Is this what Chan Gailey was like?

3* Calvin Johnson?
That’s 1 player who was a 4*. GT recruiting under CCG was constantly criticized pre 2007 class. You know that. CJ was a generational talent, period.

And at the NFL HOF ceremony, CJ credited Buddy Geis (in attendance) for everything. Not one mention of CCG.
The reason nobody can remember how many years Chan was here is because every ööööing year was the same. No matter how good his players were, he was little better than a .500 coach. It was horrible because half of the fanbase accepted it. öööö anybody that wants to go back to that..
Not my fault these guys can’t math.
That’s 1 player who was a 4*. GT recruiting under CCG was constantly criticized pre 2007 class. You know that. CJ was a generational talent, period.

And at the NFL HOF ceremony, CJ credited Buddy Geis (in attendance) for everything. Not one mention of CCG.
So Geis worked independently of Gailey?
I have a question for the mods. I posted a similar thread about Clown but it was deleted. Why is this one ok, but mine wasn’t?

Just trying to up my content.
I don’t recall who coined the phrase “Chanesque”, but it was well put.

Given the circumstances that brought him on board, he was likely the best we could get at the time. His pro experience was appreciated, but he seemed already half way out to pasture. The key piece that seemed to be missing was “fire” (which CPJ brought in spades).

And I think his pro mindset had drawbacks too. For example, I recall him once refer to a game 3 as still being “pre-season” and about lost it. Obviously, there is NO pre-season in NCAA. Seemed poorly thought.
In worse world he goes to UGAg. Just glad we got him and enjoyed his time here, unfortunately his out of this world talent never won him more than an ACC costal champion.

Clemson 2004 was magnificent and I'll never forget that, nor the spiderman catch against NC State.

I certainly miss the good ole days of the ACC round robin.

Calvin was the most wasted talent in football ever. uga held him back even in the pros. poor fella got detroited after he got channed.
Chan Gailey had an offense with 6 future NFL players on it including Calvin Johnson and only averaged 18 points per game.
6 years*

He also didn’t pull Tony Hollings out against BYU after he tweaked his knee after rushing for 189 yards and he wound up tearing his ACL on the play he got put back in.

I’m not bitter.
This is a lie. I know, bc Tony Hollings told me the real story.
I'll never forget the 07 VT game at home. Not only because of the jersey fiasco, but how loudly our crowd booed Gailey during the PSA on the jumbotron. I've always wondered if that was the moment when DRAD made up his mind about letting Chan go.
I disagree. The recruiting GT had under O’Leary pre ratings services was much higher. ESPN even credited Bill O’Brien as National Recruiter of the Year back in the late 90’s. Look at some of the players GT had under O’Leary (pre stupid APR) and I’d say it’s more comparable to 2007 and the current class.

What Chan and his staff did was take 2-3* rated players and turn them into All ACC talent. OL Gardner was an example. A 2* with 1 FBS offer and ended up one of the best OL GT had.

Vance Walker. 1* recruit who GT kept from switching to VT late after a VT offer. Ended up in the NFL.

Chan has been credited for being the 1st CFB HC to hire a GM (not going to name who, you can Google the ESPN article) that was eventually picked up by Saban and everyone else. So GT was actually ahead of the curve at one time thanks to CCG.

GT’s downfall on the trail for a while was due to the corrupt NCAA implementing APR (which is not fair to all schools). Thankfully that’s all but gone.
Turned them into All-ACC? I hear you but I would describe Gailey as having a good eye for recognizing players more talented than their rating. Vance Walker and Gardner had talent. Many of us could never get over the 9-6 loss to WF. Also hurting were some less talented UGA teams beating him. I liked Gailey because he tended to play tough teams tough and close. I was for giving him one more year.
Turned them into All-ACC? I hear you but I would describe Gailey as having a good eye for recognizing players more talented than their rating. Vance Walker and Gardner had talent. Many of us could never get over the 9-6 loss to WF. Also hurting were some less talented UGA teams beating him. I liked Gailey because he tended to play tough teams tough and close. I was for giving him one more year.
And had refs steal a couple of UGAg games from us.
I'll never forget the Maryland game at College Park in 2002. 485 yards of offense. 10 points. Fridge kicked Gailey's ass. I threw up. And it wasn't because I drank too much. Well, not entirely because I drank too much.