There are a number of fundamental things that have changed in the last 25 or so years, most of which have hurt our competitive position. The APR is one, but the financial arms race has been much larger. It starts with huge TV money driving up NFL riches and filters down to the college level with large fan bases, escalating coaches' salaries, and expensive facilities to lure recruits, the best of whom (from a pro prospect view) have little interest in a rigorous college education. For them, college is the minor leagues, a required step to the NFL. The schools that have competed for a national championship over the past couple of decades are all football factories - nothing like Tech. To pretend that we will somehow be able to recruit (and retain) a superstar coach and staff who will be able to overcome these institutional hurdles and take us to the promised land post CPJ is fantasy. It might be more productive to pray for a Tech version of Phil Knight or T. Boone Pickens.