Players in the Portal [Official "They Gone" Thread]

That is still in place for a second transfer. When someone transfers in they are probably in for the duration.
That restriction is devious. It does nothing to prevent a student-athlete from "upgrading" to a premier program like a Bama. But once you're there you're locked in.

The "no sit out on first transfer" is seemingly designed for top programs to suck talent away from other programs, like Georgia Tech. Yet it also allows top programs to easily discard underperformers.
maybe there should be some compensation given to the school who loses a player to the portal from the receiving school.
Agreed! :) And with the way many programs are spending MILLIONS on these transfers via NIL make it at least the same as the pay the player will receive.
We only lost 2+ days. Should have named Key right after the game Saturday, but not naming him till Tuesday couldn't have hurt that badly. If they had strung it out any longer it would have though.
Actually the way it went down, as an affirmation of what most of the team wanted, could be very positive. Not having to prep for a bowl will allow the coaching staff 2 full time weeks to recruit like hell.