” sport with free shoes, crab legs, Camaros, houses, etc. Any team can win a Natty if they are willing to cheat. Pete Carroll proved this. He took a mid level program, bought players, won, left, and then USC went back to mid level. Look at Urban Meyer at both stops. And the NCAA put GT on probation.

The current system of NIL now takes away the major advantage the power schools had for 50 years which was they could pay but if anyone else tried the NCAA would get them. Remember when schools would call the NCAA on each other when recruits would tell them how much it would take to get them? Any future system will be better than the NCAA’s uneven system. If UGA spends 25million and wins a Natty then no problem because everyone will know. At least now GT can decide how much it wants to spend without fear of Dooley calling the NCAA on us.
I am basically in agreement with all of this. However, pure parity is not necessarily the primary goal, as you said there has never been a truly level and fair playing field. My biggest concern is more the fact that the games themselves, on the field and on the schedule, are being hyper-branded, tweaked unnecessarily under false pretenses, and boiled down to severely simplify what has always been a beautiful tangled mess of a sport, to reduce it to a maximally profitable television/streaming product with the reliable efficiency of a soulless machine like the NFL.

And lastly, I believe the pursuit of more money will make this sport better because they will make more money by providing better inventory of games that matter. Look at this weekend as a prime example. It’s a garbage weekend of games. There are about 4 games worth watching. The rest are ridiculous including our game.
We could and should have scheduling as good as today, every week, without it being necessarily incentivized for endlessly greedy networks and corporate interests. They will give us games which matter within the context of their new version of college football. ie, the games featuring the same top handful teams in the new 2-3 superconferences.

College football, as most of us probably fell in love with it, certainly had/has plenty of room for improvement and change. But I think you have far too much faith in the people making those changes, and in a positive influence by financial incentives. Generally I think money is corrupting and destroying everything it flows into, so I was pretty pessimistic about the future of college football (and humanity) already. But that whole thing with the sponsored baseball helmets really makes me feel sick. I knew the World Series before I really knew anything about myself, and I don't think I'll ever be able to actually watch it again if they're really going to put sponsors on the players, on the helmets, there in your face and now forever part of any moment you might want to remember and cherish. I understand that it doesn't seem to bother most people quite this much, and that bothers the hell out of me too.
I do not know what to expect for Tech, but I don't like some of the potential futures I see for the landscape itself. The money monster has crept in and locked the doors behind it. This thing with MLB helmets being sponsored, in October, is a strong and foul indication of the sorts of things that are coming. Whatever is sacred to you in sports, whatever you love, whatever meaning you find in your passion, none of it means anything to the people who are currently shaping the state and future of college football and they will defile and destroy any and all of it, if it serves their purposes.
The only one to blame for this is remains the most corrupt organization in sports outside of FIFA. The NCAA. This all could have been avoided years ago, but instead they were fine making millions of dollars off SA’s all under the false narrative of “amateurism” in college sports. Once the Supreme Court more or less exposed them in front of the world, it was all over from there.

Think about how they would rule SA’s ineligible for taking minor sponsored gifts, etc when competing in the Olympics. Nothing they have ever done has benefited anyone except themselves. And the day they are no longer affiliated with P4 sports, the better.
There is no consensus on what people want. I accept that. I personally want GT in the SEC so I can go to road games quite easily from south Georgia. But reading the tea leaves I don’t think the SEC cares about having 2 teams an hour apart when UGA already dominates the state. And the BIG offered once and the same metrics are still in place as to why their businessmen offered and it makes sense for them after taking USC/UCLA to want to get into the southeast. Miami, GT, and SMU would give them major TV markets and recruiting ground and all 3 schools fit the academic bill. That’s why I say that. I don’t believe staying in whatever the ACC becomes is a viable option for big time football and I come from a long line of ACC family. The future is a 2 team league outside the NCAA (just like the CFP is outside the NCAA).

Either GT languishes in a depleted ACC (dumb), or they accept a bid to either the B1G or Big12.
Neither conference has a footprint in Atlanta, and therefore one of them will take us IF we decide to abandon the ACC.
There are already two G5 teams in Atlanta. We will not be the third.
However, if we allow one of them to become the Big12's Atlanta team waiting on a B1G/SEC offer, we are dumber than dumb.